Add base32 encoding/decoding procedures and tests.
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ task test, "Runs the test suite":
exec "nim c -r tests/testvarint"
exec "nim c -r tests/testvarint"
exec "nim c -r tests/testdaemon"
exec "nim c -r tests/testdaemon"
exec "nim c -r tests/testbase58"
exec "nim c -r tests/testbase58"
exec "nim c -r tests/testbase32"
exec "nim c -r tests/testmultiaddress"
exec "nim c -r tests/testmultiaddress"
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
## Nim-Libp2p
## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
## This module implements BASE32 encoding and decoding procedures.
## This module supports RFC4648's BASE32.
Base32Status* {.pure.} = enum
Base32Alphabet* = object
decode*: array[128, int8]
encode*: array[32, uint8]
Base32Upper* = object
## Type to use RFC4868 alphabet in uppercase without padding
Base32Lower* = object
## Type to use RFC4868 alphabet in lowercase without padding
Base32UpperPad* = object
## Type to use RFC4868 alphabet in uppercase with padding
Base32LowerPad* = object
## Type to use RFC4868 alphabet in lowercase with padding
HexBase32Upper* = object
## Type to use RFC4868-HEX alphabet in uppercase without padding
HexBase32Lower* = object
## Type to use RFC4868-HEX alphabet in lowercase without padding
HexBase32UpperPad* = object
## Type to use RFC4868-HEX alphabet in uppercase with padding
HexBase32LowerPad* = object
## Type to use RFC4868-HEX alphabet in lowercase with padding
Base32* = Base32Upper
## By default we are using RFC4868 alphabet in uppercase without padding
Base32PadTypes* = Base32UpperPad | Base32LowerPad |
HexBase32UpperPad | HexBase32LowerPad
## All types with padding support
Base32NoPadTypes* = Base32Upper | Base32Lower | HexBase32Upper |
## All types without padding
Base32Types* = Base32NoPadTypes | Base32PadTypes
## Supported types
Base32Error* = object of Exception
## Base32 specific exception type
proc newAlphabet32*(s: string): Base32Alphabet =
doAssert(len(s) == 32)
for i in 0..<len(s):
result.encode[i] = cast[uint8](s[i])
for i in 0..<len(result.decode):
result.decode[i] = -1
for i in 0..<len(result.encode):
result.decode[int(result.encode[i])] = int8(i)
RFCUpperCaseAlphabet* = newAlphabet32("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567")
RFCLowerCaseAlphabet* = newAlphabet32("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567")
HEXUpperCaseAlphabet* = newAlphabet32("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV")
HEXLowerCaseAlphabet* = newAlphabet32("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv")
proc encodedLength*(btype: typedesc[Base32Types], length: int): int =
## Return length of BASE32 encoded value for plain length ``length``.
let reminder = length mod 5
when btype is Base32NoPadTypes:
result = ((length div 5) * 8) + (((reminder * 8) + 4) div 5)
result = ((length div 5) * 8)
if reminder != 0:
