using Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.Net.Http.Json; using Utils; namespace DistTestCore { public class Http { private readonly BaseLog log; private readonly ITimeSet timeSet; private readonly string ip; private readonly int port; private readonly string baseUrl; public Http(BaseLog log, ITimeSet timeSet, string ip, int port, string baseUrl) { this.log = log; this.timeSet = timeSet; this.ip = ip; this.port = port; this.baseUrl = baseUrl; if (!this.baseUrl.StartsWith("/")) this.baseUrl = "/" + this.baseUrl; if (!this.baseUrl.EndsWith("/")) this.baseUrl += "/"; } public string HttpGetString(string route) { return Retry(() => { using var client = GetClient(); var url = GetUrl() + route; Log(url, ""); var result = Time.Wait(client.GetAsync(url)); var str = Time.Wait(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); Log(url, str); return str; ; }); } public T HttpGetJson(string route) { var json = HttpGetString(route); return TryJsonDeserialize(json); } public TResponse HttpPostJson(string route, TRequest body) { var json = HttpPostJson(route, body); return TryJsonDeserialize(json); } public string HttpPostJson(string route, TRequest body) { return Retry(() => { using var client = GetClient(); var url = GetUrl() + route; using var content = JsonContent.Create(body); Log(url, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body)); var result = Time.Wait(client.PostAsync(url, content)); var str= Time.Wait(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); Log(url, str); return str; }); } public string HttpPostStream(string route, Stream stream) { return Retry(() => { using var client = GetClient(); var url = GetUrl() + route; Log(url, "~ STREAM ~"); var content = new StreamContent(stream); content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream"); var response = Time.Wait(client.PostAsync(url, content)); var str =Time.Wait(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); Log(url, str); return str; }); } public Stream HttpGetStream(string route) { return Retry(() => { var client = GetClient(); var url = GetUrl() + route; Log(url, "~ STREAM ~"); return Time.Wait(client.GetStreamAsync(url)); }); } private string GetUrl() { return $"http://{ip}:{port}{baseUrl}"; } private void Log(string url, string message) { log.Debug($"({url}) = '{message}'", 3); } private T Retry(Func operation) { return Time.Retry(operation, timeSet.HttpCallRetryTimeout(), timeSet.HttpCallRetryDelay()); } private static T TryJsonDeserialize(string json) { try { return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json)!; } catch (Exception exception) { var msg = $"Failed to deserialize JSON: '{json}' with exception: {exception}"; Assert.Fail(msg); throw new InvalidOperationException(msg, exception); } } private HttpClient GetClient() { var client = new HttpClient(); client.Timeout = timeSet.HttpCallTimeout(); return client; } } }