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The switch is the core of libp2p, which brings together the transports, the connection manager, the upgrader and other parts to allow programs to use libp2p


Service = ref object of RootObj
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Switch {.public.} = ref object of Dial
  peerInfo*: PeerInfo
  connManager*: ConnManager
  transports*: seq[Transport]
  ms*: MultistreamSelect
  acceptFuts: seq[Future[void]]
  dialer*: Dial
  peerStore*: PeerStore
  nameResolver*: NameResolver
  started: bool
  services*: seq[Service]
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proc addConnEventHandler(s: Switch; handler: ConnEventHandler;
                         kind: ConnEventKind) {.public, ...raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}

Adds a ConnEventHandler, which will be triggered when a connection to a peer is created or dropped. There may be multiple connections per peer.

The handler should not raise.

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proc addPeerEventHandler(s: Switch; handler: PeerEventHandler;
                         kind: PeerEventKind) {.public, ...raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}

Adds a PeerEventHandler, which will be triggered when a peer connects or disconnects from us.

The handler should not raise.

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proc dial(s: Switch; peerId: PeerId; addrs: seq[MultiAddress]; proto: string): Future[
    Connection] {.public, ...raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
Connected to a peer and open a stream with the specified proto   Source   Edit
proc dial(s: Switch; peerId: PeerId; proto: string): Future[Connection] {.
    public, ...raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
Open a stream to a connected peer with the specified proto   Source   Edit
proc disconnect(s: Switch; peerId: PeerId): Future[void] {....gcsafe, public,
    ...raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
Disconnect from a peer, waiting for the connection(s) to be dropped   Source   Edit
proc isConnected(s: Switch; peerId: PeerId): bool {.public, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
returns true if the peer has one or more associated connections   Source   Edit
proc mount[T: LPProtocol](s: Switch; proto: T; matcher: Matcher = nil) {....gcsafe,
    raises: [Defect, LPError], public, ...raises: [].}
mount a protocol to the switch   Source   Edit
proc newSwitch(peerInfo: PeerInfo; transports: seq[Transport];
               identity: Identify; secureManagers: openArray[Secure] = [];
               connManager: ConnManager; ms: MultistreamSelect;
               nameResolver: NameResolver = nil; peerStore =;
               services = newSeq[Service]()): Switch {.
    ...raises: [Defect, LPError], public, ...raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc removeConnEventHandler(s: Switch; handler: ConnEventHandler;
                            kind: ConnEventKind) {.public, ...raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc removePeerEventHandler(s: Switch; handler: PeerEventHandler;
                            kind: PeerEventKind) {.public, ...raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc start(s: Switch): Future[void] {....gcsafe, public(), stackTrace: false,
                                      ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
                                      tags: [RootEffect].}
Start listening on every transport   Source   Edit


