2025-02-24 20:10:20 +01:00

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# Nim-LibP2P
# Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
## The switch is the core of libp2p, which brings together the
## transports, the connection manager, the upgrader and other
## parts to allow programs to use libp2p
{.push raises: [].}
import std/[tables, options, sequtils, sets, oids]
import chronos, chronicles, metrics
export connmanager, upgrade, dialer, peerstore
topics = "libp2p switch"
#TODO: General note - use a finite state machine to manage the different
# steps of connections establishing and upgrading. This makes everything
# more robust and less prone to ordering attacks - i.e. muxing can come if
# and only if the channel has been secured (i.e. if a secure manager has been
# previously provided)
const ConcurrentUpgrades* = 4
Switch* {.public.} = ref object of Dial
peerInfo*: PeerInfo
connManager*: ConnManager
transports*: seq[Transport]
ms*: MultistreamSelect
acceptFuts: seq[Future[void]]
dialer*: Dial
peerStore*: PeerStore
nameResolver*: NameResolver
started: bool
services*: seq[Service]
Service* = ref object of RootObj
inUse: bool
method setup*(
self: Service, switch: Switch
): Future[bool] {.base, async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} =
if self.inUse:
warn "service setup has already been called"
return false
self.inUse = true
return true
method run*(self: Service, switch: Switch) {.base, async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} =
doAssert(false, "Not implemented!")
method stop*(
self: Service, switch: Switch
): Future[bool] {.base, async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} =
if not self.inUse:
warn "service is already stopped"
return false
self.inUse = false
return true
proc addConnEventHandler*(
s: Switch, handler: ConnEventHandler, kind: ConnEventKind
) {.public.} =
## Adds a ConnEventHandler, which will be triggered when
## a connection to a peer is created or dropped.
## There may be multiple connections per peer.
## The handler should not raise.
s.connManager.addConnEventHandler(handler, kind)
proc removeConnEventHandler*(
s: Switch, handler: ConnEventHandler, kind: ConnEventKind
) {.public.} =
s.connManager.removeConnEventHandler(handler, kind)
proc addPeerEventHandler*(
s: Switch, handler: PeerEventHandler, kind: PeerEventKind
) {.public.} =
## Adds a PeerEventHandler, which will be triggered when
## a peer connects or disconnects from us.
## The handler should not raise.
s.connManager.addPeerEventHandler(handler, kind)
proc removePeerEventHandler*(
s: Switch, handler: PeerEventHandler, kind: PeerEventKind
) {.public.} =
s.connManager.removePeerEventHandler(handler, kind)
method addTransport*(s: Switch, t: Transport) =
s.transports &= t
proc connectedPeers*(s: Switch, dir: Direction): seq[PeerId] =
proc isConnected*(s: Switch, peerId: PeerId): bool {.public.} =
## returns true if the peer has one or more
## associated connections
peerId in s.connManager
proc disconnect*(s: Switch, peerId: PeerId): Future[void] {.gcsafe, public.} =
## Disconnect from a peer, waiting for the connection(s) to be dropped
method connect*(
s: Switch,
peerId: PeerId,
addrs: seq[MultiAddress],
forceDial = false,
reuseConnection = true,
dir = Direction.Out,
): Future[void] {.
public, async: (raises: [DialFailedError, CancelledError], raw: true)
.} =
## Connects to a peer without opening a stream to it
s.dialer.connect(peerId, addrs, forceDial, reuseConnection, dir)
method connect*(
s: Switch, address: MultiAddress, allowUnknownPeerId = false
): Future[PeerId] {.async: (raises: [DialFailedError, CancelledError], raw: true).} =
## Connects to a peer and retrieve its PeerId
## If the P2P part is missing from the MA and `allowUnknownPeerId` is set
## to true, this will discover the PeerId while connecting. This exposes
## you to MiTM attacks, so it shouldn't be used without care!
s.dialer.connect(address, allowUnknownPeerId)
method dial*(
s: Switch, peerId: PeerId, protos: seq[string]
): Future[Connection] {.
public, async: (raises: [DialFailedError, CancelledError], raw: true)
.} =
## Open a stream to a connected peer with the specified `protos`
s.dialer.dial(peerId, protos)
proc dial*(
s: Switch, peerId: PeerId, proto: string
): Future[Connection] {.
public, async: (raises: [DialFailedError, CancelledError], raw: true)
.} =
## Open a stream to a connected peer with the specified `proto`
dial(s, peerId, @[proto])
method dial*(
s: Switch,
peerId: PeerId,
addrs: seq[MultiAddress],
protos: seq[string],
forceDial = false,
): Future[Connection] {.
public, async: (raises: [DialFailedError, CancelledError], raw: true)
.} =
## Connected to a peer and open a stream
## with the specified `protos`
s.dialer.dial(peerId, addrs, protos, forceDial)
proc dial*(
s: Switch, peerId: PeerId, addrs: seq[MultiAddress], proto: string
): Future[Connection] {.
