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synced 2025-03-01 08:30:29 +00:00
test(gossipsub): Test cases covering subscribe and unsubscribe Events
added test wrt subscribe and unsubscribe added tests/pubsub/testgossipinternal2 file linters feat: rendezvous refactor (#1183) Hello! This PR aim to refactor rendezvous code so that it is easier to impl. Waku rdv strategy. The hardcoded min and max TTL were out of range with what we needed and specifying which peers to interact with is also needed since Waku deals with peers on multiple separate shards. I tried to keep the changes to a minimum, specifically I did not change the name of any public procs which result in less than descriptive names in some cases. I also wanted to return results instead of raising exceptions but didn't. Would it be acceptable to do so? Please advise on best practices, thank you. --------- Co-authored-by: Ludovic Chenut <ludovic@status.im> refactor and suite name refactor chore(ci): Enable S3 caching for interop (#1193) - Adds our S3 bucket for caching docker images as Protocol Labs shut down their shared one. - Remove the free disk space workaround that prevented the jobs from failing for using too much space for the images. --------- Co-authored-by: diegomrsantos <diego@status.im> PR review comment changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ jobs:
name: Run transport interoperability tests
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Free Disk Space (Ubuntu)
# For some reason the original job (libp2p/test-plans) has enough disk space, but this one doesn't.
uses: jlumbroso/free-disk-space@v1.3.1
tool-cache: true
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Build image
@ -32,6 +26,10 @@ jobs:
test-filter: nim-libp2p-head
extra-versions: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/transport-interop/version.json
s3-cache-bucket: ${{ vars.S3_LIBP2P_BUILD_CACHE_BUCKET_NAME }}
s3-access-key-id: ${{ vars.S3_LIBP2P_BUILD_CACHE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
s3-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.S3_LIBP2P_BUILD_CACHE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: ${{ vars.S3_LIBP2P_BUILD_CACHE_AWS_REGION }}
name: Run hole-punching interoperability tests
@ -46,3 +44,7 @@ jobs:
test-filter: nim-libp2p-head
extra-versions: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/hole-punching-interop/version.json
s3-cache-bucket: ${{ vars.S3_LIBP2P_BUILD_CACHE_BUCKET_NAME }}
s3-access-key-id: ${{ vars.S3_LIBP2P_BUILD_CACHE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
s3-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.S3_LIBP2P_BUILD_CACHE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: ${{ vars.S3_LIBP2P_BUILD_CACHE_AWS_REGION }}
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ build/
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ const
RendezVousCodec* = "/rendezvous/1.0.0"
MinimumDuration* = 2.hours
MaximumDuration = 72.hours
MinimumTTL = MinimumDuration.seconds.uint64
MaximumTTL = MaximumDuration.seconds.uint64
RegistrationLimitPerPeer = 1000
DiscoverLimit = 1000'u64
SemaphoreDefaultSize = 5
@ -320,6 +318,10 @@ type
peers: seq[PeerId]
cookiesSaved: Table[PeerId, Table[string, seq[byte]]]
switch: Switch
minDuration: Duration
maxDuration: Duration
minTTL: uint64
maxTTL: uint64
proc checkPeerRecord(spr: seq[byte], peerId: PeerId): Result[void, string] =
if spr.len == 0:
@ -395,7 +397,7 @@ proc save(
peerId: peerId,
expiration: Moment.now() + r.ttl.get(MinimumTTL).int64.seconds,
expiration: Moment.now() + r.ttl.get(rdv.minTTL).int64.seconds,
data: r,
@ -409,8 +411,8 @@ proc register(rdv: RendezVous, conn: Connection, r: Register): Future[void] =
if r.ns.len notin 1 .. 255:
return conn.sendRegisterResponseError(InvalidNamespace)
let ttl = r.ttl.get(MinimumTTL)
if ttl notin MinimumTTL .. MaximumTTL:
let ttl = r.ttl.get(rdv.minTTL)
if ttl notin rdv.minTTL .. rdv.maxTTL:
return conn.sendRegisterResponseError(InvalidTTL)
let pr = checkPeerRecord(r.signedPeerRecord, conn.peerId)
if pr.isErr():
@ -506,24 +508,35 @@ proc advertisePeer(rdv: RendezVous, peer: PeerId, msg: seq[byte]) {.async.} =
