abnf phone uri example

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Oskar Thoren 2019-11-22 15:18:58 +08:00
parent 17c5d87462
commit 1105dfa7fc
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 37 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
telephone-uri = "tel:" telephone-subscriber
telephone-subscriber = global-number / local-number
global-number = global-number-digits *par
local-number = local-number-digits *par context *par
par = parameter / extension / isdn-subaddress
isdn-subaddress = ";isub=" 1*uric
extension = ";ext=" 1*phonedigit
context = ";phone-context=" descriptor
descriptor = domainname / global-number-digits
global-number-digits = "+" *phonedigit DIGIT *phonedigit
local-number-digits =
*phonedigit-hex (HEXDIG / "*" / "#") *phonedigit-hex
domainname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
domainlabel = alphanum
/ alphanum *( alphanum / "-" ) alphanum
toplabel = ALPHA / ALPHA *( alphanum / "-" ) alphanum
parameter = ";" pname ["=" pvalue ]
pname = 1*( alphanum / "-" )
pvalue = 1*paramchar
paramchar = param-unreserved / unreserved / pct-encoded
unreserved = alphanum / mark
mark = "-" / "_" / "." / "!" / "~" / "*" /
"'" / "(" / ")"
pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
param-unreserved = "[" / "]" / "/" / ":" / "&" / "+" / "$"
phonedigit = DIGIT / [ visual-separator ]
phonedigit-hex = HEXDIG / "*" / "#" / [ visual-separator ]
visual-separator = "-" / "." / "(" / ")"
alphanum = ALPHA / DIGIT
reserved = ";" / "/" / "?" / ":" / "@" / "&" /
"=" / "+" / "$" / ","
uric = reserved / unreserved / pct-encoded

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@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
(ns hello-abnf.core
(:require [instaparse.core :as insta]))
(defn foo
"I don't do a whole lot."
(println x "Hello, World!"))
(def phone-uri-parser
(insta/parser "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Engelberg/instaparse/master/test/data/phone_uri.txt"
:input-format :abnf))
(def as-and-bs
"S = AB*
AB = A B
A = 'a'+
B = 'b'+"))
(as-and-bs "aaaaabbbaaaabb")
(phone-uri-parser "tel:+1-201-555-0123")
;; => [:telephone-uri "tel:" [:telephone-subscriber [:global-number [:global-number-digits "+" [:DIGIT "1"] [:phonedigit [:visual-separator "-"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "2"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "0"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "1"]] [:phonedigit [:visual-separator "-"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "5"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "5"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "5"]] [:phonedigit [:visual-separator "-"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "0"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "1"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "2"]] [:phonedigit [:DIGIT "3"]]]]]]