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* Remove `msg` parameter key in logs. closes: https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/issues/1176
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# Nim-LibP2P
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
## TCP transport implementation
{.push raises: [].}
import std/[sequtils]
import chronos, chronicles
topics = "libp2p tcptransport"
export transport, connection, upgrade
const TcpTransportTrackerName* = "libp2p.tcptransport"
AcceptFuture = typeof(default(StreamServer).accept())
TcpTransport* = ref object of Transport
servers*: seq[StreamServer]
clients: array[Direction, seq[StreamTransport]]
flags: set[ServerFlags]
clientFlags: set[SocketFlags]
acceptFuts: seq[AcceptFuture]
connectionsTimeout: Duration
stopping: bool
TcpTransportError* = object of transport.TransportError
proc connHandler*(
self: TcpTransport,
client: StreamTransport,
observedAddr: Opt[MultiAddress],
dir: Direction,
): Connection =
trace "Handling tcp connection",
address = $observedAddr,
dir = $dir,
clients = self.clients[Direction.In].len + self.clients[Direction.Out].len
let conn = Connection(
client = client,
dir = dir,
observedAddr = observedAddr,
timeout = self.connectionsTimeout,
proc onClose() {.async: (raises: []).} =
await noCancel client.join()
trace "Cleaning up client", addrs = $client.remoteAddress, conn
self.clients[dir].keepItIf(it != client)
# Propagate the chronos client being closed to the connection
# TODO This is somewhat dubious since it's the connection that owns the
# client, but it allows the transport to close all connections when
# shutting down (also dubious! it would make more sense that the owner
# of all connections closes them, or the next read detects the closed
# socket and does the right thing..)
await conn.close()
trace "Cleaned up client", addrs = $client.remoteAddress, conn
asyncSpawn onClose()
return conn
proc new*(
T: typedesc[TcpTransport],
flags: set[ServerFlags] = {},
upgrade: Upgrade,
connectionsTimeout = 10.minutes,
): T {.public.} =
flags: flags,
if ServerFlags.TcpNoDelay in flags:
upgrader: upgrade,
networkReachability: NetworkReachability.Unknown,
connectionsTimeout: connectionsTimeout,
method start*(self: TcpTransport, addrs: seq[MultiAddress]): Future[void] =
## Start transport listening to the given addresses - for dial-only transports,
## start with an empty list
# TODO remove `impl` indirection throughout when `raises` is added to base
proc impl(
self: TcpTransport, addrs: seq[MultiAddress]
): Future[void] {.async: (raises: [transport.TransportError, CancelledError]).} =
if self.running:
warn "TCP transport already running"
trace "Starting TCP transport"
var supported: seq[MultiAddress]
var initialized = false
for i, ma in addrs:
if not self.handles(ma):
trace "Invalid address detected, skipping!", address = ma
ta = initTAddress(ma).expect("valid address per handles check above")
server =
createStreamServer(ta, flags = self.flags)
except common.TransportError as exc:
raise (ref TcpTransportError)(msg: exc.msg, parent: exc)
self.servers &= server
trace "Listening on", address = ma
"Can init from local address"
initialized = true
if not initialized:
# Clean up partial success on exception
await noCancel allFutures(self.servers.mapIt(it.closeWait()))
await procCall Transport(self).start(supported)
except CatchableError:
raiseAssert "Base method does not raise"
impl(self, addrs)
method stop*(self: TcpTransport): Future[void] =
## Stop the transport and close all connections it created
proc impl(self: TcpTransport) {.async: (raises: []).} =
trace "Stopping TCP transport"
self.stopping = true
self.stopping = false
if self.running:
# Reset the running flag
await noCancel procCall Transport(self).stop()
except CatchableError: # TODO remove when `accept` is annotated with raises
raiseAssert "doesn't actually raise"
# Stop each server by closing the socket - this will cause all accept loops
# to fail - since the running flag has been reset, it's also safe to close
# all known clients since no more of them will be added
await noCancel allFutures(
self.servers.mapIt(it.closeWait()) &
self.clients[Direction.In].mapIt(it.closeWait()) &
self.servers = @[]
for acceptFut in self.acceptFuts:
if acceptFut.completed():
await acceptFut.value().closeWait()
self.acceptFuts = @[]
if self.clients[Direction.In].len != 0 or self.clients[Direction.Out].len != 0:
# Future updates could consider turning this warn into an assert since
# it should never happen if the shutdown code is correct
warn "Couldn't clean up clients",
len = self.clients[Direction.In].len + self.clients[Direction.Out].len
trace "Transport stopped"
# For legacy reasons, `stop` on a transpart that wasn't started is
# expected to close outgoing connections created by the transport
warn "TCP transport already stopped"
doAssert self.clients[Direction.In].len == 0,
"No incoming connections possible without start"
await noCancel allFutures(self.clients[Direction.Out].mapIt(it.closeWait()))
method accept*(self: TcpTransport): Future[Connection] =
## accept a new TCP connection, returning nil on non-fatal errors
## Raises an exception when the transport is broken and cannot be used for
## accepting further connections
# TODO returning nil for non-fatal errors is problematic in that error
# information is lost and must be logged here instead of being
# available to the caller - further refactoring should propagate errors
# to the caller instead
proc impl(
self: TcpTransport
): Future[Connection] {.async: (raises: [transport.TransportError, CancelledError]).} =
if not self.running:
raise newTransportClosedError()
if self.acceptFuts.len <= 0:
