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synced 2025-03-03 09:31:08 +00:00
* fix: remove returned Futures from switch.start The proc `start` returned a seq of futures that was mean to be awaited by the caller. However, the start proc itself awaited each Future before returning it, so the ceremony requiring the caller to await the Future, and returning the Futures themselves was just used to handle errors. But we'll give a better way to handle errors in a future revision Remove `switch.start` return type (implicit `Future[void]`) Update tutorials and examples to reflect the change. * Raise error during failed transport Replaces logging of error, and adds comment that it should be replaced with a callback in a future PR.
474 lines
14 KiB
474 lines
14 KiB
import options, tables
import chronos, chronicles, stew/byteutils
import helpers
import ../libp2p
import ../libp2p/[daemon/daemonapi, varint, transports/wstransport, crypto/crypto]
DaemonPeerInfo = daemonapi.PeerInfo
proc writeLp*(s: StreamTransport, msg: string | seq[byte]): Future[int] {.gcsafe.} =
## write lenght prefixed
var buf = initVBuffer()
result = s.write(buf.buffer)
proc readLp*(s: StreamTransport): Future[seq[byte]] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## read length prefixed msg
size: uint
length: int
res: VarintResult[void]
result = newSeq[byte](10)
for i in 0..<len(result):
await s.readExactly(addr result[i], 1)
res = LP.getUVarint(result.toOpenArray(0, i), length, size)
if res.isOk():
res.expect("Valid varint")
if size > 0.uint:
await s.readExactly(addr result[0], int(size))
proc testPubSubDaemonPublish(gossip: bool = false, count: int = 1) {.async.} =
var pubsubData = "TEST MESSAGE"
var testTopic = "test-topic"
var msgData = pubsubData.toBytes()
var flags = {PSFloodSub}
if gossip:
flags = {PSGossipSub}
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi(flags)
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(outTimeout = 5.minutes)
let pubsub = if gossip:
switch = nativeNode).PubSub
switch = nativeNode).PubSub
await nativeNode.start()
await pubsub.start()
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
var finished = false
var times = 0
proc nativeHandler(topic: string, data: seq[byte]) {.async.} =
let smsg = string.fromBytes(data)
check smsg == pubsubData
if times >= count and not finished:
finished = true
await nativeNode.connect(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses)
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
proc pubsubHandler(api: DaemonAPI,
ticket: PubsubTicket,
message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} =
result = true # don't cancel subscription
asyncDiscard daemonNode.pubsubSubscribe(testTopic, pubsubHandler)
pubsub.subscribe(testTopic, nativeHandler)
await sleepAsync(5.seconds)
proc publisher() {.async.} =
while not finished:
await daemonNode.pubsubPublish(testTopic, msgData)
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
await wait(publisher(), 5.minutes) # should be plenty of time
await nativeNode.stop()
await pubsub.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
proc testPubSubNodePublish(gossip: bool = false, count: int = 1) {.async.} =
var pubsubData = "TEST MESSAGE"
var testTopic = "test-topic"
var msgData = pubsubData.toBytes()
var flags = {PSFloodSub}
if gossip:
flags = {PSGossipSub}
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi(flags)
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(outTimeout = 5.minutes)
let pubsub = if gossip:
switch = nativeNode).PubSub
switch = nativeNode).PubSub
await nativeNode.start()
await pubsub.start()
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
await nativeNode.connect(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses)
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var times = 0
var finished = false
proc pubsubHandler(api: DaemonAPI,
ticket: PubsubTicket,
message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let smsg = string.fromBytes(message.data)
check smsg == pubsubData
if times >= count and not finished:
finished = true
result = true # don't cancel subscription
discard await daemonNode.pubsubSubscribe(testTopic, pubsubHandler)
proc nativeHandler(topic: string, data: seq[byte]) {.async.} = discard
pubsub.subscribe(testTopic, nativeHandler)
await sleepAsync(5.seconds)
proc publisher() {.async.} =
while not finished:
discard await pubsub.publish(testTopic, msgData)
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
await wait(publisher(), 5.minutes) # should be plenty of time
check finished
await nativeNode.stop()
await pubsub.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
suite "Interop":
# TODO: chronos transports are leaking,
# but those are tracked for both the daemon
# and libp2p, so not sure which one it is,
# need to investigate more
# teardown:
# checkTrackers()
# TODO: this test is failing sometimes on windows
# For some reason we receive EOF before test 4 sometimes
asyncTest "native -> daemon multiple reads and writes":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise],
outTimeout = 5.minutes)
await nativeNode.start()
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
var testFuture = newFuture[void]("test.future")
proc daemonHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} =
check string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp()) == "test 1"
discard await stream.transp.writeLp("test 2")
check string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp()) == "test 3"
discard await stream.transp.writeLp("test 4")
await daemonNode.addHandler(protos, daemonHandler)
let conn = await nativeNode.dial(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses, protos[0])
await conn.writeLp("test 1")
check "test 2" == string.fromBytes((await conn.readLp(1024)))
await conn.writeLp("test 3")
check "test 4" == string.fromBytes((await conn.readLp(1024)))
await wait(testFuture, 10.secs)
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
asyncTest "native -> daemon connection":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