result += 8
proc decodedLength*(btype: typedesc[Base32Types], length: int): int =
## Return length of decoded value of BASE32 encoded value of length
## ``length``.
let reminder = length mod 8
result = (length div 8) * 5 + ((reminder * 5) div 8)
proc convert5to8(inbytes: openarray[byte], outbytes: var openarray[char],
length: int) {.inline.} =
if length >= 1:
outbytes[0] = chr(inbytes[0] shr 3)
outbytes[1] = chr((inbytes[0] and 7'u8) shl 2)
if length >= 2:
outbytes[1] = chr(cast[byte](outbytes[1]) or cast[byte](inbytes[1] shr 6))
outbytes[2] = chr((inbytes[1] shr 1) and 31'u8)
outbytes[3] = chr((inbytes[1] and 1'u8) shl 4)
if length >= 3:
outbytes[3] = chr(cast[byte](outbytes[3]) or (inbytes[2] shr 4))
outbytes[4] = chr((inbytes[2] and 15'u8) shl 1)
if length >= 4:
outbytes[4] = chr(cast[byte](outbytes[4]) or (inbytes[3] shr 7))
outbytes[5] = chr((inbytes[3] shr 2) and 31'u8)
outbytes[6] = chr((inbytes[3] and 3'u8) shl 3)
if length >= 5:
outbytes[6] = chr(cast[byte](outbytes[6]) or (inbytes[4] shr 5))
outbytes[7] = chr(inbytes[4] and 31'u8)
proc convert8to5(inbytes: openarray[byte], outbytes: var openarray[byte],
length: int) {.inline.} =
if length >= 2:
outbytes[0] = inbytes[0] shl 3
outbytes[0] = outbytes[0] or (inbytes[1] shr 2)
if length >= 4:
outbytes[1] = (inbytes[1] and 3'u8) shl 6
outbytes[1] = outbytes[1] or (inbytes[2] shl 1)
outbytes[1] = outbytes[1] or (inbytes[3] shr 4)
if length >= 5:
outbytes[2] = (inbytes[3] and 15'u8) shl 4
outbytes[2] = outbytes[2] or (inbytes[4] shr 1)
if length >= 7:
outbytes[3] = (inbytes[4] and 1'u8) shl 7
outbytes[3] = outbytes[3] or (inbytes[5] shl 2)
outbytes[3] = outbytes[3] or (inbytes[6] shr 3)
if length >= 8:
outbytes[4] = (inbytes[6] and 7'u8) shl 5
outbytes[4] = outbytes[4] or (inbytes[7] and 31'u8)
proc encode*(btype: typedesc[Base32Types], inbytes: openarray[byte],
outstr: var openarray[char], outlen: var int): Base32Status =
## Encode array of bytes ``inbytes`` using BASE32 encoding and store
## result to ``outstr``. On success ``Base32Status.Success`` will be returned
## and ``outlen`` will be set to number of characters stored inside of
## ``outstr``. If length of ``outstr`` is not enough then
## ``Base32Status.Overrun`` will be returned and ``outlen`` will be set to
## number of characters required.
when (btype is Base32Upper) or (btype is Base32UpperPad):
const alphabet = RFCUpperCaseAlphabet
elif (btype is Base32Lower) or (btype is Base32LowerPad):
const alphabet = RFCLowerCaseAlphabet
elif (btype is HexBase32Upper) or (btype is HexBase32UpperPad):
const alphabet = HEXUpperCaseAlphabet
elif (btype is HexBase32Lower) or (btype is HexBase32LowerPad):
const alphabet = HEXLowerCaseAlphabet
if len(inbytes) == 0:
outlen = 0
return Base32Status.Success
let length = btype.encodedLength(len(inbytes))
if length > len(outstr):
outlen = length
return Base32Status.Overrun
let reminder = len(inbytes) mod 5
let limit = len(inbytes) - reminder
var i, k: int
while i < limit:
convert5to8(inbytes.toOpenArray(i, i + 4),
outstr.toOpenArray(k, k + 7), 5)
for j in 0..7:
outstr[k + j] = chr(alphabet.encode[ord(outstr[k + j])])
k += 8
i += 5
if reminder != 0:
convert5to8(inbytes.toOpenArray(i, i + reminder - 1),
outstr.toOpenArray(k, length - 1), reminder)
outstr[k] = chr(alphabet.encode[ord(outstr[k])])
while k < len(outstr):
if ord(outstr[k]) != 0:
outstr[k] = chr(alphabet.encode[ord(outstr[k])])
when (btype is Base32UpperPad) or (btype is Base32LowerPad) or
(btype is HexBase32UpperPad) or (btype is HexBase32LowerPad):
outstr[k] = '='
outlen = k
result = Base32Status.Success
proc encode*(btype: typedesc[Base32Types],
inbytes: openarray[byte]): string {.inline.} =
## Encode array of bytes ``inbytes`` using BASE32 encoding and return
## encoded string.
if len(inbytes) == 0:
result = ""
var length = 0
result = newString(btype.encodedLength(len(inbytes)))
if btype.encode(inbytes, result, length) == Base32Status.Success:
result = ""