# Holds futures representing ongoing accept calls on multiple servers.
self.acceptFuts = self.servers.mapIt(it.accept())
finished =
# Waits for any one of these futures to complete, indicating that a new connection has been accepted on one of the servers.
await one(self.acceptFuts)
except ValueError:
raise (ref TcpTransportError)(msg: "No listeners configured")
index = self.acceptFuts.find(finished)
# A new connection has been accepted. The corresponding server should immediately start accepting another connection.
# Thus we replace the completed future with a new one by calling accept on the same server again.
self.acceptFuts[index] = self.servers[index].accept()
let transp =
await finished
except TransportTooManyError as exc:
debug "Too many files opened", description = exc.msg
return nil
except TransportAbortedError as exc:
debug "Connection aborted", description = exc.msg
return nil
except TransportUseClosedError as exc:
raise newTransportClosedError(exc)
except TransportOsError as exc:
raise (ref TcpTransportError)(msg: exc.msg, parent: exc)
except common.TransportError as exc: # Needed for chronos 4.0.0 support
raise (ref TcpTransportError)(msg: exc.msg, parent: exc)
except CancelledError as exc:
raise exc
if not self.running: # Stopped while waiting
await transp.closeWait()
raise newTransportClosedError()
let remote =
except TransportOsError as exc:
# The connection had errors / was closed before `await` returned control
await transp.closeWait()
debug "Cannot read remote address", description = exc.msg
return nil
let observedAddr =
MultiAddress.init(remote).expect("Can initialize from remote address")
self.connHandler(transp, Opt.some(observedAddr), Direction.In)
method dial*(
self: TcpTransport,
hostname: string,
address: MultiAddress,
peerId: Opt[PeerId] = Opt.none(PeerId),
): Future[Connection] =
## dial a peer
proc impl(
self: TcpTransport, hostname: string, address: MultiAddress, peerId: Opt[PeerId]
): Future[Connection] {.async: (raises: [transport.TransportError, CancelledError]).} =
if self.stopping:
raise newTransportClosedError()
let ta = initTAddress(address).valueOr:
raise (ref TcpTransportError)(msg: "Unsupported address: " & $address)
trace "Dialing remote peer", address = $address
let transp =
if self.networkReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable and
self.addrs.len > 0:
let local = initTAddress(self.addrs[0]).expect("self address is valid")
connect(ta, flags = self.clientFlags, localAddress = local)
connect(ta, flags = self.clientFlags)
except CancelledError as exc:
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
raise (ref TcpTransportError)(msg: exc.msg, parent: exc)
# If `stop` is called after `connect` but before `await` returns, we might
# end up with a race condition where `stop` returns but not all connections
# have been closed - we drop connections in this case in order not to leak
# them
if self.stopping:
# Stopped while waiting for new connection
await transp.closeWait()
raise newTransportClosedError()
let observedAddr =
MultiAddress.init(transp.remoteAddress).expect("remote address is valid")
except TransportOsError as exc:
await transp.closeWait()
raise (ref TcpTransportError)(msg: exc.msg)
self.connHandler(transp, Opt.some(observedAddr), Direction.Out)
impl(self, hostname, address, peerId)
method handles*(t: TcpTransport, address: MultiAddress): bool =
if procCall Transport(t).handles(address):
if address.protocols.isOk:
return TCP.match(address)