## Nim-LibP2P ## Copyright (c) 2019 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. import chronos, options, chronicles import peerinfo, multiaddress, stream/lpstream, peerinfo, varint, vbuffer const DefaultReadSize*: uint = 64 * 1024 type Connection* = ref object of LPStream peerInfo*: PeerInfo stream*: LPStream observedAddrs*: Multiaddress InvalidVarintException = object of LPStreamError proc newInvalidVarintException*(): ref InvalidVarintException = result = newException(InvalidVarintException, "unable to prase varint") proc newConnection*(stream: LPStream): Connection = ## create a new Connection for the specified async reader/writer new result result.stream = stream method read*(s: Connection, n = -1): Future[seq[byte]] {.gcsafe.} = result = s.stream.read(n) method readExactly*(s: Connection, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = s.stream.readExactly(pbytes, nbytes) method readLine*(s: Connection, limit = 0, sep = "\r\n"): Future[string] {.gcsafe.} = s.stream.readLine(limit, sep) method readOnce*(s: Connection, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int): Future[int] {.gcsafe.} = s.stream.readOnce(pbytes, nbytes) method readUntil*(s: Connection, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int, sep: seq[byte]): Future[int] {.gcsafe.} = s.stream.readUntil(pbytes, nbytes, sep) method write*(s: Connection, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = s.stream.write(pbytes, nbytes) method write*(s: Connection, msg: string, msglen = -1): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = s.stream.write(msg, msglen) method write*(s: Connection, msg: seq[byte], msglen = -1): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = s.stream.write(msg, msglen) method close*(s: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} = await s.stream.close() s.closed = true proc readLp*(s: Connection): Future[seq[byte]] {.async, gcsafe.} = ## read lenght prefixed msg var size: uint length: int res: VarintStatus result = newSeq[byte](10) try: for i in 0.. DefaultReadSize: raise newInvalidVarintException() result.setLen(size) if size > 0.uint: await s.readExactly(addr result[0], int(size)) except LPStreamIncompleteError, LPStreamReadError: error "readLp: could not read from remote", exception = getCurrentExceptionMsg() proc writeLp*(s: Connection, msg: string | seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = ## write lenght prefixed var buf = initVBuffer() buf.writeSeq(msg) buf.finish() result = s.write(buf.buffer) method getObservedAddrs*(c: Connection): Future[MultiAddress] {.base, async, gcsafe.} = ## get resolved multiaddresses for the connection result = c.observedAddrs proc `$`*(conn: Connection): string = if conn.peerInfo.peerId.isSome: result = $(conn.peerInfo.peerId.get())