proc decode*[T: byte|char](btype: typedesc[Base32Types], instr: openarray[T],
outbytes: var openarray[byte], outlen: var int): Base32Status =
## Decode BASE32 string and store array of bytes to ``outbytes``. On success
## ``Base32Status.Success`` will be returned and ``outlen`` will be set
## to number of bytes stored.
## ## If length of ``outbytes`` is not enough to store decoded bytes, then
## ``Base32Status.Overrun`` will be returned and ``outlen`` will be set to
## number of bytes required.
when (btype is Base32Upper) or (btype is Base32UpperPad):
const alphabet = RFCUpperCaseAlphabet
elif (btype is Base32Lower) or (btype is Base32LowerPad):
const alphabet = RFCLowerCaseAlphabet
elif (btype is HexBase32Upper) or (btype is HexBase32UpperPad):
const alphabet = HEXUpperCaseAlphabet
elif (btype is HexBase32Lower) or (btype is HexBase32LowerPad):
const alphabet = HEXLowerCaseAlphabet
if len(instr) == 0:
outlen = 0
return Base32Status.Success
let length = btype.decodedLength(len(instr))
if length > len(outbytes):
outlen = length
return Base32Status.Overrun
var inlen = len(instr)
when (btype is Base32PadTypes):
for i in countdown(inlen - 1, 0):
if instr[i] != '=':
let reminder = inlen mod 8
let limit = inlen - reminder
var buffer: array[8, byte]
var i, k: int
while i < limit:
for j in 0..<8:
if (cast[byte](instr[i + j]) and 0x80'u8) != 0:
outlen = 0
zeroMem(addr outbytes[0], i + 8)
return Base32Status.Incorrect
let ch = alphabet.decode[int8(instr[i + j])]
if ch == -1:
outlen = 0
zeroMem(addr outbytes[0], i + 8)
return Base32Status.Incorrect
buffer[j] = cast[byte](ch)
convert8to5(buffer, outbytes.toOpenArray(k, k + 4), 8)
k += 5
i += 8
var incsize = 0
if reminder != 0:
if reminder == 1 or reminder == 3 or reminder == 6:
outlen = 0
zeroMem(addr outbytes[0], i + 8)
return Base32Status.Incorrect
elif reminder == 2:
incsize = 1
elif reminder == 4:
incsize = 2
elif reminder == 5:
incsize = 3
elif reminder == 7:
incsize = 4
for j in 0..<reminder:
if (cast[byte](instr[i + j]) and 0x80'u8) != 0:
outlen = 0
zeroMem(addr outbytes[0], i + 8)
result = Base32Status.Incorrect
let ch = alphabet.decode[int8(instr[i + j])]
if ch == -1:
outlen = 0
zeroMem(addr outbytes[0], i + 8)
result = Base32Status.Incorrect
buffer[j] = cast[byte](ch)
convert8to5(buffer.toOpenArray(0, reminder - 1),
outbytes.toOpenArray(k, length - 1), reminder)
outlen = k + incsize
result = Base32Status.Success
proc decode*[T: byte|char](btype: typedesc[Base32Types],
instr: openarray[T]): seq[byte] =
## Decode BASE32 string ``instr`` and return sequence of bytes as result.
if len(instr) == 0:
result = newSeq[byte]()
var length = 0
result = newSeq[byte](btype.decodedLength(len(instr)))
if btype.decode(instr, result, length) == Base32Status.Success:
raise newException(Base32Error, "Incorrect base58 string")
@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
import unittest
import ../libp2p/base32
const TVBaseUpperPadding = [
["f", "MY======"],
["fo", "MZXQ===="],
["foo", "MZXW6==="],
["foob", "MZXW6YQ="],
["fooba", "MZXW6YTB"],
["foobar", "MZXW6YTBOI======"]
const TVBaseUpperNoPadding = [
["f", "MY"],
["fo", "MZXQ"],
["foo", "MZXW6"],
["foob", "MZXW6YQ"],
["fooba", "MZXW6YTB"],
["foobar", "MZXW6YTBOI"]
const TVBaseLowerPadding = [
["f", "my======"],
["fo", "mzxq===="],
["foo", "mzxw6==="],
["foob", "mzxw6yq="],
["fooba", "mzxw6ytb"],
["foobar", "mzxw6ytboi======"]
const TVBaseLowerNoPadding = [
["f", "my"],
["fo", "mzxq"],
["foo", "mzxw6"],
["foob", "mzxw6yq"],
["fooba", "mzxw6ytb"],
["foobar", "mzxw6ytboi"]
const TVHexUpperPadding = [
["f", "CO======"],
["fo", "CPNG===="],
