2023-03-21 17:13:25 +01:00

307 lines
11 KiB

# Nim-LibP2P
# Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
import std/[tables, sets, options]
import chronos, chronicles, metrics
import "."/[types]
import ".."/[pubsubpeer]
import "../../.."/[peerid, multiaddress, utility, switch, utils/heartbeat]
topics = "libp2p gossipsub"
declareGauge(libp2p_gossipsub_peers_scores, "the scores of the peers in gossipsub", labels = ["agent"])
declareCounter(libp2p_gossipsub_bad_score_disconnection, "the number of peers disconnected by gossipsub", labels = ["agent"])
declareGauge(libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_firstMessageDeliveries, "Detailed gossipsub scoring metric", labels = ["agent"])
declareGauge(libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_meshMessageDeliveries, "Detailed gossipsub scoring metric", labels = ["agent"])
declareGauge(libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_meshFailurePenalty, "Detailed gossipsub scoring metric", labels = ["agent"])
declareGauge(libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_invalidMessageDeliveries, "Detailed gossipsub scoring metric", labels = ["agent"])
declareGauge(libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_appScore, "Detailed gossipsub scoring metric", labels = ["agent"])
declareGauge(libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_behaviourPenalty, "Detailed gossipsub scoring metric", labels = ["agent"])
declareGauge(libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_colocationFactor, "Detailed gossipsub scoring metric", labels = ["agent"])
proc init*(_: type[TopicParams]): TopicParams =
topicWeight: 0.0, # disabled by default
timeInMeshWeight: 0.01,
timeInMeshQuantum: 1.seconds,
timeInMeshCap: 10.0,
firstMessageDeliveriesWeight: 1.0,
firstMessageDeliveriesDecay: 0.5,
firstMessageDeliveriesCap: 10.0,
meshMessageDeliveriesWeight: -1.0,
meshMessageDeliveriesDecay: 0.5,
meshMessageDeliveriesCap: 10,
meshMessageDeliveriesThreshold: 1,
meshMessageDeliveriesWindow: 5.milliseconds,
meshMessageDeliveriesActivation: 10.seconds,
meshFailurePenaltyWeight: -1.0,
meshFailurePenaltyDecay: 0.5,
invalidMessageDeliveriesWeight: -1.0,
invalidMessageDeliveriesDecay: 0.5
proc withPeerStats*(
g: GossipSub,
peerId: PeerId,
action: proc (stats: var PeerStats) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}) =
## Add or update peer statistics for a particular peer id - the statistics
## are retained across multiple connections until they expire
g.peerStats.withValue(peerId, stats) do:
action(g.peerStats.mgetOrPut(peerId, PeerStats(
expire: Moment.now() + g.parameters.retainScore
func `/`(a, b: Duration): float64 =
fa = float64(a.nanoseconds)
fb = float64(b.nanoseconds)
fa / fb
func byScore*(x,y: PubSubPeer): int = system.cmp(x.score, y.score)
proc colocationFactor(g: GossipSub, peer: PubSubPeer): float64 =
if peer.address.isNone():
address = peer.address.get()
g.peersInIP.mgetOrPut(address, initHashSet[PeerId]()).incl(peer.peerId)
ipPeers = g.peersInIP.getOrDefault(address).len().float64
if ipPeers > g.parameters.ipColocationFactorThreshold:
trace "colocationFactor over threshold", peer, address, ipPeers
let over = ipPeers - g.parameters.ipColocationFactorThreshold
over * over
proc disconnectPeer(g: GossipSub, peer: PubSubPeer) {.async.} =
let agent =
when defined(libp2p_agents_metrics):
if peer.shortAgent.len > 0:
libp2p_gossipsub_bad_score_disconnection.inc(labelValues = [agent])
await g.switch.disconnect(peer.peerId)
except CatchableError as exc: # Never cancelled
trace "Failed to close connection", peer, error = exc.name, msg = exc.msg
proc updateScores*(g: GossipSub) = # avoid async
## https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/master/pubsub/gossipsub/gossipsub-v1.1.md#the-score-function
trace "updating scores", peers = g.peers.len
let now = Moment.now()
var evicting: seq[PeerId]
for peerId, stats in g.peerStats.mpairs:
let peer = g.peers.getOrDefault(peerId)
if isNil(peer) or not(peer.connected):
if now > stats.expire:
trace "evicted peer from memory", peer = peerId
trace "updating peer score", peer
n_topics = 0
is_grafted = 0
score = 0.0
# Per topic
for topic, topicParams in g.topicParams:
var info = stats.topicInfos.getOrDefault(topic)
inc n_topics
# if weight is 0.0 avoid wasting time
if topicParams.topicWeight != 0.0:
# Scoring
var topicScore = 0'f64
if info.inMesh:
inc is_grafted
info.meshTime = now - info.graftTime
if info.meshTime > topicParams.meshMessageDeliveriesActivation:
info.meshMessageDeliveriesActive = true
var p1 = info.meshTime / topicParams.timeInMeshQuantum
if p1 > topicParams.timeInMeshCap:
p1 = topicParams.timeInMeshCap
trace "p1", peer, p1, topic, topicScore
topicScore += p1 * topicParams.timeInMeshWeight
info.meshMessageDeliveriesActive = false
topicScore += info.firstMessageDeliveries * topicParams.firstMessageDeliveriesWeight
trace "p2", peer, p2 = info.firstMessageDeliveries, topic, topicScore
if info.meshMessageDeliveriesActive:
