
557 lines
18 KiB

## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import tables, sets, options, sequtils, random
import chronos, chronicles, metrics
import pubsub,
rpc/[messages, message],
topics = "gossipsub"
const GossipSubCodec* = "/meshsub/1.0.0"
# overlay parameters
const GossipSubD* = 6
const GossipSubDlo* = 4
const GossipSubDhi* = 12
# gossip parameters
const GossipSubHistoryLength* = 5
const GossipSubHistoryGossip* = 3
# heartbeat interval
const GossipSubHeartbeatInitialDelay* = 100.millis
const GossipSubHeartbeatInterval* = 5.seconds # TODO: per the spec it should be 1 second
# fanout ttl
const GossipSubFanoutTTL* = 1.minutes
GossipSub* = ref object of FloodSub
mesh*: PeerTable # peers that we send messages to when we are subscribed to the topic
fanout*: PeerTable # peers that we send messages to when we're not subscribed to the topic
gossipsub*: PeerTable # peers that are subscribed to a topic
lastFanoutPubSub*: Table[string, Moment] # last publish time for fanout topics
gossip*: Table[string, seq[ControlIHave]] # pending gossip
control*: Table[string, ControlMessage] # pending control messages
mcache*: MCache # messages cache
heartbeatFut: Future[void] # cancellation future for heartbeat interval
heartbeatRunning: bool
heartbeatLock: AsyncLock # heartbeat lock to prevent two consecutive concurrent heartbeats
"gossipsub peers per topic in mesh",
labels = ["topic"])
"gossipsub peers per topic in fanout",
labels = ["topic"])
"gossipsub peers per topic in gossipsub",
labels = ["topic"])
method init*(g: GossipSub) =
proc handler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
## main protocol handler that gets triggered on every
## connection for a protocol string
## e.g. ``/floodsub/1.0.0``, etc...
await g.handleConn(conn, proto)
g.handler = handler
g.codec = GossipSubCodec
proc replenishFanout(g: GossipSub, topic: string) =
## get fanout peers for a topic
trace "about to replenish fanout"
if g.fanout.peers(topic) < GossipSubDLo:
trace "replenishing fanout", peers = g.fanout.peers(topic)
if topic in g.gossipsub:
for peer in g.gossipsub[topic]:
if g.fanout.addPeer(topic, peer):
if g.fanout.peers(topic) == GossipSubD:
.set(g.fanout.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
trace "fanout replenished with peers", peers = g.fanout.peers(topic)
proc rebalanceMesh(g: GossipSub, topic: string) {.async.} =
trace "about to rebalance mesh"
# create a mesh topic that we're subscribing to
grafts, prunes: seq[PubSubPeer]
if g.mesh.peers(topic) < GossipSubDlo:
trace "replenishing mesh", topic, peers = g.mesh.peers(topic)
# replenish the mesh if we're below GossipSubDlo
var newPeers = toSeq(
g.gossipsub.getOrDefault(topic, initHashSet[PubSubPeer]()) -
g.mesh.getOrDefault(topic, initHashSet[PubSubPeer]())
topic = topic
meshPeers = g.mesh.peers(topic)
newPeers = newPeers.len
trace "getting peers", topic, peers = newPeers.len
for peer in newPeers:
# send a graft message to the peer
grafts.add peer
discard g.mesh.addPeer(topic, peer)
trace "got peer", peer = $peer
if g.mesh.peers(topic) > GossipSubDhi:
# prune peers if we've gone over
var mesh = toSeq(g.mesh[topic])
trace "about to prune mesh", mesh = mesh.len
for peer in mesh:
if g.mesh.peers(topic) <= GossipSubD:
trace "pruning peers", peers = g.mesh.peers(topic)
# send a graft message to the peer
g.mesh.removePeer(topic, peer)
.set(g.gossipsub.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
.set(g.fanout.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
.set(g.mesh.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
# Send changes to peers after table updates to avoid stale state
for p in grafts:
await p.sendGraft(@[topic])
for p in prunes:
await p.sendPrune(@[topic])
trace "mesh balanced, got peers", peers = g.mesh.peers(topic),
topicId = topic
proc dropFanoutPeers(g: GossipSub) =
# drop peers that we haven't published to in
# GossipSubFanoutTTL seconds
let now =
for topic in toSeq(g.lastFanoutPubSub.keys):
let val = g.lastFanoutPubSub[topic]
if now > val:
trace "dropping fanout topic", topic
.set(g.fanout.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
proc getGossipPeers(g: GossipSub): Table[string, ControlMessage] {.gcsafe.} =
## gossip iHave messages to peers
trace "getting gossip peers (iHave)"
let topics = toHashSet(toSeq(g.mesh.keys)) + toHashSet(toSeq(g.fanout.keys))
let controlMsg = ControlMessage()
for topic in topics:
var allPeers = toSeq(g.gossipsub.getOrDefault(topic))
let mesh = g.mesh.getOrDefault(topic)
let fanout = g.fanout.getOrDefault(topic)
let gossipPeers = mesh + fanout
let mids = g.mcache.window(topic)
if mids.len <= 0:
let ihave = ControlIHave(topicID: topic,
messageIDs: toSeq(mids))
if topic notin g.gossipsub:
trace "topic not in gossip array, skipping", topicID = topic
for peer in allPeers:
if result.len >= GossipSubD:
trace "got gossip peers", peers = result.len
if peer in gossipPeers:
if notin result:
result[] = controlMsg
proc heartbeat(g: GossipSub) {.async.} =
while g.heartbeatRunning:
trace "running heartbeat"
for t in toSeq(g.topics.keys):
await g.rebalanceMesh(t)
# replenish known topics to the fanout
for t in toSeq(g.fanout.keys):
let peers = g.getGossipPeers()
var sent: seq[Future[void]]
for peer in peers.keys:
if peer in g.peers:
sent &= g.peers[peer].send(@[RPCMsg(control: some(peers[peer]))])
checkFutures(await allFinished(sent))
g.mcache.shift() # shift the cache
except CancelledError as exc:
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "exception ocurred in gossipsub heartbeat", exc = exc.msg
await sleepAsync(GossipSubHeartbeatInterval)
method handleDisconnect*(g: GossipSub, peer: PubSubPeer) =
## handle peer disconnects
procCall FloodSub(g).handleDisconnect(peer)
for t in toSeq(g.gossipsub.keys):
g.gossipsub.removePeer(t, peer)
.set(g.gossipsub.peers(t).int64, labelValues = [t])
for t in toSeq(g.mesh.keys):
g.mesh.removePeer(t, peer)
.set(g.mesh.peers(t).int64, labelValues = [t])
for t in toSeq(g.fanout.keys):
g.fanout.removePeer(t, peer)
.set(g.fanout.peers(t).int64, labelValues = [t])
method subscribePeer*(p: GossipSub,
conn: Connection) =
procCall PubSub(p).subscribePeer(conn)
asyncCheck p.handleConn(conn, GossipSubCodec)
method subscribeTopic*(g: GossipSub,
topic: string,
subscribe: bool,
peerId: string) {.gcsafe, async.} =
await procCall FloodSub(g).subscribeTopic(topic, subscribe, peerId)
let peer = g.peers.getOrDefault(peerId)
if peer == nil:
debug "subscribeTopic on a nil peer!"