["foo", "CPNMU==="],
["foob", "CPNMUOG="],
["fooba", "CPNMUOJ1"],
["foobar", "CPNMUOJ1E8======"]
const TVHexUpperNoPadding = [
["f", "CO"],
["fo", "CPNG"],
["foo", "CPNMU"],
["foob", "CPNMUOG"],
["fooba", "CPNMUOJ1"],
["foobar", "CPNMUOJ1E8"]
const TVHexLowerPadding = [
["f", "co======"],
["fo", "cpng===="],
["foo", "cpnmu==="],
["foob", "cpnmuog="],
["fooba", "cpnmuoj1"],
["foobar", "cpnmuoj1e8======"]
const TVHexLowerNoPadding = [
["f", "co"],
["fo", "cpng"],
["foo", "cpnmu"],
["foob", "cpnmuog"],
["fooba", "cpnmuoj1"],
["foobar", "cpnmuoj1e8"]
suite "BASE32 encoding test suite":
test "Empty seq/string test":
var empty1 = newSeq[byte]()
var empty2 = ""
var encoded = newString(16)
var decoded = newSeq[byte](16)
var o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8: int
var e1 = Base32Upper.encode(empty1)
var e2 = Base32Lower.encode(empty1)
var e3 = Base32UpperPad.encode(empty1)
var e4 = Base32LowerPad.encode(empty1)
var e5 = HexBase32Upper.encode(empty1)
var e6 = HexBase32Lower.encode(empty1)
var e7 = HexBase32UpperPad.encode(empty1)
var e8 = HexBase32LowerPad.encode(empty1)
Base32Upper.encode(empty1, encoded, o1) == Base32Status.Success
Base32Lower.encode(empty1, encoded, o2) == Base32Status.Success
Base32UpperPad.encode(empty1, encoded, o3) == Base32Status.Success
Base32LowerPad.encode(empty1, encoded, o4) == Base32Status.Success
HexBase32Upper.encode(empty1, encoded, o5) == Base32Status.Success
HexBase32Lower.encode(empty1, encoded, o6) == Base32Status.Success
HexBase32UpperPad.encode(empty1, encoded, o7) == Base32Status.Success
HexBase32LowerPad.encode(empty1, encoded, o8) == Base32Status.Success
len(e1) == 0
len(e2) == 0
len(e3) == 0
len(e4) == 0
len(e5) == 0
len(e6) == 0
len(e7) == 0
len(e8) == 0
o1 == 0
o2 == 0
o3 == 0
o4 == 0
o5 == 0
o6 == 0
o7 == 0
o8 == 0
var d1 = Base32Upper.decode("")
var d2 = Base32Lower.decode("")
var d3 = Base32UpperPad.decode("")
var d4 = Base32LowerPad.decode("")
var d5 = HexBase32Upper.decode("")
var d6 = HexBase32Lower.decode("")
var d7 = HexBase32UpperPad.decode("")
var d8 = HexBase32LowerPad.decode("")
Base32Upper.decode(empty2, decoded, o1) == Base32Status.Success
Base32Lower.decode(empty2, decoded, o2) == Base32Status.Success
Base32UpperPad.decode(empty2, decoded, o3) == Base32Status.Success
Base32LowerPad.decode(empty2, decoded, o4) == Base32Status.Success
HexBase32Upper.decode(empty2, decoded, o5) == Base32Status.Success
HexBase32Lower.decode(empty2, decoded, o6) == Base32Status.Success
HexBase32UpperPad.decode(empty2, decoded, o7) == Base32Status.Success
HexBase32LowerPad.decode(empty2, decoded, o8) == Base32Status.Success
len(d1) == 0
len(d2) == 0
len(d3) == 0
len(d4) == 0
len(d5) == 0
len(d6) == 0
len(d7) == 0
len(d8) == 0
o1 == 0
o2 == 0
o3 == 0
o4 == 0
o5 == 0
o6 == 0
o7 == 0
o8 == 0
test "BASE32 uppercase padding test vectors":
for item in TVBaseUpperPadding:
let plain = cast[seq[byte]](item[0])
let expect = item[1]
var elen = 0
var dlen = 0
var e1 = Base32UpperPad.encode(plain)
var e2 = newString(Base32UpperPad.encodedLength(len(plain)))
Base32UpperPad.encode(plain, e2, elen) == Base32Status.Success
e1 == expect
e2 == expect
var d1 = Base32UpperPad.decode(expect)
var d2 = newSeq[byte](Base32UpperPad.decodedLength(len(expect)))
Base32UpperPad.decode(expect, d2, dlen) == Base32Status.Success
d1 == plain
d2 == plain
test "BASE32 lowercase padding test vectors":
for item in TVBaseLowerPadding:
let plain = cast[seq[byte]](item[0])
let expect = item[1]
var elen = 0
var dlen = 0
var e1 = Base32LowerPad.encode(plain)
var e2 = newString(Base32LowerPad.encodedLength(len(plain)))
