{.used.} import unittest, sequtils import chronos, stew/byteutils import ../libp2p/[stream/connection, transports/transport, transports/tcptransport, multiaddress, wire, errors] import ./helpers suite "TCP transport": teardown: for tracker in testTrackers(): # echo tracker.dump() check tracker.isLeaked() == false test "test listener: handle write": proc testListener(): Future[bool] {.async, gcsafe.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() let handlerWait = newFuture[void]() proc connHandler(conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = await conn.write(cstring("Hello!"), 6) await conn.close() handlerWait.complete() let transport: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() asyncCheck transport.listen(ma, connHandler) let streamTransport = await connect(transport.ma) let msg = await streamTransport.read(6) await handlerWait.wait(5000.millis) # when no issues will not wait that long! await streamTransport.closeWait() await transport.close() result = string.fromBytes(msg) == "Hello!" check: waitFor(testListener()) == true test "test listener: handle read": proc testListener(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() let handlerWait = newFuture[void]() proc connHandler(conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = var msg = newSeq[byte](6) await conn.readExactly(addr msg[0], 6) check string.fromBytes(msg) == "Hello!" await conn.close() handlerWait.complete() let transport: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() asyncCheck await transport.listen(ma, connHandler) let streamTransport: StreamTransport = await connect(transport.ma) let sent = await streamTransport.write("Hello!", 6) await handlerWait.wait(5000.millis) # when no issues will not wait that long! await streamTransport.closeWait() await transport.close() result = sent == 6 check: waitFor(testListener()) == true test "test dialer: handle write": proc testDialer(address: TransportAddress): Future[bool] {.async.} = let handlerWait = newFuture[void]() proc serveClient(server: StreamServer, transp: StreamTransport) {.async, gcsafe.} = var wstream = newAsyncStreamWriter(transp) await wstream.write("Hello!") await wstream.finish() await wstream.closeWait() await transp.closeWait() server.stop() server.close() handlerWait.complete() var server = createStreamServer(address, serveClient, {ReuseAddr}) server.start() let ma: MultiAddress = MultiAddress.init(server.sock.getLocalAddress()).tryGet() let transport: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() let conn = await transport.dial(ma) var msg = newSeq[byte](6) await conn.readExactly(addr msg[0], 6) result = string.fromBytes(msg) == "Hello!" await handlerWait.wait(5000.millis) # when no issues will not wait that long! await conn.close() await transport.close() server.stop() server.close() await server.join() check: waitFor(testDialer(initTAddress(""))) == true test "test dialer: handle write": proc testDialer(address: TransportAddress): Future[bool] {.async, gcsafe.} = let handlerWait = newFuture[void]() proc serveClient(server: StreamServer, transp: StreamTransport) {.async, gcsafe.} = var rstream = newAsyncStreamReader(transp) let msg = await rstream.read(6) check string.fromBytes(msg) == "Hello!" await rstream.closeWait() await transp.closeWait() server.stop() server.close() handlerWait.complete() var server = createStreamServer(address, serveClient, {ReuseAddr}) server.start() let ma: MultiAddress = MultiAddress.init(server.sock.getLocalAddress()).tryGet() let transport: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() let conn = await transport.dial(ma) await conn.write(cstring("Hello!"), 6) result = true await handlerWait.wait(5000.millis) # when no issues will not wait that long! await conn.close() await transport.close() server.stop() server.close() await server.join() check: waitFor(testDialer(initTAddress(""))) == true test "e2e: handle write": proc testListenerDialer(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() let handlerWait = newFuture[void]() proc connHandler(conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = await conn.write(cstring("Hello!"), 6) await conn.close() handlerWait.complete() let transport1: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() asyncCheck transport1.listen(ma, connHandler) let transport2: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() let conn = await transport2.dial(transport1.ma) var msg = newSeq[byte](6) await conn.readExactly(addr msg[0], 6) await handlerWait.wait(5000.millis) # when no issues will not wait that long! await conn.close() await transport2.close() await transport1.close() result = string.fromBytes(msg) == "Hello!" check: waitFor(testListenerDialer()) == true test "e2e: handle read": proc testListenerDialer(): Future[bool] {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() let handlerWait = newFuture[void]() proc connHandler(conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = var msg = newSeq[byte](6) await conn.readExactly(addr msg[0], 6) check string.fromBytes(msg) == "Hello!" await conn.close() handlerWait.complete() let transport1: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() asyncCheck transport1.listen(ma, connHandler) let transport2: TcpTransport = TcpTransport.init() let conn = await transport2.dial(transport1.ma) await conn.write(cstring("Hello!"), 6) await handlerWait.wait(5000.millis) # when no issues will not wait that long! await conn.close() await transport2.close() await transport1.close() result = true check: waitFor(testListenerDialer()) == true test "e2e: should limit incoming connections": proc test() {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() var times = 1 proc connHandler(conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = times.inc() var transports: seq[TcpTransport] transports.add(TcpTransport.init(maxIncoming = 2)) asyncCheck transports[0].listen(ma, connHandler) try: for i in 0..10: let transport = TcpTransport.init() transports.add(transport) discard await transport.dial(transports[0].ma).wait(10.millis) except AsyncTimeoutError: check times == 2 await allFuturesThrowing( transports.mapIt(it.close())) waitFor(test()) test "e2e: should limit outgoing connections": proc test() {.async.} = let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() var times = 1 proc connHandler(conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = times.inc() var transports: seq[TcpTransport] transports.add(TcpTransport.init()) asyncCheck transports[0].listen(ma, connHandler) try: let transport = TcpTransport.init(maxOutgoing = 2) transports.add(transport) for i in 0..10: discard await transport.dial(transports[0].ma) except TooManyConnections: check times == 2 await allFuturesThrowing( transports.mapIt(it.close())) waitFor(test())