mirror of https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p.git
Add VBuffer implementation.
Add MultiAddress implementation and tests. Adapt chat to use /p2p-circuit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import asyncdispatch2, nimcrypto, strutils
import ../libp2p/daemon/daemonapi
import ../libp2p/daemon/daemonapi, ../libp2p/[base58, multiaddress]
ConsoleAddress = "/tmp/console-chat.sock"
@ -39,19 +39,23 @@ proc serveThread(server: StreamServer,
if line.startsWith("/connect"):
var parts = line.split(" ")
if len(parts) == 2:
var address = fromHex(parts[1])
echo "= Searching for peer ", toHex(address)
var id = await udata.api.dhtFindPeer(address)
echo "==="
echo repr id
echo "==="
echo "= Connecting to peer ", toHex(address)
await udata.api.connect(id.peer, id.addresses)
echo "= Opening stream to peer chat ", toHex(address)
var stream = await udata.api.openStream(id.peer, ServerProtocols)
var peerId = Base58.decode(parts[1])
var address = MultiAddress.init(P_P2PCIRCUIT)
address &= MultiAddress.init(P_P2P, peerId)
echo "= Searching for peer ", parts[1]
var id = await udata.api.dhtFindPeer(peerId)
echo "Peer " & parts[1] & " found at addresses:"
for item in id.addresses:
echo $item
echo "= Connecting to peer ", $address
await udata.api.connect(peerId, @[address], 30)
echo "= Opening stream to peer chat ", parts[1]
var stream = await udata.api.openStream(peerId, ServerProtocols)
echo "= Connected to peer chat ", toHex(address)
echo "= Connected to peer chat ", parts[1]
asyncCheck remoteReader(stream.transp)
elif line.startsWith("/exit"):
var msg = line & "\r\n"
echo "<< ", line
@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ proc main() {.async.} =
echo ">> ", line
await data.api.addHandler(ServerProtocols, streamHandler)
echo "= Your PeerID is ", toHex(id.peer)
echo "= Your PeerID is ", Base58.encode(id.peer)
when isMainModule:
@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ proc encode*(btype: typedesc[Base58C],
if btype.encode(inbytes, result.toOpenArray(0, size - 1),
size) == Base58Status.Success:
result = ""
proc decode*(btype: typedesc[Base58C], instr: string,
outbytes: var openarray[byte], outlen: var int): Base58Status =
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
## This module implementes API for `go-libp2p-daemon`.
import os, osproc, strutils, tables, streams
import asyncdispatch2
import ../varint, ../protobuf/minprotobuf, transpool
import ../varint, ../multiaddress, ../protobuf/minprotobuf, transpool
when not defined(windows):
import posix
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ type
PeerID* = seq[byte]
MultiProtocol* = string
MultiAddress* = seq[byte]
# MultiAddress* = seq[byte]
CID* = seq[byte]
LibP2PPublicKey* = seq[byte]
DHTValue* = seq[byte]
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ proc requestConnect(peerid: PeerID,
var msg = initProtoBuffer()
msg.write(initProtoField(1, peerid))
for item in addresses:
msg.write(initProtoField(2, item))
msg.write(initProtoField(2, item.data.buffer))
if timeout > 0:
msg.write(initProtoField(3, timeout))
result.write(initProtoField(1, cast[uint](RequestType.CONNECT)))
@ -501,7 +501,8 @@ proc getPeerInfo(pb: var ProtoBuffer): PeerInfo =
var address = newSeq[byte]()
while pb.getBytes(2, address) != -1:
if len(address) != 0:
var copyaddr = address
proc identity*(api: DaemonAPI): Future[PeerInfo] {.async.} =
@ -549,12 +550,13 @@ proc openStream*(api: DaemonAPI, peer: PeerID,
var res = pb.enterSubmessage()
if res == cast[int](ResponseType.STREAMINFO):
stream.peer = newSeq[byte]()
stream.raddress = newSeq[byte]()
var raddress = newSeq[byte]()
stream.protocol = ""
if pb.getLengthValue(1, stream.peer) == -1:
raise newException(DaemonLocalError, "Missing `peer` field!")
if pb.getLengthValue(2, stream.raddress) == -1:
if pb.getLengthValue(2, raddress) == -1:
raise newException(DaemonLocalError, "Missing `address` field!")
stream.raddress = MultiAddress.init(raddress)
if pb.getLengthValue(3, stream.protocol) == -1:
raise newException(DaemonLocalError, "Missing `proto` field!")
