using DistTestCore; using KubernetesWorkflow; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Tests.BasicTests { [TestFixture] public class TwoClientTests : DistTest { [Test] public void TwoClientsOnePodTest() { var group = SetupCodexNodes(2); var primary = group[0]; var secondary = group[1]; PerformTwoClientTest(primary, secondary); } [Test] public void TwoClientsTwoPodsTest() { var primary = SetupCodexNode(); var secondary = SetupCodexNode(); PerformTwoClientTest(primary, secondary); } [Test] [Ignore("Requires Location map to be configured for k8s cluster.")] public void TwoClientsTwoLocationsTest() { var primary = SetupCodexNode(s => s.At(Location.BensLaptop)); var secondary = SetupCodexNode(s => s.At(Location.BensOldGamingMachine)); PerformTwoClientTest(primary, secondary); } private void PerformTwoClientTest(IOnlineCodexNode primary, IOnlineCodexNode secondary) { PerformTwoClientTest(primary, secondary, 1.MB()); } private void PerformTwoClientTest(IOnlineCodexNode primary, IOnlineCodexNode secondary, ByteSize size) { primary.ConnectToPeer(secondary); var testFile = GenerateTestFile(size); var contentId = primary.UploadFile(testFile); var downloadedFile = secondary.DownloadContent(contentId); testFile.AssertIsEqual(downloadedFile); } } }