mirror of https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p.git
fix(yamux): doesn't work in a Relayv2 connection (#979)
Co-authored-by: Ludovic Chenut <ludovic@status.im>
This commit is contained in:
@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ proc remoteClosed(channel: YamuxChannel) {.async.} =
method closeImpl*(channel: YamuxChannel) {.async, gcsafe.} =
if not channel.closedLocally:
channel.closedLocally = true
channel.isEof = true
if channel.isReset == false and channel.sendQueue.len == 0:
await channel.conn.write(YamuxHeader.data(channel.id, 0, {Fin}))
@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ method readOnce*(
await channel.closedRemotely or channel.receivedData.wait()
if channel.closedRemotely.done() and channel.recvQueue.len == 0:
channel.returnedEof = true
channel.isEof = true
return 0
let toRead = min(channel.recvQueue.len, nbytes)
@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ method handle*(m: Yamux) {.async, gcsafe.} =
if header.streamId in m.flushed:
if header.streamId mod 2 == m.currentId mod 2:
debug "Peer used our reserved stream id, skipping", id=header.streamId, currentId=m.currentId, peerId=m.connection.peerId
raise newException(YamuxError, "Peer used our reserved stream id")
let newStream = m.createStream(header.streamId, false)
if m.channels.len >= m.maxChannCount:
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ proc new*(
limitDuration: uint32,
limitData: uint64): T =
let rc = T(conn: conn, limitDuration: limitDuration, limitData: limitData)
rc.dir = conn.dir
if limitDuration > 0:
proc checkDurationConnection() {.async.} =
@ -19,14 +19,22 @@ import ./helpers
import std/times
import stew/byteutils
proc createSwitch(r: Relay): Switch =
result = SwitchBuilder.new()
proc createSwitch(r: Relay = nil, useYamux: bool = false): Switch =
var builder = SwitchBuilder.new()
.withAddresses(@[ MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() ])
if useYamux:
builder = builder.withYamux()
builder = builder.withMplex()
if r != nil:
builder = builder.withCircuitRelay(r)
return builder
suite "Circuit Relay V2":
@ -122,308 +130,310 @@ suite "Circuit Relay V2":
discard await cl1.reserve(src2.peerInfo.peerId, addrs)
suite "Connection":
customProtoCodec {.threadvar.}: string
proto {.threadvar.}: LPProtocol
ttl {.threadvar.}: int
ldur {.threadvar.}: uint32
ldata {.threadvar.}: uint64
srcCl {.threadvar.}: RelayClient
dstCl {.threadvar.}: RelayClient
rv2 {.threadvar.}: Relay
src {.threadvar.}: Switch
dst {.threadvar.}: Switch
rel {.threadvar.}: Switch
rsvp {.threadvar.}: Rsvp
conn {.threadvar.}: Connection
customProtoCodec = "/test"
proto = new LPProtocol
proto.codec = customProtoCodec
ttl = 60
ldur = 120
ldata = 16384
srcCl = RelayClient.new()
dstCl = RelayClient.new()
src = createSwitch(srcCl)
dst = createSwitch(dstCl)
rel = newStandardSwitch()
asyncTest "Connection succeed":
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "test1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test2")
check: "test3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test4")
await conn.close()
rv2 = Relay.new(reservationTTL=initDuration(seconds=ttl),
await rel.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
let addrs = MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await dstCl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await conn.writeLp("test1")
check: "test2" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test3")
check: "test4" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop())
asyncTest "Connection duration exceeded":
ldur = 3
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check "wanna sleep?" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("yeah!")
check "go!" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await sleepAsync(chronos.timer.seconds(ldur + 1))
await conn.writeLp("that was a cool power nap")
await conn.close()
rv2 = Relay.new(reservationTTL=initDuration(seconds=ttl),
await rel.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
let addrs = MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await dstCl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await conn.writeLp("wanna sleep?")
check: "yeah!" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("go!")
discard await conn.readLp(1024)
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop())
asyncTest "Connection data exceeded":
ldata = 1000
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check "count me the better story you know" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("do you expect a lorem ipsum or...?")