@ -571,12 +573,13 @@ proc streamHandler(server: StreamServer, transp: StreamTransport) {.async.} =
var pb = initProtoBuffer(message)
var stream = new P2PStream
stream.peer = newSeq[byte]()
stream.raddress = newSeq[byte]()
var raddress = newSeq[byte]()
stream.protocol = ""
if pb.getLengthValue(1, stream.peer) == -1:
raise newException(DaemonLocalError, "Missing `peer` field!")
if pb.getLengthValue(2, stream.raddress) == -1:
if pb.getLengthValue(2, raddress) == -1:
raise newException(DaemonLocalError, "Missing `address` field!")
stream.raddress = MultiAddress.init(raddress)
if pb.getLengthValue(3, stream.protocol) == -1:
raise newException(DaemonLocalError, "Missing `proto` field!")
@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
## Nim-Libp2p
## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
## This module implements MultiAddress.
import tables, strutils, net
import transcoder, base58, vbuffer
P_IP4* = 0x0004
P_TCP* = 0x0006
P_UDP* = 0x0111
P_DCCP* = 0x0021
P_IP6* = 0x0029
P_IP6ZONE* = 0x002A
P_DNS4* = 0x0036
P_DNS6* = 0x0037
P_DNSADDR* = 0x0038
P_QUIC* = 0x01CC
P_SCTP* = 0x0084
P_UDT* = 0x012D
P_UTP* = 0x012E
P_UNIX* = 0x0190
P_P2P* = 0x01A5
P_IPFS* = 0x01A5 # alias for backwards compatability
P_HTTP* = 0x01E0
P_HTTPS* = 0x01BB
P_ONION* = 0x01BC
P_WS* = 0x01DD
LP2P_WRTCSTAR* = 0x0113
LP2P_WRTCDIR* = 0x0114
P_P2PCIRCUIT* = 0x0122
MAKind* = enum
None, Fixed, Length, Path, Marker
MAProtocol* = object
name*: string
code*: int
size*: int
kind: MAKind
coder*: Transcoder
MultiAddress* = object
data*: VBuffer
MultiAddressError* = object of Exception
proc ip4StB(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## IPv4 stringToBuffer() implementation.
var a = parseIpAddress(s)
if a.family == IpAddressFamily.IPv4:
result = true
proc ip4BtS(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool =
## IPv4 bufferToString() implementation.
var a = IpAddress(family: IpAddressFamily.IPv4)
if vb.readArray(a.address_v4) == 4:
s = $a
result = true
proc ip4VB(vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## IPv4 validateBuffer() implementation.
var a = IpAddress(family: IpAddressFamily.IPv4)
if vb.readArray(a.address_v4) == 4:
result = true
proc ip6StB(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## IPv6 stringToBuffer() implementation.
var a = parseIpAddress(s)
if a.family == IpAddressFamily.IPv6:
result = true
proc ip6BtS(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool =
## IPv6 bufferToString() implementation.
var a = IpAddress(family: IpAddressFamily.IPv6)
if vb.readArray(a.address_v6) == 16:
s = $a
result = true
proc ip6VB(vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## IPv6 validateBuffer() implementation.
var a = IpAddress(family: IpAddressFamily.IPv6)
if vb.readArray(a.address_v6) == 16:
result = true
proc ip6zoneStB(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## IPv6 stringToBuffer() implementation.
if len(s) > 0:
result = true
proc ip6zoneBtS(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool =
## IPv6 bufferToString() implementation.
if vb.readSeq(s) > 0:
result = true
proc ip6zoneVB(vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## IPv6 validateBuffer() implementation.
var s = ""
if vb.readSeq(s) > 0:
if s.find('/') == -1:
result = true
proc portStB(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## Port number stringToBuffer() implementation.
var port: array[2, byte]
var nport = parseInt(s)
if nport < 65536:
port[0] = cast[byte]((nport shr 8) and 0xFF)
port[1] = cast[byte](nport and 0xFF)
result = true
proc portBtS(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool =
## Port number bufferToString() implementation.
var port: array[2, byte]
if vb.readArray(port) == 2:
var nport = (cast[uint16](port[0]) shl 8) or cast[uint16](port[1])
s = $nport
result = true
proc portVB(vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## Port number validateBuffer() implementation.
var port: array[2, byte]
if vb.readArray(port) == 2:
result = true
proc p2pStB(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## P2P address stringToBuffer() implementation.
var data = Base58.decode(s)
result = true
proc p2pBtS(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool =
## P2P address bufferToString() implementation.
var address = newSeq[byte]()
if vb.readSeq(address) > 0:
s = Base58.encode(address)
result = true
proc p2pVB(vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## P2P address validateBuffer() implementation.
