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# Nim-LibP2P
# Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
## `Identify <https://docs.libp2p.io/concepts/protocols/#identify>`_ and
## `Push Identify <https://docs.libp2p.io/concepts/protocols/#identify-push>`_ implementation
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
import std/[sequtils, options, strutils, sugar]
import stew/results
import chronos, chronicles
import ../protobuf/minprotobuf,
export observedaddrmanager
topics = "libp2p identify"
IdentifyCodec* = "/ipfs/id/1.0.0"
IdentifyPushCodec* = "/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0"
ProtoVersion* = "ipfs/0.1.0"
AgentVersion* = "nim-libp2p/0.0.1"
IdentifyError* = object of LPError
IdentityNoMatchError* = object of IdentifyError
IdentityInvalidMsgError* = object of IdentifyError
IdentifyNoPubKeyError* = object of IdentifyError
IdentifyInfo* {.public.} = object
pubkey*: Option[PublicKey]
peerId*: PeerId
addrs*: seq[MultiAddress]
observedAddr*: Option[MultiAddress]
protoVersion*: Option[string]
agentVersion*: Option[string]
protos*: seq[string]
signedPeerRecord*: Option[Envelope]
Identify* = ref object of LPProtocol
peerInfo*: PeerInfo
sendSignedPeerRecord*: bool
observedAddrManager*: ObservedAddrManager
IdentifyPushHandler* = proc (
peer: PeerId,
newInfo: IdentifyInfo):
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect], public.}
IdentifyPush* = ref object of LPProtocol
identifyHandler: IdentifyPushHandler
pubkey = ($it.pubkey).shortLog
addresses = it.addrs.map(x => $x).join(",")
protocols = it.protos.map(x => $x).join(",")
observable_address =
if it.observedAddr.isSome(): $it.observedAddr.get()
else: "None"
proto_version = it.protoVersion.get("None")
agent_version = it.agentVersion.get("None")
signedPeerRecord =
# The SPR contains the same data as the identify message
# would be cumbersome to log
if iinfo.signedPeerRecord.isSome(): "Some"
else: "None"
proc encodeMsg(peerInfo: PeerInfo, observedAddr: Opt[MultiAddress], sendSpr: bool): ProtoBuffer
{.raises: [Defect].} =
result = initProtoBuffer()
let pkey = peerInfo.publicKey
result.write(1, pkey.getBytes().get())
for ma in peerInfo.addrs:
result.write(2, ma.data.buffer)
for proto in peerInfo.protocols:
result.write(3, proto)
if observedAddr.isSome:
result.write(4, observedAddr.get().data.buffer)
let protoVersion = ProtoVersion
result.write(5, protoVersion)
let agentVersion = if peerInfo.agentVersion.len <= 0:
result.write(6, agentVersion)
## Optionally populate signedPeerRecord field.
## See https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/blob/ddf96ce1cfa9e19564feb9bd3e8269958bbc0aba/p2p/protocol/identify/pb/identify.proto for reference.