if subscribe:
trace "adding subscription for topic", peer = peerId, name = topic
# subscribe remote peer to the topic
discard g.gossipsub.addPeer(topic, peer)
trace "removing subscription for topic", peer = peerId, name = topic
# unsubscribe remote peer from the topic
g.gossipsub.removePeer(topic, peer)
g.mesh.removePeer(topic, peer)
g.fanout.removePeer(topic, peer)
.set(g.mesh.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
.set(g.fanout.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
.set(g.gossipsub.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
trace "gossip peers", peers = g.gossipsub.peers(topic), topic
# also rebalance current topic if we are subbed to
if topic in g.topics:
await g.rebalanceMesh(topic)
proc handleGraft(g: GossipSub,
peer: PubSubPeer,
grafts: seq[ControlGraft]): seq[ControlPrune] =
for graft in grafts:
let topic = graft.topicID
trace "processing graft message", topic, peer = $peer
# If they send us a graft before they send us a subscribe, what should
# we do? For now, we add them to mesh but don't add them to gossipsub.
if topic in g.topics:
if g.mesh.peers(topic) < GossipSubDHi:
# In the spec, there's no mention of DHi here, but implicitly, a
# peer will be removed from the mesh on next rebalance, so we don't want
# this peer to push someone else out
if g.mesh.addPeer(topic, peer):
g.fanout.removePeer(topic, peer)
trace "Peer already in mesh", topic, peer = $peer
result.add(ControlPrune(topicID: topic))
result.add(ControlPrune(topicID: topic))
.set(g.mesh.peers(topic).int64, labelValues = [topic])
proc handlePrune(g: GossipSub, peer: PubSubPeer, prunes: seq[ControlPrune]) =
for prune in prunes:
trace "processing prune message", peer = $peer,
topicID = prune.topicID
g.mesh.removePeer(prune.topicID, peer)
.set(g.mesh.peers(prune.topicID).int64, labelValues = [prune.topicID])
proc handleIHave(g: GossipSub,
peer: PubSubPeer,
ihaves: seq[ControlIHave]): ControlIWant =
for ihave in ihaves:
trace "processing ihave message", peer = $peer,
topicID = ihave.topicID,
msgs = ihave.messageIDs
if ihave.topicID in g.mesh:
for m in ihave.messageIDs:
if m notin g.seen:
proc handleIWant(g: GossipSub,
peer: PubSubPeer,
iwants: seq[ControlIWant]): seq[Message] =
for iwant in iwants:
for mid in iwant.messageIDs:
trace "processing iwant message", peer = $peer,
messageID = mid
let msg = g.mcache.get(mid)
if msg.isSome:
method rpcHandler*(g: GossipSub,
peer: PubSubPeer,
rpcMsgs: seq[RPCMsg]) {.async.} =
await procCall PubSub(g).rpcHandler(peer, rpcMsgs)
for m in rpcMsgs: # for all RPC messages
if m.messages.len > 0: # if there are any messages
var toSendPeers: HashSet[PubSubPeer]
for msg in m.messages: # for every message
let msgId = g.msgIdProvider(msg)
logScope: msgId
if msgId in g.seen:
trace "message already processed, skipping"
trace "processing message"
g.seen.put(msgId) # add the message to the seen cache
if g.verifySignature and not msg.verify(peer.peerInfo):
trace "dropping message due to failed signature verification"
if not (await g.validate(msg)):
trace "dropping message due to failed validation"
# this shouldn't happen
if g.peerInfo.peerId == msg.fromPeer:
trace "skipping messages from self"
for t in msg.topicIDs: # for every topic in the message
if t in g.floodsub:
toSendPeers.incl(g.floodsub[t]) # get all floodsub peers for topic
if t in g.mesh:
toSendPeers.incl(g.mesh[t]) # get all mesh peers for topic
if t in g.topics: # if we're subscribed to the topic
for h in g.topics[t].handler:
trace "calling handler for message", topicId = t,
localPeer =,
fromPeer = msg.fromPeer.pretty
await h(t, # trigger user provided handler
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "exception in message handler", exc = exc.msg