## TODO (multihash required)
var address = newSeq[byte]()
if vb.readSeq(address) > 0:
result = true
proc onionStB(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool =
# TODO (base32, multihash required)
proc onionBtS(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool =
# TODO (base32, multihash required)
proc onionVB(vb: var VBuffer): bool =
# TODO (base32, multihash required)
proc unixStB(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## Unix socket name stringToBuffer() implementation.
if len(s) > 0:
result = true
proc unixBtS(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool =
## Unix socket name bufferToString() implementation.
s = ""
if vb.readSeq(s) > 0:
result = true
proc unixVB(vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## Unix socket name validateBuffer() implementation.
var s = ""
if vb.readSeq(s) > 0:
result = true
proc dnsStB(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## DNS name stringToBuffer() implementation.
if len(s) > 0:
result = true
proc dnsBtS(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool =
## DNS name bufferToString() implementation.
s = ""
if vb.readSeq(s) > 0:
result = true
proc dnsVB(vb: var VBuffer): bool =
## DNS name validateBuffer() implementation.
var s = ""
if vb.readSeq(s) > 0:
if s.find('/') == -1:
result = true
TranscoderIP4* = Transcoder(
stringToBuffer: ip4StB,
bufferToString: ip4BtS,
validateBuffer: ip4VB
TranscoderIP6* = Transcoder(
stringToBuffer: ip6StB,
bufferToString: ip6BtS,
validateBuffer: ip6VB
TranscoderIP6Zone* = Transcoder(
stringToBuffer: ip6zoneStB,
bufferToString: ip6zoneBtS,
validateBuffer: ip6zoneVB
TranscoderUnix* = Transcoder(
stringToBuffer: unixStB,
bufferToString: unixBtS,
validateBuffer: unixVB
TranscoderP2P* = Transcoder(
stringToBuffer: p2pStB,
bufferToString: p2pBtS,
validateBuffer: p2pVB
TranscoderPort* = Transcoder(
stringToBuffer: portStB,
bufferToString: portBtS,
validateBuffer: portVB
TranscoderOnion* = Transcoder(
stringToBuffer: onionStB,
bufferToString: onionBtS,
validateBuffer: onionVB
TranscoderDNS* = Transcoder(
stringToBuffer: dnsStB,
bufferToString: dnsBtS,
validateBuffer: dnsVB
ProtocolsList = [
name: "ip4", code: P_IP4, kind: Fixed, size: 4,
coder: TranscoderIP4
name: "tcp", code: P_TCP, kind: Fixed, size: 2,
coder: TranscoderPort
name: "udp", code: P_UDP, kind: Fixed, size: 2,
coder: TranscoderPort
name: "ip6", code: P_IP6, kind: Fixed, size: 16,
coder: TranscoderIP6
name: "dccp", code: P_DCCP, kind: Fixed, size: 2,
coder: TranscoderPort
name: "sctp", code: P_SCTP, kind: Fixed, size: 2,
coder: TranscoderPort
name: "udt", code: P_UDT, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "utp", code: P_UTP, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "http", code: P_HTTP, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "https", code: P_HTTPS, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "quic", code: P_QUIC, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "ip6zone", code: P_IP6ZONE, kind: Length, size: 0,
coder: TranscoderIP6Zone
name: "onion", code: P_ONION, kind: Fixed, size: 10,
coder: TranscoderOnion
name: "ws", code: P_WS, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "ws", code: P_WS, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "ipfs", code: P_IPFS, kind: Length, size: 0,
coder: TranscoderP2P
name: "p2p", code: P_P2P, kind: Length, size: 0,
coder: TranscoderP2P
name: "unix", code: P_UNIX, kind: Path, size: 0,
coder: TranscoderUnix
name: "dns4", code: P_DNS4, kind: Length, size: 0,
coder: TranscoderDNS
name: "dns6", code: P_DNS6, kind: Length, size: 0,
coder: TranscoderDNS
name: "dnsaddr", code: P_DNS6, kind: Length, size: 0,
coder: TranscoderDNS
name: "p2p-circuit", code: P_P2PCIRCUIT, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "p2p-websocket-star", code: LP2P_WSSTAR, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "p2p-webrtc-star", code: LP2P_WRTCSTAR, kind: Marker, size: 0
name: "p2p-webrtc-direct", code: LP2P_WRTCDIR, kind: Marker, size: 0
proc initMultiAddressNameTable(): Table[string, MAProtocol] {.compileTime.} =
result = initTable[string, MAProtocol]()
for item in ProtocolsList:
result[item.name] = item
proc initMultiAddressCodeTable(): Table[int, MAProtocol] {.compileTime.} =
result = initTable[int, MAProtocol]()
for item in ProtocolsList:
result[item.code] = item
CodeAddresses = initMultiAddressCodeTable()
NameAddresses = initMultiAddressNameTable()
