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synced 2025-03-03 09:31:08 +00:00
* remove almost-empty types module * lock when writing message (that's the only place the lock matters, and only when the message is > max msg size) * logging updates (log in consistent order, makes reading logs easier) * raise EOF from readExactly only if no bytes have been read (to signal that _no_ bytes were lost)
234 lines
5.8 KiB
234 lines
5.8 KiB
import unittest
import chronos, stew/byteutils
import ../libp2p/stream/bufferstream,
suite "BufferStream":
# echo getTracker("libp2p.bufferstream").dump()
check getTracker("libp2p.bufferstream").isLeaked() == false
test "push data to buffer":
proc testPushTo(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let buff = newBufferStream()
check buff.len == 0
var data = "12345"
await buff.pushTo(data.toBytes())
check buff.len == 5
result = true
await buff.close()
waitFor(testPushTo()) == true
test "push and wait":
proc testPushTo(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let buff = newBufferStream()
check buff.len == 0
let fut0 = buff.pushTo("1234".toBytes())
let fut1 = buff.pushTo("5".toBytes())
check buff.len == 4 # the second write should not be visible yet
var data: array[1, byte]
check: 1 == await buff.readOnce(addr data[0], data.len)
check ['1'] == string.fromBytes(data)
await fut0
await fut1
check buff.len == 4
result = true
await buff.close()
waitFor(testPushTo()) == true
test "read with size":
proc testRead(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let buff = newBufferStream()
check buff.len == 0
await buff.pushTo("12345".toBytes())
var data: array[3, byte]
await buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check ['1', '2', '3'] == string.fromBytes(data)
result = true
await buff.close()
waitFor(testRead()) == true
test "readExactly":
proc testReadExactly(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let buff = newBufferStream()
check buff.len == 0
await buff.pushTo("12345".toBytes())
check buff.len == 5
var data: array[2, byte]
await buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == ['1', '2']
result = true
await buff.close()
waitFor(testReadExactly()) == true
test "readExactly raises":
proc testReadExactly(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let buff = newBufferStream()
check buff.len == 0
await buff.pushTo("123".toBytes())
var data: array[5, byte]
var readFut = buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
await buff.close()
await readFut
except LPStreamIncompleteError:
result = true
waitFor(testReadExactly()) == true
test "readOnce":
proc testReadOnce(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let buff = newBufferStream()
check buff.len == 0
var data: array[3, byte]
let readFut = buff.readOnce(addr data[0], data.len)
await buff.pushTo("123".toBytes())
check buff.len == 3
check (await readFut) == 3
check string.fromBytes(data) == ['1', '2', '3']
result = true
await buff.close()
waitFor(testReadOnce()) == true
test "reads should happen in order":
proc testWritePtr(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let buff = newBufferStream()
check buff.len == 0
let w1 = buff.pushTo("Msg 1".toBytes())
let w2 = buff.pushTo("Msg 2".toBytes())
let w3 = buff.pushTo("Msg 3".toBytes())
var data: array[5, byte]
await buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == "Msg 1"
await buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == "Msg 2"
await buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == "Msg 3"
for f in [w1, w2, w3]: await f
let w4 = buff.pushTo("Msg 4".toBytes())
let w5 = buff.pushTo("Msg 5".toBytes())
let w6 = buff.pushTo("Msg 6".toBytes())
await buff.close()
await buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == "Msg 4"
await buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == "Msg 5"
await buff.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == "Msg 6"
for f in [w4, w5, w6]: await f
result = true
waitFor(testWritePtr()) == true
test "small reads":
proc testWritePtr(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let buff = newBufferStream()
check buff.len == 0
var writes: seq[Future[void]]
var str: string
for i in 0..<10:
writes.add buff.pushTo("123".toBytes())
str &= "123"
await buff.close() # all data should still be read after close
var str2: string
var data: array[2, byte]
while true:
let x = await buff.readOnce(addr data[0], data.len)
str2 &= string.fromBytes(data[0..<x])
except LPStreamEOFError:
for f in writes: await f
check str == str2
result = true
await buff.close()
waitFor(testWritePtr()) == true
test "shouldn't get stuck on close":
proc closeTest(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
var stream = newBufferStream()
fut = stream.pushTo(toBytes("hello"))
fut2 = stream.pushTo(toBytes("again"))
await stream.close()
await wait(fut, 100.milliseconds)
await wait(fut2, 100.milliseconds)
result = true
except AsyncTimeoutError:
result = false
await stream.close()
waitFor(closeTest()) == true
test "no push after close":
proc closeTest(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
var stream = newBufferStream()
await stream.pushTo("123".toBytes())
var data: array[3, byte]
await stream.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
await stream.close()
await stream.pushTo("123".toBytes())
except LPStreamClosedError:
result = true
waitFor(closeTest()) == true