check "surprise me!" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("""Call me Ishmael. Some years ago--never mind how long
precisely--having little or no money in my purse, and nothing
particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a
little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of
driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I
find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp,
drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily
pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every
funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper
hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me
from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking
people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon
as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a
philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly
take to the ship.""")
rv2 = Relay.new(reservationTTL=initDuration(seconds=ttl),
await rel.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
let addrs = MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await dstCl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await conn.writeLp("count me the better story you know")
check: "do you expect a lorem ipsum or...?" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("surprise me!")
discard await conn.readLp(1024)
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop())
asyncTest "Reservation ttl expire during connection":
ttl = 3
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "test1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test2")
check: "test3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test4")
await conn.close()
rv2 = Relay.new(reservationTTL=initDuration(seconds=ttl),
await rel.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
let addrs = MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await dstCl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await conn.writeLp("test1")
check: "test2" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test3")
check: "test4" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await src.disconnect(rel.peerInfo.peerId)
await sleepAsync(chronos.timer.seconds(ttl + 1))
check: conn.atEof()
await conn.close()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop())
asyncTest "Connection over relay":
# src => rel => rel2 => dst
# rel2 reserve rel
# dst reserve rel2
# src try to connect with dst
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
raise newException(CatchableError, "Should not be here")
rel2Cl = RelayClient.new(canHop = true)
rel2 = createSwitch(rel2Cl)
rv2 = Relay.new()
await rel.start()
await rel2.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
addrs = @[ MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit/p2p/" &
$rel2.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p/" &
$rel2.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get() ]
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await rel2.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel2.peerInfo.peerId, rel2.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await rel2Cl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
let rsvp2 = await dstCl.reserve(rel2.peerInfo.peerId, rel2.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, addrs, customProtoCodec)
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop(), rel2.stop())
asyncTest "Connection using ClientRelay":
for (useYamux, muxName) in [(false, "Mplex"), (true, "Yamux")]:
suite "Circuit Relay V2 Connection using " & muxName:
protoABC = new LPProtocol
protoBCA = new LPProtocol
protoCAB = new LPProtocol
protoABC.codec = "/abctest"
protoABC.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "testABC1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testABC2")
check: "testABC3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testABC4")
await conn.close()
protoBCA.codec = "/bcatest"
protoBCA.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "testBCA1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testBCA2")
check: "testBCA3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testBCA4")
await conn.close()
protoCAB.codec = "/cabtest"
protoCAB.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "testCAB1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testCAB2")
check: "testCAB3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testCAB4")
await conn.close()
customProtoCodec {.threadvar.}: string
proto {.threadvar.}: LPProtocol
ttl {.threadvar.}: int
ldur {.threadvar.}: uint32
ldata {.threadvar.}: uint64
srcCl {.threadvar.}: RelayClient
dstCl {.threadvar.}: RelayClient
rv2 {.threadvar.}: Relay
src {.threadvar.}: Switch
dst {.threadvar.}: Switch
rel {.threadvar.}: Switch
rsvp {.threadvar.}: Rsvp
conn {.threadvar.}: Connection
clientA = RelayClient.new(canHop = true)
clientB = RelayClient.new(canHop = true)
clientC = RelayClient.new(canHop = true)
switchA = createSwitch(clientA)
switchB = createSwitch(clientB)
switchC = createSwitch(clientC)
customProtoCodec = "/test"
proto = new LPProtocol
proto.codec = customProtoCodec
ttl = 60
ldur = 120
ldata = 16384
srcCl = RelayClient.new()
dstCl = RelayClient.new()
src = createSwitch(srcCl, useYamux)
