## Nim-LibP2P ## Copyright (c) 2019 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. import std/[tables, sequtils, sets] import chronos, chronicles, chronicles/chronos_tools, metrics import pubsubpeer, rpc/[message, messages], ../../switch, ../protocol, ../../stream/connection, ../../peerid, ../../peerinfo, ../../errors export PubSubPeer export PubSubObserver logScope: topics = "pubsub" declareGauge(libp2p_pubsub_peers, "pubsub peer instances") declareGauge(libp2p_pubsub_topics, "pubsub subscribed topics") declareCounter(libp2p_pubsub_validation_success, "pubsub successfully validated messages") declareCounter(libp2p_pubsub_validation_failure, "pubsub failed validated messages") when defined(libp2p_expensive_metrics): declarePublicCounter(libp2p_pubsub_messages_published, "published messages", labels = ["topic"]) type TopicHandler* = proc(topic: string, data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} ValidatorHandler* = proc(topic: string, message: Message): Future[bool] {.gcsafe, closure.} TopicPair* = tuple[topic: string, handler: TopicHandler] MsgIdProvider* = proc(m: Message): string {.noSideEffect, raises: [Defect], nimcall, gcsafe.} Topic* = object name*: string handler*: seq[TopicHandler] PubSub* = ref object of LPProtocol switch*: Switch # the switch used to dial/connect to peers peerInfo*: PeerInfo # this peer's info topics*: Table[string, Topic] # local topics peers*: Table[PeerID, PubSubPeer] # peerid to peer map triggerSelf*: bool # trigger own local handler on publish verifySignature*: bool # enable signature verification sign*: bool # enable message signing validators*: Table[string, HashSet[ValidatorHandler]] observers: ref seq[PubSubObserver] # ref as in smart_ptr msgIdProvider*: MsgIdProvider # Turn message into message id (not nil) msgSeqno*: uint64 lifetimeFut*: Future[void] # pubsub liftime future method unsubscribePeer*(p: PubSub, peerId: PeerID) {.base.} = ## handle peer disconnects ## trace "unsubscribing pubsub peer", peer = $peerId if peerId in p.peers: p.peers.del(peerId) libp2p_pubsub_peers.set(p.peers.len.int64) proc send*( p: PubSub, peer: PubSubPeer, msg: RPCMsg, timeout: Duration) {.async.} = ## send to remote peer ## trace "sending pubsub message to peer", peer = $peer, msg = shortLog(msg) try: await peer.send(msg, timeout) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: trace "exception sending pubsub message to peer", peer = $peer, msg = shortLog(msg) p.unsubscribePeer(peer.peerId) raise exc proc broadcast*( p: PubSub, sendPeers: seq[PubSubPeer], msg: RPCMsg, timeout: Duration): Future[int] {.async.} = ## send messages and cleanup failed peers ## trace "broadcasting messages to peers", peers = sendPeers.len, message = shortLog(msg) let sent = await allFinished( sendPeers.mapIt( p.send(it, msg, timeout) )) return sent.filterIt( it.finished and it.error.isNil ).len proc sendSubs*(p: PubSub, peer: PubSubPeer, topics: seq[string], subscribe: bool): Future[void] = ## send subscriptions to remote peer p.send( peer, RPCMsg( subscriptions: topics.mapIt(SubOpts(subscribe: subscribe, topic: it))), DefaultSendTimeout) method subscribeTopic*(p: PubSub, topic: string, subscribe: bool, peer: PubSubPeer) {.base.} = # called when remote peer subscribes to a topic discard method rpcHandler*(p: PubSub, peer: PubSubPeer, rpcMsgs: seq[RPCMsg]) {.async, base.} = ## handle rpc messages trace "processing RPC message", peer = peer.id, msgs = rpcMsgs.len for m in rpcMsgs: # for all RPC messages trace "processing messages", msg = m.shortLog if m.subscriptions.len > 0: # if there are any subscriptions for s in m.subscriptions: # subscribe/unsubscribe the peer for each topic trace "about to subscribe to topic", topicId = s.topic p.subscribeTopic(s.topic, s.subscribe, peer) proc getOrCreatePeer*( p: PubSub, peer: PeerID, proto: string): PubSubPeer = if peer in p.peers: return p.peers[peer] # create new pubsub peer let pubSubPeer = newPubSubPeer(peer, p.switch, proto) trace "created new pubsub peer", peerId = $peer p.peers[peer] = pubSubPeer pubSubPeer.observers = p.observers libp2p_pubsub_peers.set(p.peers.len.int64) return pubSubPeer method handleConn*(p: PubSub, conn: Connection, proto: string) {.base, async.} = ## handle incoming connections ## ## this proc will: ## 1) register a new PubSubPeer for the connection ## 2) register a handler with the peer; ## this handler gets called on every rpc message ## that the peer receives ## 3) ask the peer to subscribe us to every topic ## that we're interested in ## if isNil(conn.peerInfo): trace "no valid PeerId for peer" await conn.close() return proc handler(peer: PubSubPeer, msgs: seq[RPCMsg]) {.async.