# Nim-LibP2P # Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) # at your option. # This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to # those terms. import std/[os, strutils, times] import chronicles import ../libp2p/debugutils const PBCapParserName* = "PBCapParser" ## project name string PBCapParserMajor*: int = 0 ## is the major number of PBCapParser' version. PBCapParserMinor*: int = 0 ## is the minor number of PBCapParser' version. PBCapParserPatch*: int = 1 ## is the patch number of PBCapParser' version. PBCapParserVersion* = $PBCapParserMajor & "." & $PBCapParserMinor & "." & $PBCapParserPatch ## is the version of Nimbus as a string. GitRevision = staticExec("git rev-parse --short HEAD").replace("\n") # remove CR PBCapParserUsage = """ USAGE: pbcap_parser COMMANDS: dump Show full hexadecimal dump with ascii symbols of packets hex Show only hexadecimal string of message """ let PBCapParserCopyright* = "Copyright (c) 2020-" & $(now().utc.year) & " Status Research & Development GmbH" PBCapParserHeader* = "$# Version $# [$#: $#, $#]\p$#\p" % [ PBCapParserName, PBCapParserVersion, hostOS, hostCPU, GitRevision, PBCapParserCopyright, ] proc parseFile*(pathName: string, dump: bool): string = ## Parse `pbcap` file ``pathName``, and return decoded output as string dump. ## ## If ``pathName`` is relative path, then ## ``getHomeDir() / libp2p_dump_dir / pathName`` will be used. var res = "" let path = if isAbsolute(pathName): pathName else: getHomeDir() / libp2p_dump_dir / pathName var sdata = string(readFile(path)) var buffer = cast[seq[byte]](sdata) for item in messages(buffer): if item.isNone(): break res = res & toString(item.get(), dump) res when isMainModule: echo PBCapParserHeader if paramCount() < 2: echo PBCapParserUsage quit 0 else: let cmd = toLowerAscii(paramStr(1)) if cmd notin ["dump", "hex"]: fatal "Unrecognized command found", command = paramStr(1) quit 1 let path = if isAbsolute(paramStr(2)): paramStr(2) else: getHomeDir() / libp2p_dump_dir / paramStr(2) if not (fileExists(path)): fatal "Could not find pbcap file", filename = path quit 1 let dump = if cmd == "dump": true else: false try: echo parseFile(paramStr(2), dump) except: fatal "Could not read pbcap file", filename = path