dst = createSwitch(dstCl, useYamux)
rel = createSwitch(nil, useYamux)
asyncTest "Connection succeed":
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "test1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test2")
check: "test3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test4")
await conn.close()
rv2 = Relay.new(reservationTTL=initDuration(seconds=ttl),
await switchA.start()
await switchB.start()
await switchC.start()
await rel.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
addrsABC = MultiAddress.init($switchB.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$switchB.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
addrsBCA = MultiAddress.init($switchC.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$switchC.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
addrsCAB = MultiAddress.init($switchA.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$switchA.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
let addrs = MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await switchA.connect(switchB.peerInfo.peerId, switchB.peerInfo.addrs)
await switchB.connect(switchC.peerInfo.peerId, switchC.peerInfo.addrs)
await switchC.connect(switchA.peerInfo.peerId, switchA.peerInfo.addrs)
let rsvpABC = await clientA.reserve(switchC.peerInfo.peerId, switchC.peerInfo.addrs)
let rsvpBCA = await clientB.reserve(switchA.peerInfo.peerId, switchA.peerInfo.addrs)
let rsvpCAB = await clientC.reserve(switchB.peerInfo.peerId, switchB.peerInfo.addrs)
let connABC = await switchA.dial(switchC.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrsABC ], "/abctest")
let connBCA = await switchB.dial(switchA.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrsBCA ], "/bcatest")
let connCAB = await switchC.dial(switchB.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrsCAB ], "/cabtest")
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await connABC.writeLp("testABC1")
await connBCA.writeLp("testBCA1")
await connCAB.writeLp("testCAB1")
"testABC2" == string.fromBytes(await connABC.readLp(1024))
"testBCA2" == string.fromBytes(await connBCA.readLp(1024))
"testCAB2" == string.fromBytes(await connCAB.readLp(1024))
await connABC.writeLp("testABC3")
await connBCA.writeLp("testBCA3")
await connCAB.writeLp("testCAB3")
"testABC4" == string.fromBytes(await connABC.readLp(1024))
"testBCA4" == string.fromBytes(await connBCA.readLp(1024))
"testCAB4" == string.fromBytes(await connCAB.readLp(1024))
await allFutures(connABC.close(), connBCA.close(), connCAB.close())
await allFutures(switchA.stop(), switchB.stop(), switchC.stop())
rsvp = await dstCl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await conn.writeLp("test1")
check: "test2" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test3")
check: "test4" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop())
asyncTest "Connection duration exceeded":
ldur = 3
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check "wanna sleep?" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("yeah!")
check "go!" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await sleepAsync(chronos.timer.seconds(ldur + 1))
await conn.writeLp("that was a cool power nap")
await conn.close()
rv2 = Relay.new(reservationTTL=initDuration(seconds=ttl),
await rel.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
let addrs = MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await dstCl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await conn.writeLp("wanna sleep?")
check: "yeah!" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("go!")
discard await conn.readLp(1024)
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop())
asyncTest "Connection data exceeded":
ldata = 1000
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check "count me the better story you know" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("do you expect a lorem ipsum or...?")
check "surprise me!" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("""Call me Ishmael. Some years ago--never mind how long
precisely--having little or no money in my purse, and nothing
particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a
little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of
driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I
find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp,
drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily
pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every
funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper
hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me
from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking
people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon
as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a
philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly
take to the ship.""")
rv2 = Relay.new(reservationTTL=initDuration(seconds=ttl),
await rel.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
let addrs = MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await dstCl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await conn.writeLp("count me the better story you know")
check: "do you expect a lorem ipsum or...?" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("surprise me!")
