## Nim-LibP2P ## Copyright (c) 2020 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. import std/[options, tables, sequtils, sets] import chronos, chronicles, metrics import peerinfo, stream/connection, muxers/muxer, errors logScope: topics = "connmanager" declareGauge(libp2p_peers, "total connected peers") const MaxConnectionsPerPeer = 5 type TooManyConnections* = object of CatchableError ConnEventKind* {.pure.} = enum Connected, # A connection was made and securely upgraded - there may be # more than one concurrent connection thus more than one upgrade # event per peer. Disconnected # Peer disconnected - this event is fired once per upgrade # when the associated connection is terminated. ConnEvent* = object case kind*: ConnEventKind of ConnEventKind.Connected: incoming*: bool else: discard ConnEventHandler* = proc(peerId: PeerID, event: ConnEvent): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} PeerEventKind* {.pure.} = enum Left, Joined PeerEvent* = object case kind*: PeerEventKind of PeerEventKind.Joined: initiator*: bool else: discard PeerEventHandler* = proc(peerId: PeerID, event: PeerEvent): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} MuxerHolder = object muxer: Muxer handle: Future[void] ConnManager* = ref object of RootObj maxConns: int # NOTE: don't change to PeerInfo here # the reference semantics on the PeerInfo # object itself make it susceptible to # copies and mangling by unrelated code. conns: Table[PeerID, HashSet[Connection]] muxed: Table[Connection, MuxerHolder] connEvents: Table[ConnEventKind, OrderedSet[ConnEventHandler]] peerEvents: Table[PeerEventKind, OrderedSet[PeerEventHandler]] proc newTooManyConnections(): ref TooManyConnections {.inline.} = result = newException(TooManyConnections, "too many connections for peer") proc init*(C: type ConnManager, maxConnsPerPeer: int = MaxConnectionsPerPeer): ConnManager = C(maxConns: maxConnsPerPeer, conns: initTable[PeerID, HashSet[Connection]](), muxed: initTable[Connection, MuxerHolder]()) proc connCount*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID): int = c.conns.getOrDefault(peerId).len proc addConnEventHandler*(c: ConnManager, handler: ConnEventHandler, kind: ConnEventKind) = ## Add peer event handler - handlers must not raise exceptions! ## if isNil(handler): return c.connEvents.mgetOrPut(kind, initOrderedSet[ConnEventHandler]()).incl(handler) proc removeConnEventHandler*(c: ConnManager, handler: ConnEventHandler, kind: ConnEventKind) = c.connEvents.withValue(kind, handlers) do: handlers[].excl(handler) proc triggerConnEvent*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID, event: ConnEvent) {.async, gcsafe.} = try: if event.kind in c.connEvents: var connEvents: seq[Future[void]] for h in c.connEvents[event.kind]: connEvents.add(h(peerId, event)) checkFutures(await allFinished(connEvents)) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: # handlers should not raise! warn "Exception in triggerConnEvents", msg = exc.msg, peerId, event = $event proc addPeerEventHandler*(c: ConnManager, handler: PeerEventHandler, kind: PeerEventKind) = ## Add peer event handler - handlers must not raise exceptions! ## if isNil(handler): return c.peerEvents.mgetOrPut(kind, initOrderedSet[PeerEventHandler]()).incl(handler) proc removePeerEventHandler*(c: ConnManager, handler: PeerEventHandler, kind: PeerEventKind) = c.peerEvents.withValue(kind, handlers) do: handlers[].excl(handler) proc triggerPeerEvents*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID, event: PeerEvent) {.async, gcsafe.} = trace "About to trigger peer events", peer = peerId if event.kind notin c.peerEvents: return try: let count = c.connCount(peerId) if event.kind == PeerEventKind.Joined and count != 1: trace "peer already joined", peerId, event = $event return elif event.kind == PeerEventKind.Left and count != 0: trace "peer still connected or already left", peerId, event = $event return trace "triggering peer events", peerId, event = $event var peerEvents: seq[Future[void]] for h in c.peerEvents[event.kind]: peerEvents.add(h(peerId, event)) checkFutures(await allFinished(peerEvents)) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: # handlers should not raise! warn "Exception in triggerPeerEvents", exc = exc.msg, peerId proc contains*(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection): bool = ## checks if a connection is being tracked by the ## connection manager ## if isNil(conn): return if isNil(conn.peerInfo): return return conn in c.conns.getOrDefault(conn.peerInfo.peerId) proc contains*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID): bool = peerId in c.conns proc contains*(c: ConnManager, muxer: Muxer): bool = ## checks if a muxer is being tracked by the connection ## manager ## if isNil(muxer): return let conn = muxer.connection if conn notin c: return if conn notin c.muxed: return return muxer == c.muxed[conn].muxer proc closeMuxerHolder(muxerHolder: MuxerHolder) {.async.} = trace "Cleaning up muxer", m = muxerHolder.muxer await muxerHolder.muxer.close() if not(isNil(muxerHolder.handle)): await muxerHolder.handle # TODO noraises? trace "Cleaned up muxer", m = muxerHolder.muxer proc delConn(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection) = let peerId = conn.peerInfo.peerId if peerId in c.conns: c.conns[peerId].excl(conn) if c.conns[peerId].len == 0: c.conns.del(peerId) libp2p_peers.set(c.conns.len.int64) trace "Removed connection", conn proc cleanupConn(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection) {.async.} = ## clean connection's resources such as muxers and streams if isNil(conn): return if isNil(conn.peerInfo): return # Remove connection from all tables without async breaks var muxer = some(MuxerHolder()) if not c.muxed.pop(conn, muxer.get()): muxer = none(MuxerHolder) delConn(c, conn) try: if muxer.isSome: await closeMuxerHolder(muxer.get()) finally: await conn.close() trace "Connection cleaned up", conn proc peerStartup(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection) {.async.