if sendSpr:
let sprBuff = peerInfo.signedPeerRecord.envelope.encode()
if sprBuff.isOk():
result.write(8, sprBuff.get())
proc decodeMsg*(buf: seq[byte]): Option[IdentifyInfo] =
iinfo: IdentifyInfo
pubkey: PublicKey
oaddr: MultiAddress
protoVersion: string
agentVersion: string
signedPeerRecord: SignedPeerRecord
var pb = initProtoBuffer(buf)
let r1 = pb.getField(1, pubkey)
let r2 = pb.getRepeatedField(2, iinfo.addrs)
let r3 = pb.getRepeatedField(3, iinfo.protos)
let r4 = pb.getField(4, oaddr)
let r5 = pb.getField(5, protoVersion)
let r6 = pb.getField(6, agentVersion)
let r8 = pb.getField(8, signedPeerRecord)
let res = r1.isOk() and r2.isOk() and r3.isOk() and
r4.isOk() and r5.isOk() and r6.isOk() and
if res:
if r1.get():
iinfo.pubkey = some(pubkey)
if r4.get():
iinfo.observedAddr = some(oaddr)
if r5.get():
iinfo.protoVersion = some(protoVersion)
if r6.get():
iinfo.agentVersion = some(agentVersion)
if r8.get() and r1.get():
if iinfo.pubkey.get() == signedPeerRecord.envelope.publicKey:
iinfo.signedPeerRecord = some(signedPeerRecord.envelope)
debug "decodeMsg: decoded identify", iinfo
trace "decodeMsg: failed to decode received message"
proc new*(
T: typedesc[Identify],
peerInfo: PeerInfo,
sendSignedPeerRecord = false
): T =
let identify = T(
peerInfo: peerInfo,
sendSignedPeerRecord: sendSignedPeerRecord,
observedAddrManager: ObservedAddrManager.new(),
method init*(p: Identify) =
proc handle(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, gcsafe, closure.} =
trace "handling identify request", conn
var pb = encodeMsg(p.peerInfo, conn.observedAddr, p.sendSignedPeerRecord)
await conn.writeLp(pb.buffer)
except CancelledError as exc:
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "exception in identify handler", exc = exc.msg, conn
trace "exiting identify handler", conn
await conn.closeWithEOF()
p.handler = handle
p.codec = IdentifyCodec
proc identify*(self: Identify,
conn: Connection,
remotePeerId: PeerId): Future[IdentifyInfo] {.async, gcsafe.} =
trace "initiating identify", conn
var message = await conn.readLp(64*1024)
if len(message) == 0:
trace "identify: Empty message received!", conn
raise newException(IdentityInvalidMsgError, "Empty message received!")
let infoOpt = decodeMsg(message)
if infoOpt.isNone():
raise newException(IdentityInvalidMsgError, "Incorrect message received!")
var info = infoOpt.get()
if info.pubkey.isNone():
raise newException(IdentityInvalidMsgError, "No pubkey in identify")
let peer = PeerId.init(info.pubkey.get())
if peer.isErr:
raise newException(IdentityInvalidMsgError, $peer.error)
if peer.get() != remotePeerId:
trace "Peer ids don't match", remote = peer, local = remotePeerId
raise newException(IdentityNoMatchError, "Peer ids don't match")
info.peerId = peer.get()
if info.observedAddr.isSome:
if not self.observedAddrManager.addObservation(info.observedAddr.get()):
debug "Observed address is not valid", observedAddr = info.observedAddr.get()
return info
proc new*(T: typedesc[IdentifyPush], handler: IdentifyPushHandler = nil): T {.public.} =
## Create a IdentifyPush protocol. `handler` will be called every time
## a peer sends us new `PeerInfo`
let identifypush = T(identifyHandler: handler)
proc init*(p: IdentifyPush) =
proc handle(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, gcsafe, closure.} =
trace "handling identify push", conn
var message = await conn.readLp(64*1024)
let infoOpt = decodeMsg(message)
if infoOpt.isNone():
raise newException(IdentityInvalidMsgError, "Incorrect message received!")
var indentInfo = infoOpt.get()
if indentInfo.pubkey.isSome:
let receivedPeerId = PeerId.init(indentInfo.pubkey.get()).tryGet()
if receivedPeerId != conn.peerId:
raise newException(IdentityNoMatchError, "Peer ids don't match")
indentInfo.peerId = receivedPeerId
trace "triggering peer event", peerInfo = conn.peerId
if not isNil(p.identifyHandler):
await p.identifyHandler(conn.peerId, indentInfo)
except CancelledError as exc:
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
info "exception in identify push handler", exc = exc.msg, conn
trace "exiting identify push handler", conn
await conn.closeWithEOF()
p.handler = handle
p.codec = IdentifyPushCodec
proc push*(p: IdentifyPush, peerInfo: PeerInfo, conn: Connection) {.async, public.} =
## Send new `peerInfo`s to a connection
var pb = encodeMsg(peerInfo, conn.observedAddr, true)
await conn.writeLp(pb.buffer)