## Nim-Libp2p ## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. ## This module implements wire network connection procedures. import chronos import multiaddress, multicodec proc initTAddress*(ma: MultiAddress): TransportAddress = ## Initialize ``TransportAddress`` with MultiAddress ``ma``. ## ## MultiAddress must be wire address, e.g. ``{IP4, IP6, UNIX}/{TCP, UDP}``. var state = 0 var pbuf: array[2, byte] for part in ma.items(): let code = part.protoCode() if state == 0: if code == multiCodec("ip4"): result = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv4) if ma.protoArgument(result.address_v4) == 0: raise newException(TransportAddressError, "Incorrect IPv4 address") inc(state) elif code == multiCodec("ip6"): result = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv6) if ma.protoArgument(result.address_v6) == 0: raise newException(TransportAddressError, "Incorrect IPv6 address") inc(state) elif code == multiCodec("unix"): result = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.Unix) if ma.protoArgument(result.address_un) == 0: raise newException(TransportAddressError, "Incorrect Unix address") result.port = Port(1) break else: raise newException(TransportAddressError, "Could not initialize address!") elif state == 1: if code == multiCodec("tcp") or code == multiCodec("udp"): if ma.protoArgument(pbuf) == 0: raise newException(TransportAddressError, "Incorrect port") result.port = Port((cast[uint16](pbuf[0]) shl 8) or cast[uint16](pbuf[1])) break else: raise newException(TransportAddressError, "Could not initialize address!") proc connect*(ma: MultiAddress, bufferSize = DefaultStreamBufferSize, child: StreamTransport = nil): Future[StreamTransport] = ## Open new connection to remote peer with address ``ma`` and create ## new transport object ``StreamTransport`` for established connection. ## ``bufferSize`` is size of internal buffer for transport. let address = initTAddress(ma) if address.family in {AddressFamily.IPv4, AddressFamily.IPv6}: if ma[1].protoCode() != multiCodec("tcp"): var retFuture = newFuture[StreamTransport]() retFuture.fail(newException(TransportAddressError, "Incorrect address type!")) return retFuture result = connect(address, bufferSize, child) proc createStreamServer*[T](ma: MultiAddress, cbproc: StreamCallback, flags: set[ServerFlags] = {}, udata: ref T, sock: AsyncFD = asyncInvalidSocket, backlog: int = 100, bufferSize: int = DefaultStreamBufferSize, child: StreamServer = nil, init: TransportInitCallback = nil): StreamServer = ## Create new TCP stream server which bounds to ``ma`` address. var address = initTAddress(ma) if address.family in {AddressFamily.IPv4, AddressFamily.IPv6}: if ma[1].protoCode() != multiCodec("tcp"): raise newException(TransportAddressError, "Incorrect address type!") result = createStreamServer(address, cbproc, flags, udata, sock, backlog, bufferSize, child, init)