await rdv.sema.acquire()
discard await advertiseWrap().withTimeout(5.seconds)
method advertise*(
rdv: RendezVous, ns: string, ttl: Duration = MinimumDuration
) {.async, base.} =
let sprBuff = rdv.switch.peerInfo.signedPeerRecord.encode().valueOr:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "Wrong Signed Peer Record")
proc advertise*(
rdv: RendezVous, ns: string, ttl: Duration, peers: seq[PeerId]
) {.async.} =
if ns.len notin 1 .. 255:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "Invalid namespace")
if ttl notin MinimumDuration .. MaximumDuration:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "Invalid time to live")
if ttl notin rdv.minDuration .. rdv.maxDuration:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "Invalid time to live: " & $ttl)
let sprBuff = rdv.switch.peerInfo.signedPeerRecord.encode().valueOr:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "Wrong Signed Peer Record")
r = Register(ns: ns, signedPeerRecord: sprBuff, ttl: Opt.some(ttl.seconds.uint64))
msg = encode(Message(msgType: MessageType.Register, register: Opt.some(r)))
rdv.save(ns, rdv.switch.peerInfo.peerId, r)
let fut = collect(newSeq()):
for peer in rdv.peers:
let futs = collect(newSeq()):
for peer in peers:
trace "Send Advertise", peerId = peer, ns
rdv.advertisePeer(peer, msg.buffer)
await allFutures(fut)
await allFutures(futs)
method advertise*(
rdv: RendezVous, ns: string, ttl: Duration = rdv.minDuration
) {.async, base.} =
await rdv.advertise(ns, ttl, rdv.peers)
proc requestLocally*(rdv: RendezVous, ns: string): seq[PeerRecord] =
@ -540,9 +553,8 @@ proc requestLocally*(rdv: RendezVous, ns: string): seq[PeerRecord] =
proc request*(
rdv: RendezVous, ns: string, l: int = DiscoverLimit.int
rdv: RendezVous, ns: string, l: int = DiscoverLimit.int, peers: seq[PeerId]
): Future[seq[PeerRecord]] {.async.} =
let nsSalted = ns & rdv.salt
s: Table[PeerId, (PeerRecord, Register)]
limit: uint64
@ -587,8 +599,8 @@ proc request*(
for r in resp.registrations:
if limit == 0:
let ttl = r.ttl.get(MaximumTTL + 1)
if ttl > MaximumTTL:
let ttl = r.ttl.get(rdv.maxTTL + 1)
if ttl > rdv.maxTTL:
spr = SignedPeerRecord.decode(r.signedPeerRecord).valueOr:
@ -596,7 +608,7 @@ proc request*(
pr = spr.data
if s.hasKey(pr.peerId):
let (prSaved, rSaved) = s[pr.peerId]
if (prSaved.seqNo == pr.seqNo and rSaved.ttl.get(MaximumTTL) < ttl) or
if (prSaved.seqNo == pr.seqNo and rSaved.ttl.get(rdv.maxTTL) < ttl) or
prSaved.seqNo < pr.seqNo:
s[pr.peerId] = (pr, r)
@ -605,8 +617,6 @@ proc request*(
for (_, r) in s.values():
rdv.save(ns, peer, r, false)
# copy to avoid resizes during the loop
let peers = rdv.peers
for peer in peers:
if limit == 0:
@ -621,6 +631,11 @@ proc request*(
trace "exception catch in request", description = exc.msg
return toSeq(s.values()).mapIt(it[0])
proc request*(
rdv: RendezVous, ns: string, l: int = DiscoverLimit.int
): Future[seq[PeerRecord]] {.async.} =
await rdv.request(ns, l, rdv.peers)
proc unsubscribeLocally*(rdv: RendezVous, ns: string) =
let nsSalted = ns & rdv.salt
@ -630,16 +645,15 @@ proc unsubscribeLocally*(rdv: RendezVous, ns: string) =
except KeyError:
proc unsubscribe*(rdv: RendezVous, ns: string) {.async.} =
# TODO: find a way to improve this, maybe something similar to the advertise
proc unsubscribe*(rdv: RendezVous, ns: string, peerIds: seq[PeerId]) {.async.} =
if ns.len notin 1 .. 255:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "Invalid namespace")
let msg = encode(
Message(msgType: MessageType.Unregister, unregister: Opt.some(Unregister(ns: ns)))
proc unsubscribePeer(rdv: RendezVous, peerId: PeerId) {.async.} =
proc unsubscribePeer(peerId: PeerId) {.async.} =
let conn = await rdv.switch.dial(peerId, RendezVousCodec)
@ -648,8 +662,16 @@ proc unsubscribe*(rdv: RendezVous, ns: string) {.async.} =
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "exception while unsubscribing", description = exc.msg
for peer in rdv.peers:
discard await rdv.unsubscribePeer(peer).withTimeout(5.seconds)
let futs = collect(newSeq()):
for peer in peerIds:
discard await allFutures(futs).withTimeout(5.seconds)