method addService(switch: Switch; service: Service) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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method addTransport(s: Switch; t: Transport) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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method connect(s: Switch; addrs: seq[MultiAddress]): Future[PeerId] {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
Connects to a peer and retrieve its PeerId   Source   Edit
method connect(s: Switch; peerId: PeerId; addrs: seq[MultiAddress];
               forceDial = false): Future[void] {.public, ...raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
Connects to a peer without opening a stream to it   Source   Edit
method dial(s: Switch; peerId: PeerId; addrs: seq[MultiAddress];
            protos: seq[string]; forceDial = false): Future[Connection] {.
    public, ...raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
Connected to a peer and open a stream with the specified protos   Source   Edit
method dial(s: Switch; peerId: PeerId; protos: seq[string]): Future[Connection] {.
    public, ...raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
Open a stream to a connected peer with the specified protos   Source   Edit
method run(self: Service; switch: Switch): Future[void] {.base, ...gcsafe,
    public(), stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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method setup(self: Service; switch: Switch): Future[void] {.base, ...gcsafe,
    public(), stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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storeConn, ConnManager, PeerEventKind, selectConn, contains, getStream, addPeerEventHandler, new, ConnEventKind, PeerEventHandler, selectMuxer, contains, removePeerEventHandler, storeMuxer, ConnEvent, connCount, ConnEventHandler, addConnEventHandler, triggerConnEvent, removeConnEventHandler, contains, triggerPeerEvents, selectConn, PeerEvent, TooManyConnectionsError, getStream, trackConnection, close, MaxConnectionsPerPeer, getStream, getOutgoingSlot, dropPeer, getIncomingSlot, release, MaxConnections, ConnectionSlot, newLPStreamWriteError, getProtoHeader, ProtoHeader, shortLog, init, random, $, MaError, ephemeral, decode, MaPatternOp, HTTP, initVBuffer, getProtoHeader, MaxSizeError, LPStreamError, ==, getLen, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, MsgSize, closed, readVarint, shuffle, toString, random, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, handshake, $, validate, mapOr, upgradeOutgoing, init, secure, bytes, UpgradeFailedError, IdentityInvalidMsgError, maxInlineKeyLength, addHandler, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, ProtoVersion, [], ephemeral, getRequiredField, getField, init, writeLp, getWrapped, getBytes, public, MAKind, write, write, init, getField, checkFieldNumber, codec, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, push, getBytes, ==, init, readLp, finish, TimeoutHandler, initVBuffer, start, atEof, TcpOnion3, Na, write, update, fullAddrs, payloadType, <=, init, $, IP, protoAddress, newRng, SupportedWireTypes, ==, Matcher, SecureConn, checkValid, mac, getPublicKey, decodeProposal, IdentityNoMatchError, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, DNSADDR, Ls, AddressMapper, IdentifyPushHandler, DNS4, init, write, new, WSS, verify, writePacked, init, closeImpl, identify, toBytes, shortLog, encode, len, init, protoName, protoArgument, LPProtoHandler, ==, toRawBytes, IdentifyPush, TranscoderIP6Zone, initProtoBuffer, newLPStreamReadError, init, list, match, <, CryptoResult, ProtoResult, WebRTCDirect, init, init, Upgrade, UDP, PeerInfo, TranscoderOnion, goffset, IdentifyNoPubKeyError, write, LPStreamResetError, isEmpty, writeArray, writeLp, decode, new, LPStreamIncompleteError, LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, ProtoFlags, PKScheme, init, payload, init, stretchKeys, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, start, newLPStreamIncorrectDefect, init, high, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, readMessage, close, handle, TranscoderIP4, initProtoBuffer, toException, DNS, init, upgrade, UTP, StreamTracker, HandlerHolder, >, SecureConnTrackerName, KeyPair, init, toOpenArray, cmp, DNSANY, peekArray, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, initStream, hash, formatItIMPL, Signature, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, IPFS, getField, shortLog, readOnce, init, libp2p_pki_schemes, init, Secure, isEmpty, ProtoScalar, shortLog, getWrapped, LPStreamIncorrectDefect, MSCodec, hex, expandItIMPL, protocols, codec=, hash, HTTPS, UNIX, tryAndWarn, WebSockets, LPError, getPtr, write, TranscoderIP6, init, readSeq, addHandler, encode, formatItIMPL, supported, MaResult, ProtoField, init, readOnce, toBytes, writeSeq, Codec, DNS6, [], IpTransportProtocol, libp2p_failed_upgrade, init, allFuturesThrowing, IP4, TranscoderPort, isEnough, write, getField, init, createExchange, >=, init, finish, payloadDomain, $, MultiStreamError, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, init, closeImpl, toBytes, secure, newLPStreamLimitError, write, keyOpenArray, readVarint, match, parseFullAddress, $, closeImpl, isEmpty, LPStreamReadError, new, getRequiredRepeatedField, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, newLPStreamReadError, IdentifyCodec, initProtoBuffer, MAProtocol, newLPStreamResetError, getPackedRepeatedField, initStream, contains, getField, shortLog, MultiAddress, Connection, readArray, selectBest, write, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, key, isEnough, init, Reliable, init, addrs, hex, ProtoBuffer, peekSeq, WS, AgentVersion, MultistreamSelect, encode, LPProtocol, init, init, init, init, getField, match, getField, writeLPVarint, iv, onUpgrade, DefaultConnectionTimeout, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, getField, append, MaPattern, init, decode, LPStreamConnDownError, PeerRecord, isUpgraded, decodeExchange, SupportedSchemes, getRepeatedField, LPStreamWriteError, getField, select, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, macOpenArray, init, validate, $, mapEq, init, Onion3, Identify, select, concat, TranscoderP2P, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, sign, new, write, EnvelopeError, LPStream, IdentifyInfo, IdentifyError, addHandler, encode, len, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, createProposal, MaPatResult, Direction, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, &, write, getBytes, write, upgradeIncoming, init, PublicKey, decodeMsg, getRawBytes, writePBVarint, ProtoFieldKind, readExactly, protoArgument, getRepeatedField, ProtoError, newLPStreamConnDownError, new, init, write, parseFullAddress, initStream, getField, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, IdentifyPushCodec, LPStreamTrackerName, orError, vsizeof, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, setupStreamTracker, identify, protoCode, stop, MaInvalidAddress, select, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, PeerId, items, write, getOrder, hash, [], TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, stop, join, writeVarint, allFuturesThrowing, tryDial, dial, dial, Dial, tryDial, connect, DialFailedError, checkFutures, tryAndWarn, LPError, addTransport, Dialer, connect, addTransport, dial, connect, connect, toException, toException, new, dial, SPRBook, PeerBook, ProtoBook, AddressBook, ProtoVersionBook, SeqPeerBook, KeyBook, PeerBookChangeHandler, AgentBook, new, PeerStore