# forward the message to all peers interested in it
let (published, failed) = await g.sendHelper(toSendPeers, m.messages)
for p in failed:
let peer = g.peers.getOrDefault(p)
if not isNil(peer):
g.handleDisconnect(peer) # cleanup failed peers
trace "forwared message to peers", peers = published.len
var respControl: ControlMessage
if m.control.isSome:
let control = m.control.get()
g.handlePrune(peer, control.prune)
respControl.iwant.add(g.handleIHave(peer, control.ihave))
respControl.prune.add(g.handleGraft(peer, control.graft))
let messages = g.handleIWant(peer, control.iwant)
if respControl.graft.len > 0 or respControl.prune.len > 0 or
respControl.ihave.len > 0 or respControl.iwant.len > 0:
await peer.send(
@[RPCMsg(control: some(respControl),
messages: messages)])
method subscribe*(g: GossipSub,
topic: string,
handler: TopicHandler) {.async.} =
await procCall PubSub(g).subscribe(topic, handler)
await g.rebalanceMesh(topic)
method unsubscribe*(g: GossipSub,
topics: seq[TopicPair]) {.async.} =
await procCall PubSub(g).unsubscribe(topics)
for pair in topics:
let topic = pair.topic
if topic in g.mesh:
let peers = g.mesh.getOrDefault(topic)
for peer in peers:
await peer.sendPrune(@[topic])
method publish*(g: GossipSub,
topic: string,
data: seq[byte]): Future[int] {.async.} =
# base returns always 0
discard await procCall PubSub(g).publish(topic, data)
trace "about to publish message on topic", name = topic,
data = data.shortLog
var peers: HashSet[PubSubPeer]
if topic.len <= 0: # data could be 0/empty
return 0
if topic in g.topics: # if we're subscribed use the mesh
peers = g.mesh.getOrDefault(topic)
else: # not subscribed, send to fanout peers
# try optimistically
peers = g.fanout.getOrDefault(topic)
if peers.len == 0:
# ok we had nothing.. let's try replenish inline
peers = g.fanout.getOrDefault(topic)
# even if we couldn't publish,
# we still attempted to publish
# on the topic, so it makes sense
# to update the last topic publish
# time
g.lastFanoutPubSub[topic] = Moment.fromNow(GossipSubFanoutTTL)
inc g.msgSeqno
msg = Message.init(g.peerInfo, data, topic, g.msgSeqno, g.sign)
msgId = g.msgIdProvider(msg)
trace "created new message", msg
trace "publishing on topic", topic, peers = peers.len
if msgId notin g.mcache:
g.mcache.put(msgId, msg)
let (published, failed) = await g.sendHelper(peers, @[msg])
for p in failed:
let peer = g.peers.getOrDefault(p)
if not isNil(peer):
g.handleDisconnect(peer) # cleanup failed peers
if published.len > 0: = [topic])
trace "published message to peers", peers = published.len,
msg = msg.shortLog()
return published.len
method start*(g: GossipSub) {.async.} =
trace "gossipsub start"
## start pubsub
## start long running/repeating procedures
# interlock start to to avoid overlapping to stops
await g.heartbeatLock.acquire()
# setup the heartbeat interval
g.heartbeatRunning = true
g.heartbeatFut = g.heartbeat()
method stop*(g: GossipSub) {.async.} =
trace "gossipsub stop"
## stop pubsub
## stop long running tasks
await g.heartbeatLock.acquire()
# stop heartbeat interval
g.heartbeatRunning = false
if not g.heartbeatFut.finished:
trace "awaiting last heartbeat"
await g.heartbeatFut
trace "heartbeat stopped"
method initPubSub*(g: GossipSub) =
procCall FloodSub(g).initPubSub()
g.mcache = newMCache(GossipSubHistoryGossip, GossipSubHistoryLength)
g.mesh = initTable[string, HashSet[PubSubPeer]]() # meshes - topic to peer
g.fanout = initTable[string, HashSet[PubSubPeer]]() # fanout - topic to peer
g.gossipsub = initTable[string, HashSet[PubSubPeer]]()# topic to peer map of all gossipsub peers
g.lastFanoutPubSub = initTable[string, Moment]() # last publish time for fanout topics
g.gossip = initTable[string, seq[ControlIHave]]() # pending gossip
g.control = initTable[string, ControlMessage]() # pending control messages
g.heartbeatLock = newAsyncLock()