} = # call pubsub rpc handler await p.rpcHandler(peer, msgs) let peer = p.getOrCreatePeer(conn.peerInfo.peerId, proto) if p.topics.len > 0: await p.sendSubs(peer, toSeq(p.topics.keys), true) try: peer.handler = handler await peer.handle(conn) # spawn peer read loop trace "pubsub peer handler ended", peer = peer.id except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: trace "exception ocurred in pubsub handle", exc = exc.msg finally: await conn.close() method subscribePeer*(p: PubSub, peer: PeerID) {.base.} = ## subscribe to remote peer to receive/send pubsub ## messages ## let pubsubPeer = p.getOrCreatePeer(peer, p.codec) if p.topics.len > 0: # TODO sendSubs may raise, but doing asyncCheck here causes the exception # to escape to the poll loop. # With a bit of luck, it may be harmless to ignore exceptions here - # some cleanup is eventually done in PubSubPeer.send traceAsyncErrors p.sendSubs(pubsubPeer, toSeq(p.topics.keys), true) pubsubPeer.subscribed = true method unsubscribe*(p: PubSub, topics: seq[TopicPair]) {.base, async.} = ## unsubscribe from a list of ``topic`` strings for t in topics: for i, h in p.topics[t.topic].handler: if h == t.handler: p.topics[t.topic].handler.del(i) # make sure we delete the topic if # no more handlers are left if p.topics[t.topic].handler.len <= 0: p.topics.del(t.topic) # metrics libp2p_pubsub_topics.set(p.topics.len.int64) proc unsubscribe*(p: PubSub, topic: string, handler: TopicHandler): Future[void] = ## unsubscribe from a ``topic`` string ## p.unsubscribe(@[(topic, handler)]) method unsubscribeAll*(p: PubSub, topic: string) {.base, async.} = p.topics.del(topic) libp2p_pubsub_topics.set(p.topics.len.int64) method subscribe*(p: PubSub, topic: string, handler: TopicHandler) {.base, async.} = ## subscribe to a topic ## ## ``topic`` - a string topic to subscribe to ## ## ``handler`` - is a user provided proc ## that will be triggered ## on every received message ## if topic notin p.topics: trace "subscribing to topic", name = topic p.topics[topic] = Topic(name: topic) p.topics[topic].handler.add(handler) var sent: seq[Future[void]] for peer in toSeq(p.peers.values): sent.add(p.sendSubs(peer, @[topic], true)) checkFutures(await allFinished(sent)) # metrics libp2p_pubsub_topics.set(p.topics.len.int64) method publish*(p: PubSub, topic: string, data: seq[byte], timeout: Duration = InfiniteDuration): Future[int] {.base, async.} = ## publish to a ``topic`` if p.triggerSelf and topic in p.topics: for h in p.topics[topic].handler: trace "triggering handler", topicID = topic try: await h(topic, data) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: # TODO these exceptions are ignored since it's likely that if writes are # are failing, the underlying connection is already closed - this needs # more cleanup though debug "Could not write to pubsub connection", msg = exc.msg return 0 method initPubSub*(p: PubSub) {.base.} = ## perform pubsub initialization p.observers = new(seq[PubSubObserver]) if p.msgIdProvider == nil: p.msgIdProvider = defaultMsgIdProvider method start*(p: PubSub) {.async, base.} = ## start pubsub discard method stop*(p: PubSub) {.async, base.} = ## stopt pubsub discard method addValidator*(p: PubSub, topic: varargs[string], hook: ValidatorHandler) {.base.} = for t in topic: if t notin p.validators: p.validators[t] = initHashSet[ValidatorHandler]() trace "adding validator for topic", topicId = t p.validators[t].incl(hook) method removeValidator*(p: PubSub, topic: varargs[string], hook: ValidatorHandler) {.base.} = for t in topic: if t in p.validators: p.validators[t].excl(hook) method validate*(p: PubSub, message: Message): Future[bool] {.async, base.} = var pending: seq[Future[bool]] trace "about to validate message" for topic in message.topicIDs: trace "looking for validators on topic", topicID = topic, registered = toSeq(p.validators.keys) if topic in p.validators: trace "running validators for topic", topicID = topic # TODO: add timeout to validator pending.add(p.validators[topic].mapIt(it(topic, message))) let futs = await allFinished(pending) result = futs.allIt(not it.failed and it.read()) if result: libp2p_pubsub_validation_success.inc() else: libp2p_pubsub_validation_failure.inc() proc init*( P: typedesc[PubSub], switch: Switch, triggerSelf: bool = false, verifySignature: bool = true, sign: bool = true, msgIdProvider: MsgIdProvider = defaultMsgIdProvider): P = result = P(switch: switch, peerInfo: switch.peerInfo, triggerSelf: triggerSelf, verifySignature: verifySignature, sign: sign, peers: initTable[PeerID, PubSubPeer](), topics: initTable[string, Topic](), msgIdProvider: msgIdProvider) result.initPubSub() proc addObserver*(p: PubSub; observer: PubSubObserver) = p.observers[] &= observer proc removeObserver*(p: PubSub; observer: PubSubObserver) = let idx = p.observers[].find(observer) if idx != -1: p.observers[].del(idx)