using DistTestCore.Codex; using DistTestCore; using Logging; using Utils; using KubernetesWorkflow; using NUnit.Framework.Internal; using System.Reflection; namespace ContinuousTests { public class SingleTestRun { private readonly CodexAccessFactory codexNodeFactory = new CodexAccessFactory(); private readonly List exceptions = new List(); private readonly TaskFactory taskFactory; private readonly Configuration config; private readonly BaseLog overviewLog; private readonly TestHandle handle; private readonly CancellationToken cancelToken; private readonly CodexAccess[] nodes; private readonly FileManager fileManager; private readonly FixtureLog fixtureLog; private readonly string testName; private readonly string dataFolder; public SingleTestRun(TaskFactory taskFactory, Configuration config, BaseLog overviewLog, TestHandle handle, CancellationToken cancelToken) { this.taskFactory = taskFactory; this.config = config; this.overviewLog = overviewLog; this.handle = handle; this.cancelToken = cancelToken; testName = handle.Test.GetType().Name; fixtureLog = new FixtureLog(new LogConfig(config.LogPath, true), testName); nodes = CreateRandomNodes(handle.Test.RequiredNumberOfNodes); dataFolder = config.DataPath + "-" + Guid.NewGuid(); fileManager = new FileManager(fixtureLog, CreateFileManagerConfiguration()); } public void Run(EventWaitHandle runFinishedHandle) { taskFactory.Run(() => { try { RunTest(); fileManager.DeleteAllTestFiles(); Directory.Delete(dataFolder, true); runFinishedHandle.Set(); } catch (Exception ex) { overviewLog.Error("Test infra failure: SingleTestRun failed with " + ex); Environment.Exit(-1); } }); } private void RunTest() { try { RunTestMoments(); if (!config.KeepPassedTestLogs) fixtureLog.Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { fixtureLog.Error("Test run failed with exception: " + ex); fixtureLog.MarkAsFailed(); } } private void RunTestMoments() { var earliestMoment = handle.GetEarliestMoment(); var t = earliestMoment; while (true) { cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); RunMoment(t); if (handle.Test.TestFailMode == TestFailMode.StopAfterFirstFailure && exceptions.Any()) { Log("Exception detected. TestFailMode = StopAfterFirstFailure. Stopping..."); ThrowFailTest(); } var nextMoment = handle.GetNextMoment(t); if (nextMoment != null) { var delta = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(nextMoment.Value - t); Log($" > Next TestMoment in {Time.FormatDuration(delta)} seconds..."); cancelToken.WaitHandle.WaitOne(delta); t = nextMoment.Value; } else { if (exceptions.Any()) { ThrowFailTest(); } OverviewLog(" > Test passed."); return; } } } private void ThrowFailTest() { var ex = UnpackException(exceptions.First()); Log(ex.ToString()); OverviewLog(" > Test failed: " + ex.Message); throw ex; } private Exception UnpackException(Exception exception) { if (exception is AggregateException a) { return UnpackException(a.InnerExceptions.First()); } if (exception is TargetInvocationException t) { return UnpackException(t.InnerException!); } return exception; } private void RunMoment(int t) { using (var context = new TestExecutionContext.IsolatedContext()) { try { handle.InvokeMoment(t, InitializeTest); } catch (Exception ex) { exceptions.Add(ex); } } DecommissionTest(); } private void InitializeTest(string name) { Log($" > Running TestMoment '{name}'"); handle.Test.Initialize(nodes, fixtureLog, fileManager, config, cancelToken); } private void DecommissionTest() { handle.Test.Initialize(null!, null!, null!, null!, cancelToken); } private void Log(string msg) { fixtureLog.Log(msg); } private void OverviewLog(string msg) { Log(msg); var containerNames = $"({string.Join(",", nodes.Select(n => n.Container.Name))})"; overviewLog.Log($"{containerNames} {testName}: {msg}"); } private CodexAccess[] CreateRandomNodes(int number) { var containers = SelectRandomContainers(number); fixtureLog.Log("Selected nodes: " + string.Join(",", containers.Select(c => c.Name))); return codexNodeFactory.Create(containers, fixtureLog, handle.Test.TimeSet); } private RunningContainer[] SelectRandomContainers(int number) { var containers = config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers.ToList(); var result = new RunningContainer[number]; for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) { result[i] = containers.PickOneRandom(); } return result; } private DistTestCore.Configuration CreateFileManagerConfiguration() { return new DistTestCore.Configuration(null, string.Empty, false, dataFolder, CodexLogLevel.Error, TestRunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster); } } }