using DistTestCore; using DistTestCore.Codex; using NUnit.Framework; using Utils; namespace Tests.DurabilityTests { [TestFixture] public class DurabilityTests : DistTest { [Test] public void BootstrapNodeDisappearsTest() { var bootstrapNode = SetupCodexBootstrapNode(); var group = SetupCodexNodes(2, s => s.WithBootstrapNode(bootstrapNode)); var primary = group[0]; var secondary = group[1]; // There is 1 minute of time f or the nodes to connect to each other. // (Should be easy, they're in the same pod.) Time.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(6)); bootstrapNode.BringOffline(); var file = GenerateTestFile(10.MB()); var contentId = primary.UploadFile(file); var downloadedFile = secondary.DownloadContent(contentId); file.AssertIsEqual(downloadedFile); } [Test] public void DataRetentionTest() { var bootstrapNode = SetupCodexBootstrapNode(); var startGroup = SetupCodexNodes(2, s => s.WithBootstrapNode(bootstrapNode)); var finishGroup = SetupCodexNodes(10, s => s.WithBootstrapNode(bootstrapNode)); var file = GenerateTestFile(10.MB()); // Both nodes in the start group have the file. var content = startGroup[0].UploadFile(file); DownloadAndAssert(content, file, startGroup[1]); // Three nodes of the finish group have the file. DownloadAndAssert(content, file, finishGroup[0]); DownloadAndAssert(content, file, finishGroup[1]); DownloadAndAssert(content, file, finishGroup[2]); // The start group goes away. startGroup.BringOffline(); // All nodes in the finish group can access the file. foreach (var node in finishGroup) { DownloadAndAssert(content, file, node); } } private void DownloadAndAssert(ContentId content, TestFile file, IOnlineCodexNode onlineCodexNode) { var downloaded = onlineCodexNode.DownloadContent(content); file.AssertIsEqual(downloaded); } } }