discard await conn.readLp(1024)
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop())
asyncTest "Reservation ttl expire during connection":
ttl = 3
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "test1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test2")
check: "test3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test4")
await conn.close()
rv2 = Relay.new(reservationTTL=initDuration(seconds=ttl),
await rel.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
let addrs = MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await dstCl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await conn.writeLp("test1")
check: "test2" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("test3")
check: "test4" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await src.disconnect(rel.peerInfo.peerId)
await sleepAsync(chronos.timer.seconds(ttl + 1))
check: conn.atEof()
await conn.close()
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrs ], customProtoCodec)
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop())
asyncTest "Connection over relay":
# src => rel => rel2 => dst
# rel2 reserve rel
# dst reserve rel2
# src try to connect with dst
proto.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
raise newException(CatchableError, "Should not be here")
rel2Cl = RelayClient.new(canHop = true)
rel2 = createSwitch(rel2Cl, useYamux)
rv2 = Relay.new()
await rel.start()
await rel2.start()
await src.start()
await dst.start()
addrs = @[ MultiAddress.init($rel.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$rel.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit/p2p/" &
$rel2.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p/" &
$rel2.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get() ]
await src.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await rel2.connect(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
await dst.connect(rel2.peerInfo.peerId, rel2.peerInfo.addrs)
rsvp = await rel2Cl.reserve(rel.peerInfo.peerId, rel.peerInfo.addrs)
let rsvp2 = await dstCl.reserve(rel2.peerInfo.peerId, rel2.peerInfo.addrs)
conn = await src.dial(dst.peerInfo.peerId, addrs, customProtoCodec)
if not conn.isNil():
await allFutures(conn.close())
await allFutures(src.stop(), dst.stop(), rel.stop(), rel2.stop())
asyncTest "Connection using ClientRelay":
protoABC = new LPProtocol
protoBCA = new LPProtocol
protoCAB = new LPProtocol
protoABC.codec = "/abctest"
protoABC.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "testABC1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testABC2")
check: "testABC3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testABC4")
await conn.close()
protoBCA.codec = "/bcatest"
protoBCA.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "testBCA1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testBCA2")
check: "testBCA3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testBCA4")
await conn.close()
protoCAB.codec = "/cabtest"
protoCAB.handler = proc(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
check: "testCAB1" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testCAB2")
check: "testCAB3" == string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("testCAB4")
await conn.close()
clientA = RelayClient.new(canHop = true)
clientB = RelayClient.new(canHop = true)
clientC = RelayClient.new(canHop = true)
switchA = createSwitch(clientA, useYamux)
switchB = createSwitch(clientB, useYamux)
switchC = createSwitch(clientC, useYamux)
await switchA.start()
await switchB.start()
await switchC.start()
addrsABC = MultiAddress.init($switchB.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$switchB.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
addrsBCA = MultiAddress.init($switchC.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$switchC.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
addrsCAB = MultiAddress.init($switchA.peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" &
$switchA.peerInfo.peerId & "/p2p-circuit").get()
await switchA.connect(switchB.peerInfo.peerId, switchB.peerInfo.addrs)
await switchB.connect(switchC.peerInfo.peerId, switchC.peerInfo.addrs)
await switchC.connect(switchA.peerInfo.peerId, switchA.peerInfo.addrs)
let rsvpABC = await clientA.reserve(switchC.peerInfo.peerId, switchC.peerInfo.addrs)
let rsvpBCA = await clientB.reserve(switchA.peerInfo.peerId, switchA.peerInfo.addrs)
let rsvpCAB = await clientC.reserve(switchB.peerInfo.peerId, switchB.peerInfo.addrs)
let connABC = await switchA.dial(switchC.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrsABC ], "/abctest")
let connBCA = await switchB.dial(switchA.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrsBCA ], "/bcatest")
let connCAB = await switchC.dial(switchB.peerInfo.peerId, @[ addrsCAB ], "/cabtest")
await connABC.writeLp("testABC1")
await connBCA.writeLp("testBCA1")
await connCAB.writeLp("testCAB1")
"testABC2" == string.fromBytes(await connABC.readLp(1024))
"testBCA2" == string.fromBytes(await connBCA.readLp(1024))
"testCAB2" == string.fromBytes(await connCAB.readLp(1024))
await connABC.writeLp("testABC3")
await connBCA.writeLp("testBCA3")
await connCAB.writeLp("testCAB3")
"testABC4" == string.fromBytes(await connABC.readLp(1024))
"testBCA4" == string.fromBytes(await connBCA.readLp(1024))
"testCAB4" == string.fromBytes(await connCAB.readLp(1024))
await allFutures(connABC.close(), connBCA.close(), connCAB.close())
await allFutures(switchA.stop(), switchB.stop(), switchC.stop())
Reference in New Issue