# We are preparing expect string, which should be prefixed with varint
# length and do not have `\r\n` suffix, because we going to use
# readLine().
var buffer = initVBuffer()
buffer.writeSeq(test & "\r\n")
var expect = newString(len(buffer) - 2)
copyMem(addr expect[0], addr buffer.buffer[0], len(expect))
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise],
outTimeout = 5.minutes)
await nativeNode.start()
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc daemonHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} =
# We should perform `readLp()` instead of `readLine()`. `readLine()`
# here reads actually length prefixed string.
var line = await stream.transp.readLine()
check line == expect
await stream.close()
await daemonNode.addHandler(protos, daemonHandler)
let conn = await nativeNode.dial(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses, protos[0])
await conn.writeLp(test & "\r\n")
check expect == (await wait(testFuture, 10.secs))
await conn.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
asyncTest "daemon -> native connection":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc nativeHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
var line = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
check line == test
await conn.close()
# custom proto
var proto = new LPProtocol
proto.handler = nativeHandler
proto.codec = protos[0] # codec
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise], outTimeout = 5.minutes)
await nativeNode.start()
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(nativePeer.peerId, protos)
discard await stream.transp.writeLp(test)
check test == (await wait(testFuture, 10.secs))
await stream.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
asyncTest "native -> daemon websocket connection":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc nativeHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
var line = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
check line == test
await conn.close()
# custom proto
var proto = new LPProtocol
proto.handler = nativeHandler
proto.codec = protos[0] # codec
let wsAddress = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
let nativeNode = SwitchBuilder
.withTransport(proc (upgr: Upgrade): Transport = WsTransport.new(upgr))
await nativeNode.start()
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi(hostAddresses = @[wsAddress])
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(nativePeer.peerId, protos)
discard await stream.transp.writeLp(test)
check test == (await wait(testFuture, 10.secs))
await stream.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
asyncTest "daemon -> native websocket connection":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
# We are preparing expect string, which should be prefixed with varint
# length and do not have `\r\n` suffix, because we going to use
# readLine().
var buffer = initVBuffer()
buffer.writeSeq(test & "\r\n")
var expect = newString(len(buffer) - 2)
copyMem(addr expect[0], addr buffer.buffer[0], len(expect))
let wsAddress = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
let nativeNode = SwitchBuilder
.withTransport(proc (upgr: Upgrade): Transport = WsTransport.new(upgr))
await nativeNode.start()
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi(hostAddresses = @[wsAddress])
let daemonPeer = await daemonNode.identity()
var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future")
proc daemonHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} =
# We should perform `readLp()` instead of `readLine()`. `readLine()`
# here reads actually length prefixed string.
var line = await stream.transp.readLine()
check line == expect
await stream.close()
await daemonNode.addHandler(protos, daemonHandler)
let conn = await nativeNode.dial(daemonPeer.peer, daemonPeer.addresses, protos[0])
await conn.writeLp(test & "\r\n")
check expect == (await wait(testFuture, 10.secs))
await conn.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
asyncTest "daemon -> multiple reads and writes":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var testFuture = newFuture[void]("test.future")
proc nativeHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check "test 1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test 2".toBytes())
check "test 3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test 4".toBytes())
await conn.close()
# custom proto
var proto = new LPProtocol
proto.handler = nativeHandler
proto.codec = protos[0] # codec
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise], outTimeout = 5.minutes)
await nativeNode.start()
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(nativePeer.peerId, protos)
asyncDiscard stream.transp.writeLp("test 1")
check "test 2" == string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp())
asyncDiscard stream.transp.writeLp("test 3")
check "test 4" == string.fromBytes(await stream.transp.readLp())
await wait(testFuture, 10.secs)
await stream.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
asyncTest "read write multiple":
var protos = @["/test-stream"]
var test = "TEST STRING"
var count = 0
var testFuture = newFuture[int]("test.future")
proc nativeHandler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
while count < 10:
var line = string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
check line == test
await conn.writeLp(test.toBytes())
await conn.close()
# custom proto
var proto = new LPProtocol
proto.handler = nativeHandler
proto.codec = protos[0] # codec
let nativeNode = newStandardSwitch(
secureManagers = [SecureProtocol.Noise], outTimeout = 5.minutes)
await nativeNode.start()
let nativePeer = nativeNode.peerInfo
let daemonNode = await newDaemonApi()
await daemonNode.connect(nativePeer.peerId, nativePeer.addrs)
var stream = await daemonNode.openStream(nativePeer.peerId, protos)
var count2 = 0
while count2 < 10:
discard await stream.transp.writeLp(test)
let line = await stream.transp.readLp()
check test == string.fromBytes(line)
check 10 == (await wait(testFuture, 1.minutes))
await stream.close()
await nativeNode.stop()
await daemonNode.close()
asyncTest "floodsub: daemon publish one":
await testPubSubDaemonPublish()
asyncTest "floodsub: daemon publish many":
await testPubSubDaemonPublish(count = 10)
asyncTest "gossipsub: daemon publish one":
await testPubSubDaemonPublish(gossip = true)
asyncTest "gossipsub: daemon publish many":
await testPubSubDaemonPublish(gossip = true, count = 10)
asyncTest "floodsub: node publish one":
await testPubSubNodePublish()
asyncTest "floodsub: node publish many":
await testPubSubNodePublish(count = 10)
asyncTest "gossipsub: node publish one":
await testPubSubNodePublish(gossip = true)
asyncTest "gossipsub: node publish many":
await testPubSubNodePublish(gossip = true, count = 10)