if info.meshMessageDeliveries < topicParams.meshMessageDeliveriesThreshold:
let deficit = topicParams.meshMessageDeliveriesThreshold - info.meshMessageDeliveries
let p3 = deficit * deficit
trace "p3", peer, p3, topic, topicScore
topicScore += p3 * topicParams.meshMessageDeliveriesWeight
topicScore += info.meshFailurePenalty * topicParams.meshFailurePenaltyWeight
trace "p3b", peer, p3b = info.meshFailurePenalty, topic, topicScore
topicScore += info.invalidMessageDeliveries * info.invalidMessageDeliveries * topicParams.invalidMessageDeliveriesWeight
trace "p4", p4 = info.invalidMessageDeliveries * info.invalidMessageDeliveries, topic, topicScore
trace "updated peer topic's scores", peer, topic, info, topicScore
score += topicScore * topicParams.topicWeight
# Score metrics
let agent =
when defined(libp2p_agents_metrics):
if peer.shortAgent.len > 0:
libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_firstMessageDeliveries.inc(info.firstMessageDeliveries, labelValues = [agent])
libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_meshMessageDeliveries.inc(info.meshMessageDeliveries, labelValues = [agent])
libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_meshFailurePenalty.inc(info.meshFailurePenalty, labelValues = [agent])
libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_invalidMessageDeliveries.inc(info.invalidMessageDeliveries, labelValues = [agent])
# Score decay
info.firstMessageDeliveries *= topicParams.firstMessageDeliveriesDecay
if info.firstMessageDeliveries < g.parameters.decayToZero:
info.firstMessageDeliveries = 0
info.meshMessageDeliveries *= topicParams.meshMessageDeliveriesDecay
if info.meshMessageDeliveries < g.parameters.decayToZero:
info.meshMessageDeliveries = 0
info.meshFailurePenalty *= topicParams.meshFailurePenaltyDecay
if info.meshFailurePenalty < g.parameters.decayToZero:
info.meshFailurePenalty = 0
info.invalidMessageDeliveries *= topicParams.invalidMessageDeliveriesDecay
if info.invalidMessageDeliveries < g.parameters.decayToZero:
info.invalidMessageDeliveries = 0
# Wrap up
# commit our changes, mgetOrPut does NOT work as wanted with value types (lent?)
stats.topicInfos[topic] = info
score += peer.appScore * g.parameters.appSpecificWeight
# The value of the parameter is the square of the counter and is mixed with a negative weight.
score += peer.behaviourPenalty * peer.behaviourPenalty * g.parameters.behaviourPenaltyWeight
let colocationFactor = g.colocationFactor(peer)
score += colocationFactor * g.parameters.ipColocationFactorWeight
# Score metrics
let agent =
when defined(libp2p_agents_metrics):
if peer.shortAgent.len > 0:
libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_appScore.inc(peer.appScore, labelValues = [agent])
libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_behaviourPenalty.inc(peer.behaviourPenalty, labelValues = [agent])
libp2p_gossipsub_peers_score_colocationFactor.inc(colocationFactor, labelValues = [agent])
# decay behaviourPenalty
peer.behaviourPenalty *= g.parameters.behaviourPenaltyDecay
if peer.behaviourPenalty < g.parameters.decayToZero:
peer.behaviourPenalty = 0
peer.score = score
# copy into stats the score to keep until expired
stats.score = peer.score
stats.appScore = peer.appScore
stats.behaviourPenalty = peer.behaviourPenalty
stats.expire = now + g.parameters.retainScore # refresh expiration
trace "updated peer's score", peer, score = peer.score, n_topics, is_grafted
if g.parameters.disconnectBadPeers and stats.score < g.parameters.graylistThreshold and
peer.peerId notin g.parameters.directPeers:
debug "disconnecting bad score peer", peer, score = peer.score
asyncSpawn(try: g.disconnectPeer(peer) except Exception as exc: raiseAssert exc.msg)
libp2p_gossipsub_peers_scores.inc(peer.score, labelValues = [agent])
for peer in evicting:
trace "updated scores", peers = g.peers.len
proc scoringHeartbeat*(g: GossipSub) {.async.} =
heartbeat "Gossipsub scoring", g.parameters.decayInterval:
trace "running scoring heartbeat", instance = cast[int](g)
proc punishInvalidMessage*(g: GossipSub, peer: PubSubPeer, topics: seq[string]) =
for tt in topics:
let t = tt
if t notin g.topics:
let tt = t
# update stats
g.withPeerStats(peer.peerId) do (stats: var PeerStats):
stats.topicInfos.mgetOrPut(tt, TopicInfo()).invalidMessageDeliveries += 1
proc addCapped*[T](stat: var T, diff, cap: T) =
stat += min(diff, cap - stat)
proc rewardDelivered*(
g: GossipSub, peer: PubSubPeer, topics: openArray[string], first: bool, delay = ZeroDuration) =
for tt in topics:
let t = tt
if t notin g.topics:
let tt = t
let topicParams = g.topicParams.mgetOrPut(t, TopicParams.init())
# if in mesh add more delivery score
if delay > topicParams.meshMessageDeliveriesWindow:
# Too old
g.withPeerStats(peer.peerId) do (stats: var PeerStats):
stats.topicInfos.withValue(tt, tstats):
if first:
1, topicParams.firstMessageDeliveriesCap)
if tstats[].inMesh:
1, topicParams.meshMessageDeliveriesCap)
do: # make sure we don't loose this information
stats.topicInfos[tt] = TopicInfo(meshMessageDeliveries: 1)