{.push raises: [].} import chronos import macros import algorithm import ../libp2p/transports/tcptransport import ../libp2p/stream/bufferstream import ../libp2p/crypto/crypto import ../libp2p/stream/lpstream import ../libp2p/stream/chronosstream import ../libp2p/muxers/mplex/lpchannel import ../libp2p/protocols/secure/secure import ../libp2p/switch import ../libp2p/nameresolving/[nameresolver, mockresolver] import "."/[asyncunit, errorhelpers] export asyncunit, errorhelpers, mockresolver const StreamTransportTrackerName = "stream.transport" StreamServerTrackerName = "stream.server" DgramTransportTrackerName = "datagram.transport" trackerNames = [ LPStreamTrackerName, ConnectionTrackerName, LPChannelTrackerName, SecureConnTrackerName, BufferStreamTrackerName, TcpTransportTrackerName, StreamTransportTrackerName, StreamServerTrackerName, DgramTransportTrackerName, ChronosStreamTrackerName ] template checkTracker*(name: string) = if isCounterLeaked(name): let tracker = getTrackerCounter(name) trackerDescription = "Opened " & name & ": " & $tracker.opened & "\n" & "Closed " & name & ": " & $tracker.closed checkpoint trackerDescription fail() template checkTrackers*() = for name in trackerNames: checkTracker(name) # Also test the GC is not fooling with us when defined(nimHasWarnBareExcept): {.push warning[BareExcept]:off.} try: GC_fullCollect() except: discard when defined(nimHasWarnBareExcept): {.pop.} type RngWrap = object rng: ref HmacDrbgContext var rngVar: RngWrap proc getRng(): ref HmacDrbgContext = # TODO if `rngVar` is a threadvar like it should be, there are random and # spurious compile failures on mac - this is not gcsafe but for the # purpose of the tests, it's ok as long as we only use a single thread {.gcsafe.}: if rngVar.rng.isNil: rngVar.rng = newRng() rngVar.rng template rng*(): ref HmacDrbgContext = getRng() type WriteHandler* = proc(data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} TestBufferStream* = ref object of BufferStream writeHandler*: WriteHandler method write*(s: TestBufferStream, msg: seq[byte]): Future[void] = s.writeHandler(msg) method getWrapped*(s: TestBufferStream): Connection = nil proc new*(T: typedesc[TestBufferStream], writeHandler: WriteHandler): T = let testBufferStream = T(writeHandler: writeHandler) testBufferStream.initStream() testBufferStream proc bridgedConnections*: (Connection, Connection) = let connA = TestBufferStream() connB = TestBufferStream() connA.dir = Direction.Out connB.dir = Direction.In connA.initStream() connB.initStream() connA.writeHandler = proc(data: seq[byte]) {.async.} = await connB.pushData(data) connB.writeHandler = proc(data: seq[byte]) {.async.} = await connA.pushData(data) return (connA, connB) macro checkUntilCustomTimeout*(timeout: Duration, code: untyped): untyped = ## Periodically checks a given condition until it is true or a timeout occurs. ## ## `code`: untyped - A condition expression that should eventually evaluate to true. ## `timeout`: Duration - The maximum duration to wait for the condition to be true. ## ## Examples: ## ```nim ## # Example 1: ## asyncTest "checkUntilCustomTimeout should pass if the condition is true": ## let a = 2 ## let b = 2 ## checkUntilCustomTimeout(2.seconds): ## a == b ## ## # Example 2: Multiple conditions ## asyncTest "checkUntilCustomTimeout should pass if the conditions are true": ## let a = 2 ## let b = 2 ## checkUntilCustomTimeout(5.seconds):: ## a == b ## a == 2 ## b == 1 ## ``` # Helper proc to recursively build a combined boolean expression proc buildAndExpr(n: NimNode): NimNode = if n.kind == nnkStmtList and n.len > 0: var combinedExpr = n[0] # Start with the first expression for i in 1.. (start + `timeout`): checkpoint("[TIMEOUT] Timeout was reached and the conditions were not true. Check if the code is working as " & "expected or consider increasing the timeout param.") check `code` return else: if `combinedBoolExpr`: return else: await sleepAsync(1.millis) await checkExpiringInternal() macro checkUntilTimeout*(code: untyped): untyped = ## Same as `checkUntilCustomTimeout` but with a default timeout of 10 seconds. ## ## Examples: ## ```nim ## # Example 1: ## asyncTest "checkUntilTimeout should pass if the condition is true": ## let a = 2 ## let b = 2 ## checkUntilTimeout: ## a == b ## ## # Example 2: Multiple conditions ## asyncTest "checkUntilTimeout should pass if the conditions are true": ## let a = 2 ## let b = 2 ## checkUntilTimeout: ## a == b ## a == 2 ## b == 1 ## ``` result = quote do: checkUntilCustomTimeout(10.seconds, `code`) proc unorderedCompare*[T](a, b: seq[T]): bool = if a == b: return true if a.len != b.len: return false var aSorted = a var bSorted = b aSorted.sort() bSorted.sort() if aSorted == bSorted: return true return false proc default*(T: typedesc[MockResolver]): T = let resolver = MockResolver.new() resolver.ipResponses[("localhost", false)] = @[""] resolver.ipResponses[("localhost", true)] = @["::1"] resolver proc setDNSAddr*(switch: Switch) {.async.} = proc addressMapper(listenAddrs: seq[MultiAddress]): Future[seq[MultiAddress]] {.async.} = return @[MultiAddress.init("/dns4/localhost/").tryGet() & listenAddrs[0][1].tryGet()] switch.peerInfo.addressMappers.add(addressMapper) await switch.peerInfo.update()