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import chronos # an efficient library for async
import stew/byteutils # various utils
2022-09-28 08:40:53 +00:00
import libp2p
# Create our custom protocol
const TestCodec = "/test/proto/1.0.0" # custom protocol string identifier
TestProto = ref object of LPProtocol # declare a custom protocol
proc new(T: typedesc[TestProto]): T =
# every incoming connections will be in handled in this closure
proc handle(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async.} =
echo "Got from remote - ", string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
await conn.writeLp("Roger p2p!")
# We must close the connections ourselves when we're done with it
await conn.close()
return T(codecs: @[TestCodec], handler: handle)
# Helper to create a switch/node
proc createSwitch(ma: MultiAddress, rng: ref HmacDrbgContext): Switch =
var switch = SwitchBuilder
.withRng(rng) # Give the application RNG
.withAddress(ma) # Our local address(es)
.withTcpTransport() # Use TCP as transport
.withMplex() # Use Mplex as muxer
.withNoise() # Use Noise as secure manager
result = switch
# The actual application
proc main() {.async.} =
rng = newRng() # Single random number source for the whole application
# port 0 will take a random available port
2021-12-16 10:05:20 +00:00
# `tryGet` will throw an exception if the MultiAddress failed
# (for instance, if the address is not well formatted)
2021-12-16 10:05:20 +00:00
ma1 = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
ma2 = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet()
# setup the custom proto
let testProto =
# setup the two nodes
switch1 = createSwitch(ma1, rng) #Create the two switches
switch2 = createSwitch(ma2, rng)
# mount the proto on switch1
# the node will now listen for this proto
# and call the handler everytime a client request it
# Start the nodes. This will start the transports
# and listen on each local addresses
await switch1.start()
await switch2.start()
# the node addrs is populated with it's
# actual port during the start
# use the second node to dial the first node
# using the first node peerid and address
# and specify our custom protocol codec
let conn = await switch2.dial(switch1.peerInfo.peerId, switch1.peerInfo.addrs, TestCodec)
# conn is now a fully setup connection, we talk directly to the node1 custom protocol handler
await conn.writeLp("Hello p2p!") # writeLp send a length prefixed buffer over the wire
# readLp reads length prefixed bytes and returns a buffer without the prefix
echo "Remote responded with - ", string.fromBytes(await conn.readLp(1024))
# We must close the connection ourselves when we're done with it
await conn.close()
await allFutures(switch1.stop(), switch2.stop()) # close connections and shutdown all transports