wip: mplex tests

This commit is contained in:
Dmitriy Ryajov 2019-09-03 14:40:51 -06:00
parent b26d1ac23a
commit 96cd7bcf50
4 changed files with 286 additions and 145 deletions

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@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import chronos
import ../varint, ../connection,
../vbuffer, ../protocol
const DefaultReadSize: uint = 1024
const MaxMsgSize* = 1 shl 20 # 1mb
const MaxChannels* = 1000
MplexUnknownMsgError* = object of CatchableError
MessageType* {.pure.} = enum
ChannelHandler* = proc(conn: Connection) {.gcsafe.}
Mplex* = ref object of LPProtocol
remote*: seq[Connection]
local*: seq[Connection]
channelHandler*: ChannelHandler
currentId*: uint
Channel* = ref object of BufferStream
id*: int
initiator*: bool
reset*: bool
closedLocal*: bool
closedRemote*: bool
mplex*: Mplex
proc newMplexUnknownMsgError*(): ref MplexUnknownMsgError =
result = newException(MplexUnknownMsgError, "Unknown mplex message type")
proc readLp*(conn: Connection): Future[tuple[id: uint, msgType: MessageType]] {.gcsafe.} =
header: uint
length: int
res: VarintStatus
var buffer = newSeq[byte](10)
for i in 0..<len(buffer):
await conn.readExactly(addr buffer[i], 1)
res = LP.getUVarint(buffer.toOpenArray(0, i), length, header)
if res == VarintStatus.Success:
if res != VarintStatus.Success:
except TransportIncompleteError:
result.id = header shl 3
result.msgType = MessageType(header and 0x7)
proc writeLp*(conn: Connection, id: uint, msgType: MessageType) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## write lenght prefixed
var buf = initVBuffer()
buf.writeVarint(LPSomeUVarint(id shl 3 or uint(msgType)))
result = conn.write(buf.buffer)
proc newChannel*(mplex: Mplex,
id: int,
initiator: bool,
handler: WriteHandler,
size: int = MaxMsgSize): Channel =
new result
result.id = id
result.mplex = mplex
result.initiator = initiator
result.writeHandler = handler
result.maxSize = size
proc closed*(s: Channel): bool = s.closedLocal and s.closedRemote
proc closeRemote*(s: Channel) = discard
proc close*(s: Channel) = discard
proc newStream*(m: Mplex,
conn: Connection,
initiator: bool = true):
Connection {.gcsafe.}
proc newMplex*(conn: Connection,
handler: ChannelHandler,
maxChanns: uint = MaxChannels): Mplex =
new result
result.channelHandler = handler
proc processNewStream(m: Mplex, conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} =
proc procesMessage(m: Mplex, conn: Connection, initiator: bool) {.async, gcsafe.} =
proc processClose(m: Mplex, conn: Connection, initiator: bool) {.async, gcsafe.} =
proc processReset(m: Mplex, conn: Connection, initiator: bool) {.async, gcsafe.} =
proc newStream*(m: Mplex,
conn: Connection,
initiator: bool = true):
Connection {.gcsafe.} =
## create new channel/stream
let id = m.currentId
proc writeHandler(data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
let msgType = if initiator: MessageType.MsgIn else: MessageType.MsgOut
await conn.writeLp(id, msgType) # write header
await conn.writeLp(data) # write data
let channel = newChannel(m, id, initiator, writeHandler)
result = newConnection(channel)
method init(m: Mplex) =
proc handle(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, closure, gcsafe.} =
let (id, msgType) = await conn.readLp()
case msgType:
of MessageType.New:
await m.processNewStream(conn)
of MessageType.MsgIn, MessageType.MsgOut:
await m.procesMessage(conn, bool(ord(msgType) and 1))
of MessageType.CloseIn, MessageType.CloseOut:
await m.processClose(conn, bool(ord(msgType) and 1))
of MessageType.ResetIn, MessageType.ResetOut:
await m.processReset(conn, bool(ord(msgType) and 1))
else: raise newMplexUnknownMsgError()
m.handler = handle

