import std/unittest import chronos, bearssl import ../libp2p/transports/tcptransport import ../libp2p/stream/bufferstream import ../libp2p/crypto/crypto import ../libp2p/stream/lpstream import ../libp2p/muxers/mplex/lpchannel import ../libp2p/protocols/secure/secure export unittest const StreamTransportTrackerName = "stream.transport" StreamServerTrackerName = "stream.server" trackerNames = [ LPStreamTrackerName, ConnectionTrackerName, LPChannelTrackerName, SecureConnTrackerName, BufferStreamTrackerName, TcpTransportTrackerName, StreamTransportTrackerName, StreamServerTrackerName ] iterator testTrackers*(extras: openArray[string] = []): TrackerBase = for name in trackerNames: let t = getTracker(name) if not isNil(t): yield t for name in extras: let t = getTracker(name) if not isNil(t): yield t template checkTracker*(name: string) = var tracker = getTracker(LPChannelTrackerName) if tracker.isLeaked(): checkpoint tracker.dump() fail() template checkTrackers*() = for tracker in testTrackers(): if tracker.isLeaked(): checkpoint tracker.dump() fail() # Also test the GC is not fooling with us GC_fullCollect() template asyncTeardown*(body: untyped): untyped = teardown: waitFor(( proc() {.async, gcsafe.} = body )()) template asyncSetup*(body: untyped): untyped = setup: waitFor(( proc() {.async, gcsafe.} = body )()) template asyncTest*(name: string, body: untyped): untyped = test name: waitFor(( proc() {.async, gcsafe.} = body )()) type RngWrap = object rng: ref BrHmacDrbgContext var rngVar: RngWrap proc getRng(): ref BrHmacDrbgContext = # TODO if `rngVar` is a threadvar like it should be, there are random and # spurious compile failures on mac - this is not gcsafe but for the # purpose of the tests, it's ok as long as we only use a single thread {.gcsafe.}: if rngVar.rng.isNil: rngVar.rng = newRng() rngVar.rng template rng*(): ref BrHmacDrbgContext = getRng() type WriteHandler* = proc(data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} TestBufferStream* = ref object of BufferStream writeHandler*: WriteHandler method write*(s: TestBufferStream, msg: seq[byte]): Future[void] = s.writeHandler(msg) proc newBufferStream*(writeHandler: WriteHandler): TestBufferStream = new result result.writeHandler = writeHandler result.initStream() proc checkExpiringInternal(cond: proc(): bool): Future[bool] {.async, gcsafe.} = {.gcsafe.}: let start = while true: if > (start + chronos.seconds(5)): return false elif cond(): return true else: await sleepAsync(1.millis) template checkExpiring*(code: untyped): untyped = checkExpiringInternal(proc(): bool = code)