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synced 2025-03-03 09:31:08 +00:00
Fix wire.initTAddress(MultiAddress). Add Windows support to daemonapi. Add CI tests for daemonapi on Windows. Fix Linux CI tests to install latest daemon.
164 lines
4.9 KiB
164 lines
4.9 KiB
import unittest
import chronos
import ../libp2p/daemon/daemonapi, ../libp2p/multiaddress, ../libp2p/multicodec,
../libp2p/cid, ../libp2p/multihash, ../libp2p/peer
proc identitySpawnTest(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
var api = await newDaemonApi()
var data = await api.identity()
await api.close()
result = true
proc connectStreamTest(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
var api1 = await newDaemonApi()
var api2 = await newDaemonApi()
var id1 = await api1.identity()
var id2 = await api2.identity()
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc streamHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} =
var line = await stream.transp.readLine()
await api2.addHandler(protos, streamHandler)
await api1.connect(id2.peer, id2.addresses)
# echo await api1.listPeers()
var stream = await api1.openStream(id2.peer, protos)
let sent = await stream.transp.write(test & "\r\n")
doAssert(sent == len(test) + 2)
var check = await wait(testFuture, 10.seconds)
doAssert(check == test)
await stream.close()
await api1.close()
await api2.close()
result = true
proc provideCidTest(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
var api1 = await newDaemonApi({DHTFull})
var api2 = await newDaemonApi({DHTFull})
var msg = "ethereum2-beacon-chain"
var bmsg = cast[seq[byte]](msg)
var mh = MultiHash.digest("sha2-256", bmsg)
var cid = Cid.init(CIDv1, multiCodec("dag-pb"), mh)
var id1 = await api1.identity()
var id2 = await api2.identity()
await api1.connect(id2.peer, id2.addresses)
while true:
var peers = await api1.listPeers()
if len(peers) > 0:
await api1.dhtProvide(cid)
var peers = await api2.dhtFindProviders(cid, 10)
if len(peers) == 1:
if peers[0].peer == id1.peer:
result = true
await api1.close()
await api2.close()
# proc getOnlyOneIPv4Address(addresses: seq[MultiAddress]): seq[MultiAddress] =
# ## We doing this becuase of bug in `go-pubsub`
# ## https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub/issues/130
# if len(addresses) > 0:
# result = newSeqOfCap[MultiAddress](len(addresses))
# let ip4 = multiCodec("ip4")
# for item in addresses:
# if item.protoCode() == ip4:
# result.add(item)
# break
proc pubsubTest(f: set[P2PDaemonFlags]): Future[bool] {.async.} =
var pubsubData = "TEST MESSAGE"
var msgData = cast[seq[byte]](pubsubData)
var api1, api2: DaemonAPI
api1 = await newDaemonApi(f + {Verbose, Logging})
api2 = await newDaemonApi(f + {Verbose, Logging})
var id1 = await api1.identity()
var id2 = await api2.identity()
var resultsCount = 0
var handlerFuture1 = newFuture[void]()
var handlerFuture2 = newFuture[void]()
proc pubsubHandler1(api: DaemonAPI,
ticket: PubsubTicket,
message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let smsg = cast[string](message.data)
if smsg == pubsubData:
# Callback must return `false` to close subscription channel.
result = false
proc pubsubHandler2(api: DaemonAPI,
ticket: PubsubTicket,
message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let smsg = cast[string](message.data)
if smsg == pubsubData:
# Callback must return `false` to close subscription channel.
result = false
await api1.connect(id2.peer, id2.addresses)
await api2.connect(id1.peer, id1.addresses)
var ticket1 = await api1.pubsubSubscribe("test-topic", pubsubHandler1)
var ticket2 = await api2.pubsubSubscribe("test-topic", pubsubHandler2)
await sleepAsync(2.seconds)
var topics1 = await api1.pubsubGetTopics()
var topics2 = await api2.pubsubGetTopics()
if len(topics1) == 1 and len(topics2) == 1:
var peers1 = await api1.pubsubListPeers("test-topic")
var peers2 = await api2.pubsubListPeers("test-topic")
if len(peers1) == 1 and len(peers2) == 1:
# Publish test data via api1.
await sleepAsync(500.milliseconds)
await api1.pubsubPublish("test-topic", msgData)
var res = await one(allFutures(handlerFuture1, handlerFuture2),
await api1.close()
await api2.close()
if resultsCount == 2:
result = true
echo " -- CLIENT1 -- "
echo api1.log
echo " -- CLIENT2 -- "
echo api2.log
when isMainModule:
suite "libp2p-daemon test suite":
test "Simple spawn and get identity test":
waitFor(identitySpawnTest()) == true
test "Connect/Accept peer/stream test":
waitFor(connectStreamTest()) == true
test "Provide CID test":
waitFor(provideCidTest()) == true
test "GossipSub test":
waitFor(pubsubTest({PSGossipSub})) == true
test "FloodSub test":
waitFor(pubsubTest({PSFloodSub})) == true