mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 09:31:08 +00:00
* gossipsub: adding duplicate arrival metrics Adding counters for received deduplicated messages and for duplicates recognized by the seen cache. Note that duplicates that are not recognized (arrive after seenTTL) are not counted as duplicates here either. * gossipsub: adding mcache (message cache for responding IWANT) stats It is generally assumed that IWANT messages arrive when mcache still has the message. These stats are to verify this assumption. * libp2p: adding internal TX queuing stats Messages are queued in TX before getting written on the stream, but we have no statistics about these queues. This patch adds some queue length and queuing time related statistics. * adding Grafana libp2p dashboard Adding Grafana dashboard with newly exposed metrics. * enable libp2p_mplex_metrics in nimble test Signed-off-by: Csaba Kiraly <csaba.kiraly@gmail.com>
135 lines
4.6 KiB
135 lines
4.6 KiB
mode = ScriptMode.Verbose
packageName = "libp2p"
version = "0.0.2"
author = "Status Research & Development GmbH"
description = "LibP2P implementation"
license = "MIT"
skipDirs = @["tests", "examples", "Nim", "tools", "scripts", "docs"]
requires "nim >= 1.2.0",
"nimcrypto >= 0.4.1",
"dnsclient >= 0.1.2",
"bearssl >= 0.1.4",
"chronicles >= 0.10.2",
"chronos >= 3.0.6",
const nimflags =
"--verbosity:0 --hints:off " &
"--warning[CaseTransition]:off --warning[ObservableStores]:off " &
"--warning[LockLevel]:off " &
"-d:chronosStrictException " &
"--styleCheck:usages --styleCheck:hint "
proc runTest(filename: string, verify: bool = true, sign: bool = true,
moreoptions: string = "") =
var excstr = "nim c --opt:speed -d:debug -d:libp2p_agents_metrics -d:libp2p_protobuf_metrics -d:libp2p_network_protocols_metrics -d:libp2p_mplex_metrics "
excstr.add(" " & getEnv("NIMFLAGS") & " ")
excstr.add(" " & nimflags & " ")
excstr.add(" -d:libp2p_pubsub_sign=" & $sign)
excstr.add(" -d:libp2p_pubsub_verify=" & $verify)
excstr.add(" " & moreoptions & " ")
if verify and sign:
# build it with TRACE and JSON logs
exec excstr & " -d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE -d:chronicles_sinks:json" & " tests/" & filename
# build it again, to run it with less verbose logs
exec excstr & " -d:chronicles_log_level=INFO -r" & " tests/" & filename
rmFile "tests/" & filename.toExe
proc buildSample(filename: string, run = false) =
var excstr = "nim c --opt:speed --threads:on -d:debug "
excstr.add(" " & nimflags & " ")
excstr.add(" examples/" & filename)
exec excstr
if run:
exec "./examples/" & filename.toExe
rmFile "examples/" & filename.toExe
proc buildTutorial(filename: string) =
discard gorge "cat " & filename & " | nim c -r --hints:off tools/markdown_runner.nim | " &
" nim " & nimflags & " c -"
task testnative, "Runs libp2p native tests":
task testdaemon, "Runs daemon tests":
task testinterop, "Runs interop tests":
task testpubsub, "Runs pubsub tests":
runTest("pubsub/testgossipinternal", sign = false, verify = false, moreoptions = "-d:pubsub_internal_testing")
runTest("pubsub/testpubsub", sign = false, verify = false)
runTest("pubsub/testpubsub", sign = false, verify = false, moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pubsub_anonymize=true")
task testpubsub_slim, "Runs pubsub tests":
runTest("pubsub/testgossipinternal", sign = false, verify = false, moreoptions = "-d:pubsub_internal_testing")
task testfilter, "Run PKI filter test":
moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pki_schemes=\"secp256k1\"")
moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pki_schemes=\"secp256k1;ed25519\"")
moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pki_schemes=\"secp256k1;ed25519;ecnist\"")
moreoptions = "-d:libp2p_pki_schemes=")
task test, "Runs the test suite":
exec "nimble testnative"
exec "nimble testpubsub"
exec "nimble testdaemon"
exec "nimble testinterop"
exec "nimble testfilter"
exec "nimble examples_build"
task test_slim, "Runs the (slimmed down) test suite":
exec "nimble testnative"
exec "nimble testpubsub_slim"
exec "nimble testfilter"
exec "nimble examples_build"
task examples_build, "Build the samples":
buildSample("helloworld", true)
# pin system
# while nimble lockfile
# isn't available
const PinFile = ".pinned"
task pin, "Create a lockfile":
# pinner.nim was originally here
# but you can't read output from
# a command in a nimscript
exec "nim c -r tools/pinner.nim"
import sequtils
import os
task install_pinned, "Reads the lockfile":
let toInstall = readFile(PinFile).splitWhitespace().mapIt((it.split(";", 1)[0], it.split(";", 1)[1]))
# [('packageName', 'packageFullUri')]
exec "nimble install -y " & toInstall.mapIt(it[1]).join(" ")
# Remove the automatically installed deps
# (inefficient you say?)
let allowedDirectories = toInstall.mapIt(it[0] & "-" & it[1].split('@')[1])
for dependency in listDirs("nimbledeps/pkgs"):
if dependency.extractFilename notin allowedDirectories:
task unpin, "Restore global package use":