Base32LowerPad.encode(plain, e2, elen) == Base32Status.Success
e1 == expect
e2 == expect
var d1 = Base32LowerPad.decode(expect)
var d2 = newSeq[byte](Base32LowerPad.decodedLength(len(expect)))
Base32LowerPad.decode(expect, d2, dlen) == Base32Status.Success
d1 == plain
d2 == plain
test "BASE32 uppercase no-padding test vectors":
for item in TVBaseUpperNoPadding:
let plain = cast[seq[byte]](item[0])
let expect = item[1]
var elen = 0
var dlen = 0
var e1 = Base32Upper.encode(plain)
var e2 = newString(Base32Upper.encodedLength(len(plain)))
Base32Upper.encode(plain, e2, elen) == Base32Status.Success
e1 == expect
e2 == expect
var d1 = Base32Upper.decode(expect)
var d2 = newSeq[byte](Base32Upper.decodedLength(len(expect)))
Base32Upper.decode(expect, d2, dlen) == Base32Status.Success
d1 == plain
d2 == plain
test "BASE32 lowercase no-padding test vectors":
for item in TVBaseLowerNoPadding:
let plain = cast[seq[byte]](item[0])
let expect = item[1]
var elen = 0
var dlen = 0
var e1 = Base32Lower.encode(plain)
var e2 = newString(Base32Lower.encodedLength(len(plain)))
Base32Lower.encode(plain, e2, elen) == Base32Status.Success
e1 == expect
e2 == expect
var d1 = Base32Lower.decode(expect)
var d2 = newSeq[byte](Base32Lower.decodedLength(len(expect)))
Base32Lower.decode(expect, d2, dlen) == Base32Status.Success
d1 == plain
d2 == plain
test "HEX-BASE32 uppercase padding test vectors":
for item in TVHexUpperPadding:
let plain = cast[seq[byte]](item[0])
let expect = item[1]
var elen = 0
var dlen = 0
var e1 = HexBase32UpperPad.encode(plain)
var e2 = newString(HexBase32UpperPad.encodedLength(len(plain)))
HexBase32UpperPad.encode(plain, e2, elen) == Base32Status.Success
e1 == expect
e2 == expect
var d1 = HexBase32UpperPad.decode(expect)
var d2 = newSeq[byte](HexBase32UpperPad.decodedLength(len(expect)))
HexBase32UpperPad.decode(expect, d2, dlen) == Base32Status.Success
d1 == plain
d2 == plain
test "HEX-BASE32 lowercase padding test vectors":
for item in TVHexLowerPadding:
let plain = cast[seq[byte]](item[0])
let expect = item[1]
var elen = 0
var dlen = 0
var e1 = HexBase32LowerPad.encode(plain)
var e2 = newString(HexBase32LowerPad.encodedLength(len(plain)))
HexBase32LowerPad.encode(plain, e2, elen) == Base32Status.Success
e1 == expect
e2 == expect
var d1 = HexBase32LowerPad.decode(expect)
var d2 = newSeq[byte](HexBase32LowerPad.decodedLength(len(expect)))
HexBase32LowerPad.decode(expect, d2, dlen) == Base32Status.Success
d1 == plain
d2 == plain
test "HEX-BASE32 uppercase no-padding test vectors":
for item in TVHexUpperNoPadding:
let plain = cast[seq[byte]](item[0])
let expect = item[1]
var elen = 0
var dlen = 0
var e1 = HexBase32Upper.encode(plain)
var e2 = newString(HexBase32Upper.encodedLength(len(plain)))
HexBase32Upper.encode(plain, e2, elen) == Base32Status.Success
e1 == expect
e2 == expect
var d1 = HexBase32Upper.decode(expect)
var d2 = newSeq[byte](HexBase32Upper.decodedLength(len(expect)))
HexBase32Upper.decode(expect, d2, dlen) == Base32Status.Success
d1 == plain
d2 == plain
test "HEX-BASE32 lowercase no-padding test vectors":
for item in TVHexLowerNoPadding:
let plain = cast[seq[byte]](item[0])
let expect = item[1]
var elen = 0
var dlen = 0
var e1 = HexBase32Lower.encode(plain)
var e2 = newString(HexBase32Lower.encodedLength(len(plain)))
HexBase32Lower.encode(plain, e2, elen) == Base32Status.Success
e1 == expect
e2 == expect
var d1 = HexBase32Lower.decode(expect)
var d2 = newSeq[byte](HexBase32Lower.decodedLength(len(expect)))
HexBase32Lower.decode(expect, d2, dlen) == Base32Status.Success
d1 == plain
d2 == plain
Reference in New Issue