proc trimRight(s: string, ch: char): string =
## Consume trailing characters ``ch`` from string ``s`` and return result.
var m = 0
for i in countdown(len(s) - 1, 0):
if s[i] == ch:
result = s[0..(len(s) - 1 - m)]
proc protoCode*(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress], protocol: string): int =
## Returns protocol code from protocol name ``protocol``.
let proto = NameAddresses.getOrDefault(protocol)
if proto.kind == None:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Protocol not found")
result = proto.code
proc protoName*(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress], protocol: int): string =
## Returns protocol name from protocol code ``protocol``.
let proto = CodeAddresses.getOrDefault(protocol)
if proto.kind == None:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Protocol not found")
result = proto.name
proc protoCode*(ma: MultiAddress): int =
## Returns MultiAddress ``ma`` protocol code.
proc protoName*(ma: MultiAddress): string =
## Returns MultiAddress ``ma`` protocol name.
proc protoValue*(ma: MultiAddress, value: var openarray[byte]): int =
## Returns MultiAddress ``ma`` protocol address value.
proc getPart(ma: MultiAddress, index: int): MultiAddress =
var header: uint64
var data = newSeq[byte]()
var offset = 0
var vb = ma
result.data = initVBuffer()
while offset <= index:
if vb.data.readVarint(header) == -1:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Malformed binary address!")
let proto = CodeAddresses.getOrDefault(int(header))
if proto.kind == None:
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Unsupported protocol '" & $header & "'")
elif proto.kind == Fixed:
if vb.data.readArray(data) != proto.size:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Decoding protocol error")
if offset == index:
elif proto.kind in {Length, Path}:
if vb.data.readSeq(data) == -1:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Decoding protocol error")
if offset == index:
elif proto.kind == Marker:
if offset == index:
proc `[]`*(ma: MultiAddress, i: int): MultiAddress {.inline.} =
result = ma.getPart(i)
iterator items*(ma: MultiAddress): MultiAddress =
## Iterates over all addresses inside of MultiAddress ``ma``.
var header: uint64
var data = newSeq[byte]()
var vb = ma
while true:
if vb.data.isEmpty():
var res = MultiAddress(data: initVBuffer())
if vb.data.readVarint(header) == -1:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Malformed binary address!")
let proto = CodeAddresses.getOrDefault(int(header))
if proto.kind == None:
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Unsupported protocol '" & $header & "'")
elif proto.kind == Fixed:
if vb.data.readArray(data) != proto.size:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Decoding protocol error")
elif proto.kind in {Length, Path}:
if vb.data.readSeq(data) == -1:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Decoding protocol error")
elif proto.kind == Marker:
yield res
proc `$`*(value: MultiAddress): string =
## Return string representation of MultiAddress ``value``.
var header: uint64
var vb = value
var data = newSeq[byte]()
var parts = newSeq[string]()
var part: string
while true:
if vb.data.isEmpty():
if vb.data.readVarint(header) == -1:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Malformed binary address!")