libp2p/muxers/mplex.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import sequtils
import chronos
import ../varint, ../connection,
../vbuffer, ../protocol,
const MaxMsgSize* = 1 shl 20 # 1mb
const MaxChannels* = 1000
const MplexCodec* = "/mplex/6.7.0"
MplexUnknownMsgError* = object of CatchableError
MessageType* {.pure.} = enum
StreamHandler = proc(conn: Connection): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
Mplex* = ref object of Muxer
remote*: seq[Channel]
local*: seq[Channel]
currentId*: int
maxChannels*: uint
streamHandler*: StreamHandler
Channel* = ref object of BufferStream
id*: int
initiator*: bool
isReset*: bool
closedLocal*: bool
closedRemote*: bool
mplex*: Mplex
proc newMplexUnknownMsgError*(): ref MplexUnknownMsgError =
result = newException(MplexUnknownMsgError, "Unknown mplex message type")
## Read/Write Helpers
proc readHeader*(conn: Connection): Future[(uint, MessageType)] {.async, gcsafe.} =
header: uint
length: int
res: VarintStatus
var buffer = newSeq[byte](10)
for i in 0..<len(buffer):
await conn.readExactly(addr buffer[i], 1)
res = LP.getUVarint(buffer.toOpenArray(0, i), length, header)
if res == VarintStatus.Success:
return (header shr 3, MessageType(header and 0x7))
if res != VarintStatus.Success:
except TransportIncompleteError:
proc writeHeader*(conn: Connection,
id: int,
msgType: MessageType,
size: int) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## write lenght prefixed
var buf = initVBuffer()
buf.writeVarint(LPSomeUVarint(id.uint shl 3 or msgType.uint))
result = conn.write(buf.buffer)
## Channel
proc newChannel*(mplex: Mplex,
id: int,
initiator: bool,
handler: WriteHandler,
size: int = MaxMsgSize): Channel =
new result
result.id = id
result.mplex = mplex
result.initiator = initiator
result.writeHandler = handler
result.maxSize = size
proc closed*(s: Channel): bool = s.closedLocal and s.closedRemote
proc close*(s: Channel) {.async.} = discard
proc reset*(s: Channel) {.async.} = discard
## Mplex
proc getChannelList(m: Mplex, initiator: bool): var seq[Channel] =
if initiator:
result = m.remote
result = m.local
proc newStream*(m: Mplex,
chanId: int = -1,
initiator: bool = true):
Future[Connection] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## create new channel/stream
defer: inc(m.currentId)
let id = if chanId > -1: chanId else: m.currentId
proc writeHandler(data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} =
let msgType = if initiator: MessageType.MsgIn else: MessageType.MsgOut
await m.connection.writeHeader(id, msgType, data.len) # write header
await m.connection.write(data) # write data
let channel = newChannel(m, id, initiator, writeHandler)
m.getChannelList(initiator)[id] = channel
result = newConnection(channel)
proc handle*(m: Mplex) {.async, gcsafe.} =
while not m.connection.closed:
let (id, msgType) = await m.connection.readHeader()
let initiator = bool(ord(msgType) and 1)
case msgType:
of MessageType.New:
await m.streamHandler(await m.newStream(id.int, false))
of MessageType.MsgIn, MessageType.MsgOut:
await m.getChannelList(initiator)[id.int].pushTo(await m.connection.readLp())
of MessageType.CloseIn, MessageType.CloseOut:
await m.getChannelList(initiator)[id.int].close()
of MessageType.ResetIn, MessageType.ResetOut:
await m.getChannelList(initiator)[id.int].reset()
else: raise newMplexUnknownMsgError()
proc newMplex*(conn: Connection,
streamHandler: StreamHandler,
maxChanns: uint = MaxChannels): Mplex =
new result
result.connection = conn
result.maxChannels = maxChanns
result.streamHandler = streamHandler
method newStream*(m: Mplex): Future[Connection] {.gcsafe.} =
result = m.newStream(true)
method close(m: Mplex) {.async, gcsafe.} =
let futs = @[allFutures(m.remote.mapIt(it.close())),
await allFutures(futs)
await m.connection.close()