proc unsubscribe*(rdv: RendezVous, ns: string) {.async.} =
await rdv.unsubscribe(ns, rdv.peers)
proc setup*(rdv: RendezVous, switch: Switch) =
rdv.switch = switch
@ -662,7 +684,25 @@ proc setup*(rdv: RendezVous, switch: Switch) =
rdv.switch.addPeerEventHandler(handlePeer, Joined)
rdv.switch.addPeerEventHandler(handlePeer, Left)
proc new*(T: typedesc[RendezVous], rng: ref HmacDrbgContext = newRng()): T =
proc new*(
T: typedesc[RendezVous],
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext = newRng(),
minDuration = MinimumDuration,
maxDuration = MaximumDuration,
): T {.raises: [RendezVousError].} =
if minDuration < 1.minutes:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "TTL too short: 1 minute minimum")
if maxDuration > 72.hours:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "TTL too long: 72 hours maximum")
if minDuration >= maxDuration:
raise newException(RendezVousError, "Minimum TTL longer than maximum")
minTTL = minDuration.seconds.uint64
maxTTL = maxDuration.seconds.uint64
let rdv = T(
rng: rng,
salt: string.fromBytes(generateBytes(rng[], 8)),
@ -670,6 +710,10 @@ proc new*(T: typedesc[RendezVous], rng: ref HmacDrbgContext = newRng()): T =
defaultDT: Moment.now() - 1.days,
#registerEvent: newAsyncEvent(),
sema: newAsyncSemaphore(SemaphoreDefaultSize),
minDuration: minDuration,
maxDuration: maxDuration,
minTTL: minTTL,
maxTTL: maxTTL,
topics = "libp2p discovery rendezvous"
@ -701,9 +745,13 @@ proc new*(T: typedesc[RendezVous], rng: ref HmacDrbgContext = newRng()): T =
return rdv
proc new*(
T: typedesc[RendezVous], switch: Switch, rng: ref HmacDrbgContext = newRng()
T: typedesc[RendezVous],
switch: Switch,
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext = newRng(),
minDuration = MinimumDuration,
maxDuration = MaximumDuration,
): T =
let rdv = T.new(rng)
let rdv = T.new(rng, minDuration, maxDuration)
return rdv
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# Nim-LibP2P
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
import std/[options, deques, sequtils, enumerate, algorithm, sets]
import stew/byteutils
import ../../libp2p/builders
import ../../libp2p/errors
import ../../libp2p/crypto/crypto
import ../../libp2p/stream/bufferstream
import ../../libp2p/protocols/pubsub/[pubsub, gossipsub, mcache, mcache, peertable]
import ../../libp2p/protocols/pubsub/rpc/[message, messages]
import ../../libp2p/switch
import ../../libp2p/muxers/muxer
import ../../libp2p/protocols/pubsub/rpc/protobuf
import utils
import chronos
import ../helpers
proc noop(data: seq[byte]) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError, LPStreamError]).} =
const MsgIdSuccess = "msg id gen success"
suite "GossipSub Topic Membership Tests":
# Addition of Designed Test cases for 6. Topic Membership Tests: https://www.notion.so/Gossipsub-651e02d4d7894bb2ac1e4edb55f3192d
# Generalized setup function to initialize one or more topics
proc setupGossipSub(
topics: seq[string], numPeers: int
): (TestGossipSub, seq[Connection]) =
let gossipSub = TestGossipSub.init(newStandardSwitch())
var conns = newSeq[Connection]()
for topic in topics:
gossipSub.mesh[topic] = initHashSet[PubSubPeer]()
gossipSub.topicParams[topic] = TopicParams.init()
gossipSub.gossipsub[topic] = initHashSet[PubSubPeer]()
for i in 0 ..< numPeers:
let conn = TestBufferStream.new(noop)
conns &= conn
let peerId = randomPeerId()
conn.peerId = peerId
let peer = gossipSub.getPubSubPeer(peerId)
peer.sendConn = conn
return (gossipSub, conns)
# Wrapper function to initialize a single topic by converting it into a seq
proc setupGossipSub(topic: string, numPeers: int): (TestGossipSub, seq[Connection]) =
setupGossipSub(@[topic], numPeers)
# Helper function to subscribe to topics
proc subscribeToTopics(gossipSub: TestGossipSub, topics: seq[string]) =
for topic in topics:
proc(topic: string, data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.async.} =
# Helper function to unsubscribe to topics
proc unsubscribeFromTopics(gossipSub: TestGossipSub, topics: seq[string]) =
for topic in topics:
# Simulate the `SUBSCRIBE` event and check proper handling in the mesh and gossipsub structures
asyncTest "handle SUBSCRIBE event":
