add instrumentation via optick

This commit is contained in:
Giovanni Petrantoni 2020-08-11 00:06:02 +09:00
parent c73447cd38
commit 4ead4bd219
4 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -65,3 +65,75 @@ template tryAndWarn*(message: static[string]; body: untyped): untyped =
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "An exception has ocurred, enable trace logging for details", name =, msg = message
trace "Exception details", exc = exc.msg
when defined(profiler_optick):
import dynlib
OptickEvent* = distinct uint64
OptickEventCtx* = distinct uint64
OptickCreateEvent* = proc(inFunctionName: cstring, inFunctionLength: uint16, inFileName: cstring, inFileNameLenght: uint16, inFileLine: uint32): OptickEvent {.cdecl.}
OptickPushEvent* = proc(event: OptickEvent): OptickEventCtx {.cdecl.}
OptickPopEvent* = proc(ctx: OptickEventCtx) {.cdecl.}
OptickStartCapture* = proc() {.cdecl.}
OptickStopCapture* = proc(filename: cstring, nameLen: uint16) {.cdecl.}
OptickNextFrame* = proc() {.cdecl.}
createEvent*: OptickCreateEvent
pushEvent*: OptickPushEvent
popEvent*: OptickPopEvent
startCapture*: OptickStartCapture
stopCapture*: OptickStopCapture
nextFrame*: OptickNextFrame
template profile*(name: string): untyped =
const pos = instantiationInfo()
let event_desc {.global.} = createEvent(name.cstring, name.len.uint16, pos.filename.cstring, pos.filename.len.uint16, pos.line.uint32)
let ev = pushEvent(event_desc)
proc load() =
var candidates: seq[string]
libCandidates("OptickCore", candidates)
for c in candidates:
let lib = loadLib("OptickCore")
if lib != nil:
createEvent = cast[OptickCreateEvent](lib.symAddr("OptickAPI_CreateEventDescription"))
pushEvent = cast[OptickPushEvent](lib.symAddr("OptickAPI_PushEvent"))
popEvent = cast[OptickPopEvent](lib.symAddr("OptickAPI_PopEvent"))
startCapture = cast[OptickStartCapture](lib.symAddr("OptickAPI_StartCapture"))
stopCapture = cast[OptickStopCapture](lib.symAddr("OptickAPI_StopCapture"))
nextFrame = cast[OptickNextFrame](lib.symAddr("OptickAPI_NextFrame"))
doAssert(false, "OptickCore failed to load")
addQuitProc(proc () {.noconv.} =
stopCapture("profiled.opt", "profiled.opt".len))
proc frameTicker() {.async.} =
while true:
await sleepAsync(100.millis)
# let poll_event = createEvent("poll", "poll".len, "", 0, 0)
# proc pollHook() {.async.} =
# while true:
# {.gcsafe.}:
# let ev = pushEvent(poll_event)
# await sleepAsync(0)
# defer:
# popEvent(ev)
asyncCheck frameTicker()
# asyncCheck pollHook()
template profile*(name: string): untyped = discard

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@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ proc replenishFanout(g: GossipSub, topic: string) =
trace "fanout replenished with peers", peers = g.fanout.peers(topic)
proc rebalanceMesh(g: GossipSub, topic: string) {.async.} =
profile "rebalanceMesh"
@ -217,6 +219,8 @@ proc getGossipPeers(g: GossipSub): Table[PubSubPeer, ControlMessage] {.gcsafe.}
proc heartbeat(g: GossipSub) {.async.} =
while g.heartbeatRunning:
profile "heartbeat"
trace "running heartbeat"
for t in toSeq(g.topics.keys):
@ -386,6 +390,8 @@ proc handleIWant(g: GossipSub,
method rpcHandler*(g: GossipSub,
peer: PubSubPeer,
rpcMsgs: seq[RPCMsg]) {.async.} =
profile "rpcHandler"
await procCall PubSub(g).rpcHandler(peer, rpcMsgs)
for m in rpcMsgs: # for all RPC messages
@ -493,6 +499,8 @@ method publish*(g: GossipSub,
topic: string,
data: seq[byte],
timeout: Duration = InfiniteDuration): Future[int] {.async.} =
profile "publish"
# base returns always 0
discard await procCall PubSub(g).publish(topic, data, timeout)
trace "publishing message on topic", topic, data = data.shortLog

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@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ proc broadcast*(p: PubSub,
sendPeers: HashSet[PubSubPeer] | seq[PubSubPeer] | array[1, PubSubPeer],
msg: RPCMsg,
timeout: Duration): Future[int] {.async.} =
profile "broadcast"
# send messages and cleanup failed peers
var sent: seq[tuple[id: PeerID, fut: Future[void]]]
for sendPeer in sendPeers:

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@ -386,6 +386,7 @@ proc dial*(s: Switch,
addrs: seq[MultiAddress],
proto: string):
Future[Connection] {.async.} =
profile "dial"
let conn = await s.internalConnect(peerId, addrs)
let stream = await s.connManager.getMuxedStream(conn)