} = try: trace "Triggering connect events", conn let peerId = conn.peerInfo.peerId await c.triggerPeerEvents( peerId, PeerEvent(kind: PeerEventKind.Joined, initiator: conn.dir == Direction.Out)) await c.triggerConnEvent( peerId, ConnEvent(kind: ConnEventKind.Connected, incoming: conn.dir == Direction.In)) except CatchableError as exc: # This is top-level procedure which will work as separate task, so it # do not need to propagate CancelledError and should handle other errors warn "Unexpected exception in switch peer connection cleanup", conn, msg = exc.msg proc peerCleanup(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection) {.async.} = try: trace "Triggering disconnect events", conn let peerId = conn.peerInfo.peerId await c.triggerConnEvent( peerId, ConnEvent(kind: ConnEventKind.Disconnected)) await c.triggerPeerEvents(peerId, PeerEvent(kind: PeerEventKind.Left)) except CatchableError as exc: # This is top-level procedure which will work as separate task, so it # do not need to propagate CancelledError and should handle other errors warn "Unexpected exception peer cleanup handler", conn, msg = exc.msg proc onClose(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection) {.async.} = ## connection close even handler ## ## triggers the connections resource cleanup ## try: await conn.join() trace "Connection closed, cleaning up", conn await c.cleanupConn(conn) except CancelledError: # This is top-level procedure which will work as separate task, so it # do not need to propagate CancelledError. debug "Unexpected cancellation in connection manager's cleanup", conn except CatchableError as exc: debug "Unexpected exception in connection manager's cleanup", errMsg = exc.msg, conn finally: trace "Triggering peerCleanup", conn asyncSpawn c.peerCleanup(conn) proc selectConn*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID, dir: Direction): Connection = ## Select a connection for the provided peer and direction ## let conns = toSeq( c.conns.getOrDefault(peerId)) .filterIt( it.dir == dir ) if conns.len > 0: return conns[0] proc selectConn*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID): Connection = ## Select a connection for the provided giving priority ## to outgoing connections ## var conn = c.selectConn(peerId, Direction.Out) if isNil(conn): conn = c.selectConn(peerId, Direction.In) if isNil(conn): trace "connection not found", peerId return conn proc selectMuxer*(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection): Muxer = ## select the muxer for the provided connection ## if isNil(conn): return if conn in c.muxed: return c.muxed[conn].muxer else: debug "no muxer for connection", conn proc storeConn*(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection) = ## store a connection ## if isNil(conn): raise newException(CatchableError, "connection cannot be nil") if isNil(conn.peerInfo): raise newException(CatchableError, "empty peer info") let peerId = conn.peerInfo.peerId if c.conns.getOrDefault(peerId).len > c.maxConns: debug "too many connections", conn, conns = c.conns.getOrDefault(peerId).len raise newTooManyConnections() if peerId notin c.conns: c.conns[peerId] = initHashSet[Connection]() c.conns[peerId].incl(conn) # Launch on close listener # All the errors are handled inside `onClose()` procedure. asyncSpawn c.onClose(conn) libp2p_peers.set(c.conns.len.int64) trace "Stored connection", conn, direction = $conn.dir, connections = c.conns.len proc storeOutgoing*(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection) = conn.dir = Direction.Out c.storeConn(conn) proc storeIncoming*(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection) = conn.dir = Direction.In c.storeConn(conn) proc storeMuxer*(c: ConnManager, muxer: Muxer, handle: Future[void] = nil) = ## store the connection and muxer ## if isNil(muxer): raise newException(CatchableError, "muxer cannot be nil") if isNil(muxer.connection): raise newException(CatchableError, "muxer's connection cannot be nil") c.muxed[muxer.connection] = MuxerHolder( muxer: muxer, handle: handle) trace "Stored muxer", muxer, handle = not handle.isNil, connections = c.conns.len asyncSpawn c.peerStartup(muxer.connection) proc getStream*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID, dir: Direction): Future[Connection] {.async, gcsafe.} = ## get a muxed stream for the provided peer ## with the given direction ## let muxer = c.selectMuxer(c.selectConn(peerId, dir)) if not(isNil(muxer)): return await muxer.newStream() proc getStream*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID): Future[Connection] {.async, gcsafe.} = ## get a muxed stream for the passed peer from any connection ## let muxer = c.selectMuxer(c.selectConn(peerId)) if not(isNil(muxer)): return await muxer.newStream() proc getStream*(c: ConnManager, conn: Connection): Future[Connection] {.async, gcsafe.} = ## get a muxed stream for the passed connection ## let muxer = c.selectMuxer(conn) if not(isNil(muxer)): return await muxer.newStream() proc dropPeer*(c: ConnManager, peerId: PeerID) {.async.} = ## drop connections and cleanup resources for peer ## trace "Dropping peer", peerId let conns = c.conns.getOrDefault(peerId) for conn in conns: trace "Removing connection", conn delConn(c, conn) var muxers: seq[MuxerHolder] for conn in conns: if conn in c.muxed: muxers.add c.muxed[conn] c.muxed.del(conn) for muxer in muxers: await closeMuxerHolder(muxer) for conn in conns: await conn.close() trace "Dropped peer", peerId trace "Peer dropped", peerId proc close*(c: ConnManager) {.async.} = ## cleanup resources for the connection ## manager ## trace "Closing ConnManager" let conns = c.conns c.conns.clear() let muxed = c.muxed c.muxed.clear() for _, muxer in muxed: await closeMuxerHolder(muxer) for _, conns2 in conns: for conn in conns2: await conn.close() trace "Closed ConnManager"