let proto = CodeAddresses.getOrDefault(int(header))
if proto.kind == None:
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Unsupported protocol '" & $header & "'")
if proto.kind in {Fixed, Length, Path}:
if isNil(proto.coder.bufferToString):
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Missing protocol '" & proto.name & "' transcoder")
if not proto.coder.bufferToString(vb.data, part):
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Decoding protocol error")
elif proto.kind == Marker:
if len(parts) > 0:
result = "/" & parts.join("/")
proc hex*(value: MultiAddress): string =
## Return hexadecimal string representation of MultiAddress ``value``.
result = $(value.data)
proc buffer*(value: MultiAddress): seq[byte] =
## Returns shallow copy of internal buffer
shallowCopy(result, value.data.buffer)
proc validate*(ma: MultiAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if MultiAddress ``ma`` is valid.
var header: uint64
var vb = ma
while true:
if vb.data.isEmpty():
if vb.data.readVarint(header) == -1:
return false
let proto = CodeAddresses.getOrDefault(int(header))
if proto.kind == None:
return false
if proto.kind in {Fixed, Length, Path}:
if isNil(proto.coder.validateBuffer):
return false
if not proto.coder.validateBuffer(vb.data):
return false
result = true
proc init*(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress], protocol: int,
value: openarray[byte]): MultiAddress =
## Initialize MultiAddress object from protocol id ``protocol`` and array
## of bytes ``value``.
let proto = CodeAddresses.getOrDefault(protocol)
if proto.kind == None:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Protocol not found")
result.data = initVBuffer()
if proto.kind in {Fixed, Length, Path}:
if len(value) == 0:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Value must not be empty array")
if proto.kind == Fixed:
var data = newSeq[byte](len(value))
copyMem(addr data[0], unsafeAddr value[0], len(value))
proc init*(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress], protocol: int): MultiAddress =
## Initialize MultiAddress object from protocol id ``protocol``.
let proto = CodeAddresses.getOrDefault(protocol)
if proto.kind == None:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Protocol not found")
result.data = initVBuffer()
if proto.kind != Marker:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Protocol missing value")
proc init*(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress], value: string): MultiAddress =
## Initialize MultiAddress object from string representation ``value``.
var parts = value.trimRight('/').split('/')
if len(parts[0]) != 0:
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Invalid MultiAddress, must start with `/`")
var offset = 1
result.data = initVBuffer()
while offset < len(parts):
let part = parts[offset]
let proto = NameAddresses.getOrDefault(part)
if proto.kind == None:
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Unsupported protocol '" & part & "'")
if proto.kind in {Fixed, Length, Path}:
if isNil(proto.coder.stringToBuffer):
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Missing protocol '" & part & "' transcoder")
if offset + 1 >= len(parts):
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Missing protocol '" & part & "' argument")
if proto.kind in {Fixed, Length}:
if not proto.coder.stringToBuffer(parts[offset + 1], result.data):
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Error encoding `$1/$2`" % [part, parts[offset + 1]])
offset += 2
elif proto.kind == Path:
var path = "/" & (parts[(offset + 1)..^1].join("/"))
if not proto.coder.stringToBuffer(path, result.data):
raise newException(MultiAddressError,
"Error encoding `$1/$2`" % [part, path])
elif proto.kind == Marker:
offset += 1
proc init*(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress], data: openarray[byte]): MultiAddress =
## Initialize MultiAddress with array of bytes ``data``.
if len(data) == 0:
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Address could not be empty!")
result.data = initVBuffer()
copyMem(addr result.data.buffer[0], unsafeAddr data[0], len(data))
if not result.validate():
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Incorrect MultiAddress!")
proc init*(mtype: typedesc[MultiAddress]): MultiAddress =
## Initialize empty MultiAddress.
result.data = initVBuffer()
proc isEmpty*(ma: MultiAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true``, if MultiAddress ``ma`` is empty or non initialized.
result = len(ma.data) == 0
proc `&`*(m1, m2: MultiAddress): MultiAddress =
## Concatenates two addresses ``m1`` and ``m2``, and returns result.
## This procedure performs validation of concatenated result and can raise
## exception on error.
result.data = initVBuffer()
result.data.buffer = m1.data.buffer & m2.data.buffer
if not result.validate():
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Incorrect MultiAddress!")
proc `&=`*(m1: var MultiAddress, m2: MultiAddress) =
## Concatenates two addresses ``m1`` and ``m2``.
## This procedure performs validation of concatenated result and can raise
## exception on error.
m1.data.buffer &= m2.data.buffer
if not m1.validate():
raise newException(MultiAddressError, "Incorrect MultiAddress!")