let topic = "test-topic"
let (gossipSub, conns) = setupGossipSub(topic, 5)
# Subscribe to the topic (ensure `@[topic]` is passed as a sequence)
subscribeToTopics(gossipSub, @[topic].toSeq()) # Pass topic as seq[string]
check gossipSub.topics.contains(topic) # Check if the topic is in topics
check gossipSub.gossipsub[topic].len() > 0 # Check if topic added to gossipsub
await allFuturesThrowing(conns.mapIt(it.close()))
await gossipSub.switch.stop()
# Simulate an UNSUBSCRIBE event and check if the topic is removed from the relevant data structures but remains in gossipsub
asyncTest "handle UNSUBSCRIBE event":
let topic = "test-topic"
let (gossipSub, conns) = setupGossipSub(topic, 5)
# Subscribe to the topic first
subscribeToTopics(gossipSub, @[topic]) # Pass topic as seq[string]
# Now unsubscribe from the topic
unsubscribeFromTopics(gossipSub, @[topic]) # Pass topic as seq[string]
# Verify the topic is removed from relevant structures
check topic notin gossipSub.topics # The topic should not be in topics
check topic notin gossipSub.mesh # The topic should be removed from the mesh
check topic in gossipSub.gossipsub
# The topic should remain in gossipsub (for fanout)
await allFuturesThrowing(conns.mapIt(it.close()))
await gossipSub.switch.stop()
# Test subscribing and unsubscribing multiple topics
asyncTest "handle multiple SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE events":
let topics = ["topic1", "topic2", "topic3"].toSeq()
let (gossipSub, conns) = setupGossipSub(topics, 5) # Initialize all topics
# Subscribe to multiple topics
subscribeToTopics(gossipSub, topics)
# Verify that all topics are added to the topics and gossipsub
check gossipSub.topics.len == 3
for topic in topics:
check gossipSub.gossipsub[topic].len() >= 0
# Unsubscribe from all topics
unsubscribeFromTopics(gossipSub, topics)
# Ensure topics are removed from topics and mesh, but still present in gossipsub
for topic in topics:
check topic notin gossipSub.topics
check topic notin gossipSub.mesh
check topic in gossipSub.gossipsub
await allFuturesThrowing(conns.mapIt(it.close()))
await gossipSub.switch.stop()
# Test ensuring that the number of subscriptions does not exceed the limit set in the GossipSub parameters
asyncTest "subscription limit test":
let gossipSub = TestGossipSub.init(newStandardSwitch())
gossipSub.topicsHigh = 10 # Set a limit for the number of subscriptions
var conns = newSeq[Connection]()
for i in 0 .. gossipSub.topicsHigh + 5:
let topic = "topic" & $i
# Ensure all topics are properly initialized before subscribing
gossipSub.mesh[topic] = initHashSet[PubSubPeer]()
gossipSub.topicParams[topic] = TopicParams.init()
gossipSub.gossipsub[topic] = initHashSet[PubSubPeer]()
if gossipSub.topics.len < gossipSub.topicsHigh:
proc(topic: string, data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.async.} =
# Prevent subscription beyond the limit and log the error
echo "Subscription limit reached for topic: ", topic
# Ensure that the number of subscribed topics does not exceed the limit
check gossipSub.topics.len <= gossipSub.topicsHigh
check gossipSub.topics.len == gossipSub.topicsHigh
await allFuturesThrowing(conns.mapIt(it.close()))
await gossipSub.switch.stop()
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ suite "RendezVous":
asyncTest "Various local error":
rdv = RendezVous.new()
rdv = RendezVous.new(minDuration = 1.minutes, maxDuration = 72.hours)
switch = createSwitch(rdv)
expect RendezVousError:
discard await rdv.request("A".repeat(300))
@ -137,6 +137,14 @@ suite "RendezVous":
expect RendezVousError:
await rdv.advertise("A".repeat(300))
expect RendezVousError:
await rdv.advertise("A", 2.weeks)
await rdv.advertise("A", 73.hours)
expect RendezVousError:
await rdv.advertise("A", 5.minutes)
await rdv.advertise("A", 30.seconds)
test "Various config error":
expect RendezVousError:
discard RendezVous.new(minDuration = 30.seconds)
expect RendezVousError:
discard RendezVous.new(maxDuration = 73.hours)
expect RendezVousError:
discard RendezVous.new(minDuration = 15.minutes, maxDuration = 10.minutes)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user