when not(compileOption("threads")): {.fatal: "Please, compile this program with the --threads:on option!".} import tables, strformat, strutils import chronos import ../libp2p/[switch, multistream, crypto/crypto, protocols/identify, connection, transports/transport, transports/tcptransport, multiaddress, peerinfo, peerid, protocols/protocol, protocols/secure/secure, protocols/secure/secio, muxers/muxer, muxers/mplex/mplex] const ChatCodec = "/nim-libp2p/chat/1.0.0" const DefaultAddr = "/ip4/" const Help = """ Commands: /[?|hep|connect|disconnect|exit] help: Prints this help connect: dials a remote peer disconnect: ends current session exit: closes the chat """ type ChatProto = ref object of LPProtocol switch: Switch # a single entry point for dialing and listening to peer transp: StreamTransport # transport streams between read & write file descriptor conn: Connection # create and close read & write stream connected: bool # if the node is connected to another peer started: bool # if the node has started # copied from https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2/blob/0ed657e953740a92458f23033d47483ffa17ccb0/beacon_chain/eth2_network.nim#L109-L115 proc initAddress(T: type MultiAddress, str: string): T = let address = MultiAddress.init(str) if IPFS.match(address) and matchPartial(multiaddress.TCP, address): result = address else: raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Invalid bootstrap node multi-address") proc dialPeer(p: ChatProto, address: string) {.async.} = let multiAddr = MultiAddress.initAddress(address); let parts = address.split("/") let remotePeer = PeerInfo.init(parts[^1], [multiAddr]) echo &"dialing peer: {multiAddr}" p.conn = await p.switch.dial(remotePeer, ChatCodec) p.connected = true proc readAndPrint(p: ChatProto) {.async.} = while true: while p.connected: echo cast[string](await p.conn.readLp(1024)) await sleepAsync(100.millis) proc writeAndPrint(p: ChatProto) {.async.} = while true: if not p.connected: echo "type an address or wait for a connection:" echo "type /[help|?] for help" let line = await p.transp.readLine() if line.startsWith("/help") or line.startsWith("/?") or not p.started: echo Help continue if line.startsWith("/disconnect"): echo "Ending current session" if p.connected and p.conn.closed.not: await p.conn.close() p.connected = false elif line.startsWith("/connect"): if p.connected: var yesno = "N" echo "a session is already in progress, do you want end it [y/N]?" yesno = await p.transp.readLine() if yesno.cmpIgnoreCase("y") == 0: await p.conn.close() p.connected = false elif yesno.cmpIgnoreCase("n") == 0: continue else: echo "unrecognized response" continue echo "enter address of remote peer" let address = await p.transp.readLine() if address.len > 0: await p.dialPeer(address) elif line.startsWith("/exit"): if p.connected and p.conn.closed.not: await p.conn.close() p.connected = false await p.switch.stop() echo "quitting..." quit(0) else: if p.connected: await p.conn.writeLp(line) else: try: if line.startsWith("/") and "ipfs" in line: await p.dialPeer(line) except: echo &"unable to dial remote peer {line}" echo getCurrentExceptionMsg() proc readWriteLoop(p: ChatProto) {.async.} = asyncCheck p.writeAndPrint() # execute the async function but does not block asyncCheck p.readAndPrint() proc processInput(rfd: AsyncFD) {.async.} = let transp = fromPipe(rfd) while true: let a = await transp.readLine() echo "You just entered: " & a proc readInput(wfd: AsyncFD) {.thread.} = ## This procedure performs reading from `stdin` and sends data over ## pipe to main thread. let transp = fromPipe(wfd) while true: let line = stdin.readLine() discard waitFor transp.write(line & "\r\n") proc main() {.async.} = let (rfd, wfd) = createAsyncPipe() if rfd == asyncInvalidPipe or wfd == asyncInvalidPipe: raise newException(ValueError, "Could not initialize pipe!") var thread: Thread[AsyncFD] thread.createThread(readInput, wfd) await processInput(rfd) when isMainModule: # isMainModule = true when the module is compiled as the main file waitFor(main())