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
## Nim-Libp2p
## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
## This module implements transcoder interface.
import vbuffer
Transcoder* = object
stringToBuffer*: proc(s: string, vb: var VBuffer): bool {.nimcall.}
bufferToString*: proc(vb: var VBuffer, s: var string): bool {.nimcall.}
validateBuffer*: proc(vb: var VBuffer): bool {.nimcall.}
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
## Nim-Libp2p
## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
## This module implements variable buffer.
import varint, strutils
VBuffer* = object
buffer*: seq[byte]
offset*: int
length*: int
template isEmpty*(vb: VBuffer): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if buffer ``vb`` is empty.
len(vb.buffer) - vb.offset <= 0
template isEnough*(vb: VBuffer, length: int): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if buffer ``vb`` holds at least ``length`` bytes.
len(vb.buffer) - vb.offset - length >= 0
proc len*(vb: VBuffer): int =
## Returns number of bytes left in buffer ``vb``.
result = len(vb.buffer) - vb.offset
proc isLiteral[T](s: seq[T]): bool {.inline.} =
SeqHeader = object
length, reserved: int
(cast[ptr SeqHeader](s).reserved and (1 shl (sizeof(int) * 8 - 2))) != 0
proc initVBuffer*(data: seq[byte], offset = 0): VBuffer =
## Initialize VBuffer with shallow copy of ``data``.
if isLiteral(data):
result.buffer = data
shallowCopy(result.buffer, data)
result.offset = offset
proc initVBuffer*(data: openarray[byte], offset = 0): VBuffer =
## Initialize VBuffer with copy of ``data``.
result.buffer = newSeq[byte](len(data))
if len(data) > 0:
copyMem(addr result.buffer[0], unsafeAddr data[0], len(data))
result.offset = offset
proc initVBuffer*(): VBuffer =
## Initialize empty VBuffer.
result.buffer = newSeqOfCap[byte](128)
proc writeVarint*(vb: var VBuffer, value: LPSomeUVarint) =
## Write ``value`` as variable unsigned integer.
var length = 0
when sizeof(value) == 8:
# LibP2P varint supports only 63 bits.
var v = value and cast[type(value)](0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF)
var v = uint64(v)
vb.buffer.setLen(len(vb.buffer) + vsizeof(v))
let res = LP.putUVarint(toOpenArray(vb.buffer, vb.offset, len(vb.buffer) - 1),
length, v)
assert(res == VarintStatus.Success)
vb.offset += length
proc writeSeq*[T: byte|char](vb: var VBuffer, value: openarray[T]) =
## Write array ``value`` to buffer ``vb``, value will be prefixed with
## varint length of the array.
var length = 0
vb.buffer.setLen(len(vb.buffer) + vsizeof(len(value)) + len(value))
let res = LP.putUVarint(toOpenArray(vb.buffer, vb.offset, len(vb.buffer) - 1),
length, uint(len(value)))
assert(res == VarintStatus.Success)
vb.offset += length
if len(value) > 0:
copyMem(addr vb.buffer[vb.offset], unsafeAddr value[0], len(value))
vb.offset += len(value)
proc writeArray*[T: byte|char](vb: var VBuffer, value: openarray[T]) =
## Write array ``value`` to buffer ``vb``, value will NOT be prefixed with
## varint length of the array.
var length = 0
if len(value) > 0:
vb.buffer.setLen(len(vb.buffer) + len(value))
copyMem(addr vb.buffer[vb.offset], unsafeAddr value[0], len(value))
vb.offset += len(value)
proc finish*(vb: var VBuffer) =
## Finishes ``vb``.
vb.offset = 0
proc peekVarint*(vb: var VBuffer, value: var LPSomeUVarint): int =
## Peek unsigned integer from buffer ``vb`` and store result to ``value``.
## This procedure will not adjust internal offset.
## Returns number of bytes peeked from ``vb`` or ``-1`` on error.
result = -1
value = cast[type(value)](0)
var length = 0
if not vb.isEmpty():
let res = LP.getUVarint(
toOpenArray(vb.buffer, vb.offset, len(vb.buffer) - 1), length, value)
if res == VarintStatus.Success:
result = length
proc peekSeq*[T: string|seq[byte]](vb: var VBuffer, value: var T): int =
## Peek length prefixed array from buffer ``vb`` and store result to
## ``value``.
## This procedure will not adjust internal offset.
## Returns number of bytes peeked from ``vb`` or ``-1`` on error.
result = -1
var length = 0
var size = 0'u64
if not vb.isEmpty() and
LP.getUVarint(toOpenArray(vb.buffer, vb.offset, len(vb.buffer) - 1),
length, size) == VarintStatus.Success:
vb.offset += length
result = length
if vb.isEnough(int(size)):
if size > 0'u64:
copyMem(addr value[0], addr vb.buffer[vb.offset], size)
result += int(size)
vb.offset -= length
proc peekArray*[T: char|byte](vb: var VBuffer,
value: var openarray[T]): int =
## Peek array from buffer ``vb`` and store result to ``value``.
## This procedure will not adjust internal offset.
## Returns number of bytes peeked from ``vb`` or ``-1`` on error.
result = -1
let length = len(value)
if vb.isEnough(length):
if length > 0:
copyMem(addr value[0], addr vb.buffer[vb.offset], length)
result = length
proc readVarint*(vb: var VBuffer, value: var LPSomeUVarint): int {.inline.} =
## Read unsigned integer from buffer ``vb`` and store result to ``value``.
## Returns number of bytes consumed from ``vb`` or ``-1`` on error.
result = vb.peekVarint(value)
if result != -1:
vb.offset += result
proc readSeq*[T: string|seq[byte]](vb: var VBuffer,
value: var T): int {.inline.} =
## Read length prefixed array from buffer ``vb`` and store result to
## ``value``.
## Returns number of bytes consumed from ``vb`` or ``-1`` on error.
result = vb.peekSeq(value)
if result != -1:
vb.offset += result
proc readArray*[T: char|byte](vb: var VBuffer,
value: var openarray[T]): int {.inline.} =
## Read array from buffer ``vb`` and store result to ``value``.
## Returns number of bytes consumed from ``vb`` or ``-1`` on error.
result = vb.peekArray(value)
if result != -1:
vb.offset += result
proc `$`*(vb: VBuffer): string =
## Return hexadecimal string representation of buffer ``vb``.
let length = (len(vb.buffer) - vb.offset) * 2
result = newStringOfCap(length)
for i in 0..<len(vb.buffer):
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
import unittest
import ../libp2p/multiaddress
SuccessVectors = [
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci7:1234",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci7:80/http",
FailureVectors = [
# "/onion/9imaq4ygg2iegci7:80", # TODO: Requires ONION validate
# "/onion/aaimaq4ygg2iegci7:80",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci7:0",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci7:-1",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci7",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci@:666",
# "/ip4/", # TODO: Requires P2P/IPFS validate
# "/ip4/", # TODO: Requires P2P/IPFS validate
RustSuccessVectors = [
RustSuccessExpects = [
RustFailureVectors = [
# "/onion/9imaq4ygg2iegci7:80", # TODO: Requires ONION validate
# "/onion/aaimaq4ygg2iegci7:80",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci7:0",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci7:-1",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci7",
# "/onion/timaq4ygg2iegci@:666",
# "/ip4/", # TODO: Requires P2P/IPFS validate
suite "MultiAddress test suite":
test "go-multiaddr success test vectors":
for item in SuccessVectors:
var a = MultiAddress.init(item)
check a.isEmpty() == false
check a.validate() == true
test "go-multiaddr failure test vectors":
for item in FailureVectors:
var r = false
var a = MultiAddress.init(item)
r = true
check r == true
test "rust-multiaddr success test vectors":
## Rust test vectors are with changed UDP encoding and without WSS
for i in 0..<len(RustSuccessVectors):
var a = MultiAddress.init(RustSuccessVectors[i])
hex(a) == RustSuccessExpects[i]
test "rust-multiaddr failure test vectors":
for item in RustFailureVectors:
var r = false
var a = MultiAddress.init(item)
r = true
check r == true
test "Concatenation test":
var ma1 = MultiAddress.init()
var ma2 = MultiAddress.init()
var ma3 = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/")
var ma4 = MultiAddress.init("/udp/30000")
var ma5 = MultiAddress.init("/p2p-circuit")
var cma = ma1 & ma3 & ma4 & ma5
ma2 &= ma3
ma2 &= ma4
ma2 &= ma5
$cma == "/ip4/"
$ma2 == "/ip4/"
Reference in New Issue