public, async: (raises: [DialFailedError, CancelledError], raw: true)
.} =
## Connected to a peer and open a stream
## with the specified `proto`
dial(s, peerId, addrs, @[proto])
proc mount*[T: LPProtocol](
s: Switch, proto: T, matcher: Matcher = nil
) {.gcsafe, raises: [LPError], public.} =
## mount a protocol to the switch
if isNil(proto.handler):
raise newException(LPError, "Protocol has to define a handle method or proc")
if proto.codec.len == 0:
raise newException(LPError, "Protocol has to define a codec string")
if s.started and not proto.started:
raise newException(LPError, "Protocol not started"), proto, matcher)
proc upgrader(switch: Switch, trans: Transport, conn: Connection) {.async.} =
let muxed = await trans.upgrade(conn, Opt.none(PeerId))
await switch.peerStore.identify(muxed)
await switch.connManager.triggerPeerEvents(
muxed.connection.peerId, PeerEvent(kind: PeerEventKind.Identified, initiator: false)
trace "Connection upgrade succeeded"
proc upgradeMonitor(
switch: Switch, trans: Transport, conn: Connection, upgrades: AsyncSemaphore
) {.async.} =
await switch.upgrader(trans, conn).wait(30.seconds)
except CatchableError as exc:
if exc isnot CancelledError:
if not isNil(conn):
await conn.close()
trace "Exception awaiting connection upgrade", description = exc.msg, conn
proc accept(s: Switch, transport: Transport) {.async.} = # noraises
## switch accept loop, ran for every transport
let upgrades = newAsyncSemaphore(ConcurrentUpgrades)
while transport.running:
var conn: Connection
debug "About to accept incoming connection"
# remember to always release the slot when
# the upgrade succeeds or fails, this is
# currently done by the `upgradeMonitor`
await upgrades.acquire() # first wait for an upgrade slot to become available
let slot = await s.connManager.getIncomingSlot()
conn =
await transport.accept()
except CatchableError as exc:
raise exc
if isNil(conn):
# A nil connection means that we might have hit a
# file-handle limit (or another non-fatal error),
# we can get one on the next try
debug "Unable to get a connection"
# set the direction of this bottom level transport
# in order to be able to consume this information in gossipsub if required
# gossipsub gives priority to connections we make
conn.transportDir = Direction.In
debug "Accepted an incoming connection", conn
asyncSpawn s.upgradeMonitor(transport, conn, upgrades)
except CancelledError as exc:
trace "releasing semaphore on cancellation"
upgrades.release() # always release the slot
except CatchableError as exc:
error "Exception in accept loop, exiting", description = exc.msg
upgrades.release() # always release the slot
if not isNil(conn):
await conn.close()
proc stop*(s: Switch) {.async, public.} =
## Stop listening on every transport, and
## close every active connections
trace "Stopping switch"
s.started = false
# Stop accepting incoming connections
await allFutures(s.acceptFuts.mapIt(it.cancelAndWait())).wait(1.seconds)
except CatchableError as exc:
debug "Cannot cancel accepts", description = exc.msg
for service in
discard await service.stop(s)
# close and cleanup all connections
await s.connManager.close()
for transp in s.transports:
await transp.stop()
except CancelledError as exc:
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "error cleaning up transports", description = exc.msg
trace "Switch stopped"
proc start*(s: Switch) {.async, public.} =
## Start listening on every transport
if s.started:
warn "Switch has already been started"
debug "starting switch for peer", peerInfo = s.peerInfo
var startFuts: seq[Future[void]]
for t in s.transports:
let addrs = s.peerInfo.listenAddrs.filterIt(t.handles(it))
s.peerInfo.listenAddrs.keepItIf(it notin addrs)
if addrs.len > 0 or t.running:
await allFutures(startFuts)
for fut in startFuts:
if fut.failed:
await s.stop()
raise fut.error
for t in s.transports: # for each transport
if t.addrs.len > 0 or t.running:
s.peerInfo.listenAddrs &= t.addrs
for service in
discard await service.setup(s)
await s.peerInfo.update()
s.started = true
debug "Started libp2p node", peer = s.peerInfo
proc newSwitch*(
peerInfo: PeerInfo,
transports: seq[Transport],
secureManagers: openArray[Secure] = [],
connManager: ConnManager,
ms: MultistreamSelect,
peerStore: PeerStore,
nameResolver: NameResolver = nil,
services = newSeq[Service](),
): Switch {.raises: [LPError].} =
if secureManagers.len == 0:
raise newException(LPError, "Provide at least one secure manager")
let switch = Switch(
peerInfo: peerInfo,
ms: ms,
transports: transports,
connManager: connManager,
peerStore: peerStore,
dialer:, connManager, peerStore, transports, nameResolver),
nameResolver: nameResolver,
services: services,
switch.connManager.peerStore = peerStore
return switch