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synced 2025-03-03 09:31:08 +00:00
* Protobuf refactoring stage II. * Remove NoError. * Change trace level for invalid message.
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## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
## This module implementes API for libp2p peer.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
import hashes
import nimcrypto/utils, stew/base58
import crypto/crypto, multicodec, multihash, vbuffer
import protobuf/minprotobuf
import stew/results
export results
maxInlineKeyLength* = 42
# TODO: add proper on disc serialization
# using peer-id protobuf format
PeerID* = object
data*: seq[byte]
PeerIDError* = object of CatchableError
proc pretty*(pid: PeerID): string {.inline.} =
## Return base58 encoded ``pid`` representation.
result = Base58.encode(pid.data)
proc toBytes*(pid: PeerID, data: var openarray[byte]): int =
## Store PeerID ``pid`` to array of bytes ``data``.
## Returns number of bytes needed to store ``pid``.
result = len(pid.data)
if len(data) >= result and result > 0:
copyMem(addr data[0], unsafeAddr pid.data[0], result)
proc getBytes*(pid: PeerID): seq[byte] {.inline.} =
## Return PeerID ``pid`` as array of bytes.
result = pid.data
proc hex*(pid: PeerID): string {.inline.} =
## Returns hexadecimal string representation of ``pid``.
if len(pid.data) > 0:
result = toHex(pid.data)
proc len*(pid: PeerID): int {.inline.} =
## Returns length of ``pid`` binary representation.
result = len(pid.data)
proc cmp*(a, b: PeerID): int =
## Compares two peer ids ``a`` and ``b``.
## Returns:
## | 0 iff a == b
## | < 0 iff a < b
## | > 0 iff a > b
var i = 0
var m = min(len(a.data), len(b.data))
while i < m:
result = ord(a.data[i]) - ord(b.data[i])
if result != 0: return
result = len(a.data) - len(b.data)
proc `<=`*(a, b: PeerID): bool {.inline.} =
(cmp(a, b) <= 0)
proc `<`*(a, b: PeerID): bool {.inline.} =
(cmp(a, b) < 0)
proc `>=`*(a, b: PeerID): bool {.inline.} =
(cmp(a, b) >= 0)
proc `>`*(a, b: PeerID): bool {.inline.} =
(cmp(a, b) > 0)
proc `==`*(a, b: PeerID): bool {.inline.} =
(cmp(a, b) == 0)
proc hash*(pid: PeerID): Hash {.inline.} =
result = hash(pid.data)
proc validate*(pid: PeerID): bool =
## Validate check if ``pid`` is empty or not.
if len(pid.data) > 0:
result = MultiHash.validate(pid.data)
proc hasPublicKey*(pid: PeerID): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``pid`` is small enough to hold public key inside.
if len(pid.data) > 0:
var mh: MultiHash
if MultiHash.decode(pid.data, mh).isOk:
if mh.mcodec == multiCodec("identity"):
result = true
proc extractPublicKey*(pid: PeerID, pubkey: var PublicKey): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if public key was successfully decoded from PeerID
## ``pid``and stored to ``pubkey``.
## Returns ``false`` otherwise.
var mh: MultiHash
if len(pid.data) > 0:
if MultiHash.decode(pid.data, mh).isOk:
if mh.mcodec == multiCodec("identity"):
let length = len(mh.data.buffer)
result = pubkey.init(mh.data.buffer.toOpenArray(mh.dpos, length - 1))
proc `$`*(pid: PeerID): string =
## Returns compact string representation of ``pid``.
var spid = pid.pretty()
if len(spid) <= 10:
result = spid
result = newStringOfCap(10)
for i in 0..<2:
for i in (len(spid) - 6)..spid.high:
proc init*(pid: var PeerID, data: openarray[byte]): bool =
## Initialize peer id from raw binary representation ``data``.
## Returns ``true`` if peer was successfully initialiazed.
var p = PeerID(data: @data)
if p.validate():
pid = p
result = true
proc init*(pid: var PeerID, data: string): bool =
## Initialize peer id from base58 encoded string representation.
## Returns ``true`` if peer was successfully initialiazed.
var p = newSeq[byte](len(data) + 4)
var length = 0
if Base58.decode(data, p, length) == Base58Status.Success:
var opid: PeerID
shallowCopy(opid.data, p)
if opid.validate():
pid = opid
result = true
proc init*(t: typedesc[PeerID], data: openarray[byte]): Result[PeerID, cstring] {.inline.} =
## Create new peer id from raw binary representation ``data``.
var res: PeerID
if not init(res, data):
err("peerid: incorrect PeerID binary form")
proc init*(t: typedesc[PeerID], data: string): Result[PeerID, cstring] {.inline.} =
## Create new peer id from base58 encoded string representation ``data``.
var res: PeerID
if not init(res, data):
err("peerid: incorrect PeerID string")
proc init*(t: typedesc[PeerID], pubkey: PublicKey): Result[PeerID, cstring] =
## Create new peer id from public key ``pubkey``.
var pubraw = ? pubkey.getBytes().orError("peerid: failed to get bytes from given key")
var mh: MultiHash
if len(pubraw) <= maxInlineKeyLength:
mh = ? MultiHash.digest("identity", pubraw)
mh = ? MultiHash.digest("sha2-256", pubraw)
ok(PeerID(data: mh.data.buffer))
proc init*(t: typedesc[PeerID], seckey: PrivateKey): Result[PeerID, cstring] {.inline.} =
## Create new peer id from private key ``seckey``.
PeerID.init(? seckey.getKey().orError("invalid private key"))
proc match*(pid: PeerID, pubkey: PublicKey): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns ``true`` if ``pid`` matches public key ``pubkey``.
let p = PeerID.init(pubkey)
if p.isErr:
pid == p.get()
proc match*(pid: PeerID, seckey: PrivateKey): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns ``true`` if ``pid`` matches private key ``seckey``.
let p = PeerID.init(seckey)
if p.isErr:
pid == p.get()
## Serialization/Deserialization helpers
proc write*(vb: var VBuffer, pid: PeerID) {.inline.} =
## Write PeerID value ``peerid`` to buffer ``vb``.
proc initProtoField*(index: int, pid: PeerID): ProtoField {.deprecated.} =
## Initialize ProtoField with PeerID ``value``.
result = initProtoField(index, pid.data)
proc getValue*(data: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: var PeerID): int {.
deprecated.} =
## Read ``PeerID`` from ProtoBuf's message and validate it.
var pid: PeerID
result = getLengthValue(data, field, pid.data)
if result > 0:
if not pid.validate():
result = -1
value = pid
proc write*(pb: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, pid: PeerID) =
## Write PeerID value ``peerid`` to object ``pb`` using ProtoBuf's encoding.
write(pb, field, pid.data)
proc getField*(pb: ProtoBuffer, field: int,
pid: var PeerID): ProtoResult[bool] {.inline.} =
## Read ``PeerID`` from ProtoBuf's message and validate it
var buffer: seq[byte]
let res = ? pb.getField(field, buffer)
if not(res):
var peerId: PeerID
if peerId.init(buffer):
pid = peerId