import unittest import chronos import ../libp2p/daemon/daemonapi, ../libp2p/multiaddress, ../libp2p/multicodec, ../libp2p/cid, ../libp2p/multihash, ../libp2p/peer when defined(nimHasUsed): {.used.} proc identitySpawnTest(): Future[bool] {.async.} = var api = await newDaemonApi() var data = await api.identity() await api.close() result = true proc connectStreamTest(): Future[bool] {.async.} = var api1 = await newDaemonApi() var api2 = await newDaemonApi() var id1 = await api1.identity() var id2 = await api2.identity() var protos = @["/test-stream"] var test = "TEST STRING" var testFuture = newFuture[string]("test.future") proc streamHandler(api: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream) {.async.} = var line = await stream.transp.readLine() testFuture.complete(line) await api2.addHandler(protos, streamHandler) await api1.connect(id2.peer, id2.addresses) # echo await api1.listPeers() var stream = await api1.openStream(id2.peer, protos) let sent = await stream.transp.write(test & "\r\n") doAssert(sent == len(test) + 2) var check = await wait(testFuture, 10.seconds) doAssert(check == test) await stream.close() await api1.close() await api2.close() result = true # proc provideCidTest(): Future[bool] {.async.} = # var api1 = await newDaemonApi({DHTFull}) # var api2 = await newDaemonApi({DHTFull}) # var msg = "ethereum2-beacon-chain" # var bmsg = cast[seq[byte]](msg) # var mh = MultiHash.digest("sha2-256", bmsg) # var cid = Cid.init(CIDv1, multiCodec("dag-pb"), mh) # var id1 = await api1.identity() # var id2 = await api2.identity() # await api1.connect(id2.peer, id2.addresses) # while true: # var peers = await api1.listPeers() # if len(peers) > 0: # break # await api1.dhtProvide(cid) # var peers = await api2.dhtFindProviders(cid, 10) # if len(peers) == 1: # if peers[0].peer == id1.peer: # result = true # await api1.close() # await api2.close() proc pubsubTest(f: set[P2PDaemonFlags]): Future[bool] {.async.} = var pubsubData = "TEST MESSAGE" var msgData = cast[seq[byte]](pubsubData) var api1, api2: DaemonAPI api1 = await newDaemonApi(f) api2 = await newDaemonApi(f) var id1 = await api1.identity() var id2 = await api2.identity() var resultsCount = 0 var handlerFuture1 = newFuture[void]() var handlerFuture2 = newFuture[void]() proc pubsubHandler1(api: DaemonAPI, ticket: PubsubTicket, message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} = let smsg = cast[string]( if smsg == pubsubData: inc(resultsCount) handlerFuture1.complete() # Callback must return `false` to close subscription channel. result = false proc pubsubHandler2(api: DaemonAPI, ticket: PubsubTicket, message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} = let smsg = cast[string]( if smsg == pubsubData: inc(resultsCount) handlerFuture2.complete() # Callback must return `false` to close subscription channel. result = false await api1.connect(id2.peer, id2.addresses) await api2.connect(id1.peer, id1.addresses) var ticket1 = await api1.pubsubSubscribe("test-topic", pubsubHandler1) var ticket2 = await api2.pubsubSubscribe("test-topic", pubsubHandler2) await sleepAsync(2.seconds) var topics1 = await api1.pubsubGetTopics() var topics2 = await api2.pubsubGetTopics() if len(topics1) == 1 and len(topics2) == 1: var peers1 = await api1.pubsubListPeers("test-topic") var peers2 = await api2.pubsubListPeers("test-topic") if len(peers1) == 1 and len(peers2) == 1: # Publish test data via api1. await sleepAsync(500.milliseconds) await api1.pubsubPublish("test-topic", msgData) var res = await one(allFutures(handlerFuture1, handlerFuture2), sleepAsync(10.seconds)) await api1.close() await api2.close() if resultsCount == 2: result = true when isMainModule: suite "libp2p-daemon test suite": test "Simple spawn and get identity test": check: waitFor(identitySpawnTest()) == true test "Connect/Accept peer/stream test": check: waitFor(connectStreamTest()) == true # test "Provide CID test": # check: # waitFor(provideCidTest()) == true test "GossipSub test": check: waitFor(pubsubTest({PSGossipSub})) == true test "FloodSub test": check: waitFor(pubsubTest({PSFloodSub})) == true