libp2p/muxers/muxer.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
## Nim-LibP2P
## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import chronos
import ../protocol, ../connection
Muxer* = ref object of RootObj
connection*: Connection
MuxerCreator* = proc(conn: Connection): Muxer {.gcsafe, closure.}
# this wraps a creator proc that knows how to make muxers
MuxerProvider* = ref object of LPProtocol
newMuxer*: MuxerCreator
proc newMuxerProvider*(creator: MuxerCreator, codec: string): MuxerProvider {.gcsafe.} =
new result
result.newMuxer = creator
result.codec = codec
method init(c: MuxerProvider) =
proc handler(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, gcsafe, closure.} =
let muxer = c.newMuxer(conn)
c.handler = handler
method newStream*(m: Muxer): Future[Connection] {.base, async, gcsafe.} = discard
method close*(m: Muxer) {.base, async, gcsafe.} = discard

tests/testmplex.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import unittest, sequtils, sugar
import chronos, nimcrypto/utils
import ../libp2p/muxers/mplex, ../libp2p/connection,
../libp2p/stream/lpstream, ../libp2p/tcptransport,
../libp2p/transport, ../libp2p/multiaddress
TestEncodeStream = ref object of LPStream
handler*: proc(data: seq[byte])
method write*(s: TestEncodeStream,
msg: seq[byte],
msglen = -1):
Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
proc newTestEncodeStream(handler: proc(data: seq[byte])): TestEncodeStream =
new result
result.handler = handler
TestDecodeStream = ref object of LPStream
handler*: proc(data: seq[byte])
step*: int
msg*: seq[byte]
method readExactly*(s: TestDecodeStream,
pbytes: pointer,
nbytes: int): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} =
let buff: seq[byte] = s.msg
copyMem(pbytes, unsafeAddr buff[s.step], nbytes)
s.step += nbytes
proc newTestDecodeStream(): TestDecodeStream =
new result
result.step = 0
result.msg = fromHex("8801023137")
suite "Mplex":
# test "encode header":
# proc testEncodeHeader(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
# proc encHandler(msg: seq[byte]) =
# check msg == fromHex("880102")
# let conn = newConnection(newTestEncodeStream(encHandler))
# await conn.writeHeader(uint(17), MessageType.New, 2)
# result = true
# check:
# waitFor(testEncodeHeader()) == true
# test "decode header":
# proc testDecodeHeader(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
# let conn = newConnection(newTestDecodeStream())
# let (id, msgType) = await conn.readHeader()
# check id == 17
# check msgType == MessageType.New
# let data = await conn.readLp()
# check cast[string](data) == "17"
# result = true
# check:
# waitFor(testDecodeHeader()) == true
test "e2e - new stream":
proc testNewStream(): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let ma: MultiAddress = Multiaddress.init("/ip4/")
proc connHandler(conn: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} =
proc handleListen(stream: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} =
await stream.writeLp("Hello from stream!")
let mplexListen = newMplex(conn, handleListen)
await mplexListen.handle()
let transport1: TcpTransport = newTransport(TcpTransport)
await transport1.listen(ma, connHandler)
let transport2: TcpTransport = newTransport(TcpTransport)
let conn = await transport2.dial(ma)
proc handleDial(stream: Connection) {.async, gcsafe.} =
let msg = await stream.readLp()
let mplexDial = newMplex(conn, handleDial)
let handleFut = mplexDial.handle()
result = true
waitFor(testNewStream()) == true