using DistTestCore.Codex; using DistTestCore.Helpers; using DistTestCore.Logs; using DistTestCore.Marketplace; using DistTestCore.Metrics; using KubernetesWorkflow; using Logging; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Reflection; namespace DistTestCore { [SetUpFixture] [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)] public abstract class DistTest { private readonly Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); private readonly Assembly[] testAssemblies; private readonly FixtureLog fixtureLog; private readonly object lifecycleLock = new object(); private readonly Dictionary lifecycles = new Dictionary(); public DistTest() { var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); testAssemblies = assemblies.Where(a => a.FullName!.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("test")).ToArray(); fixtureLog = new FixtureLog(configuration.GetLogConfig()); PeerConnectionTestHelpers = new PeerConnectionTestHelpers(this); PeerDownloadTestHelpers = new PeerDownloadTestHelpers(this); } public PeerConnectionTestHelpers PeerConnectionTestHelpers { get; } public PeerDownloadTestHelpers PeerDownloadTestHelpers { get; } [OneTimeSetUp] public void GlobalSetup() { // Previous test run may have been interrupted. // Begin by cleaning everything up. try { Stopwatch.Measure(fixtureLog, "Global setup", () => { var wc = new WorkflowCreator(fixtureLog, configuration.GetK8sConfiguration(GetTimeSet())); wc.CreateWorkflow().DeleteAllResources(); }); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalTestFailure.HasFailed = true; fixtureLog.Error($"Global setup cleanup failed with: {ex}"); throw; } fixtureLog.Log("Global setup cleanup successful"); fixtureLog.Log($"Codex image: '{CodexContainerRecipe.DockerImage}'"); fixtureLog.Log($"Prometheus image: '{PrometheusContainerRecipe.DockerImage}'"); fixtureLog.Log($"Geth image: '{GethContainerRecipe.DockerImage}'"); } [SetUp] public void SetUpDistTest() { if (GlobalTestFailure.HasFailed) { Assert.Inconclusive("Skip test: Previous test failed during clean up."); } else { CreateNewTestLifecycle(); } } [TearDown] public void TearDownDistTest() { try { DisposeTestLifecycle(); } catch (Exception ex) { fixtureLog.Error("Cleanup failed: " + ex.Message); GlobalTestFailure.HasFailed = true; } } public TestFile GenerateTestFile(ByteSize size) { return Get().FileManager.GenerateTestFile(size); } /// /// Any test files generated in 'action' will be deleted after it returns. /// This helps prevent large tests from filling up discs. /// public void ScopedTestFiles(Action action) { Get().FileManager.PushFileSet(); action(); Get().FileManager.PopFileSet(); } public IOnlineCodexNode SetupCodexBootstrapNode() { return SetupCodexBootstrapNode(s => { }); } public virtual IOnlineCodexNode SetupCodexBootstrapNode(Action setup) { return SetupCodexNode(s => { setup(s); s.WithName("Bootstrap"); }); } public IOnlineCodexNode SetupCodexNode() { return SetupCodexNode(s => { }); } public IOnlineCodexNode SetupCodexNode(Action setup) { return SetupCodexNodes(1, setup)[0]; } public ICodexNodeGroup SetupCodexNodes(int numberOfNodes) { return SetupCodexNodes(numberOfNodes, s => { }); } public virtual ICodexNodeGroup SetupCodexNodes(int numberOfNodes, Action setup) { var codexSetup = CreateCodexSetup(numberOfNodes); setup(codexSetup); return BringOnline(codexSetup); } public ICodexNodeGroup BringOnline(ICodexSetup codexSetup) { return Get().CodexStarter.BringOnline((CodexSetup)codexSetup); } public IEnumerable GetAllOnlineCodexNodes() { return Get().CodexStarter.RunningGroups.SelectMany(g => g.Nodes); } public BaseLog GetTestLog() { return Get().Log; } public void Log(string msg) { TestContext.Progress.WriteLine(msg); GetTestLog().Log(msg); } public void Debug(string msg) { TestContext.Progress.WriteLine(msg); GetTestLog().Debug(msg); } protected CodexSetup CreateCodexSetup(int numberOfNodes) { return new CodexSetup(numberOfNodes, configuration.GetCodexLogLevel()); } private TestLifecycle Get() { lock (lifecycleLock) { return lifecycles[GetCurrentTestName()]; } } private void CreateNewTestLifecycle() { var testName = GetCurrentTestName(); Stopwatch.Measure(fixtureLog, $"Setup for {testName}", () => { lock (lifecycleLock) { lifecycles.Add(testName, new TestLifecycle(fixtureLog.CreateTestLog(), configuration, GetTimeSet())); } }); } private void DisposeTestLifecycle() { var lifecycle = Get(); fixtureLog.Log($"{GetCurrentTestName()} = {GetTestResult()} ({lifecycle.GetTestDuration()})"); Stopwatch.Measure(fixtureLog, $"Teardown for {GetCurrentTestName()}", () => { lifecycle.Log.EndTest(); IncludeLogsAndMetricsOnTestFailure(lifecycle); lifecycle.DeleteAllResources(); lifecycle = null!; }); } private ITimeSet GetTimeSet() { if (ShouldUseLongTimeouts()) return new LongTimeSet(); return new DefaultTimeSet(); } private bool ShouldUseLongTimeouts() { // Don't be fooled! TestContext.CurrentTest.Test allows you easy access to the attributes of the current test. // But this doesn't work for tests making use of [TestCase]. So instead, we use reflection here to figure out // if the attribute is present. var currentTest = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test; var className = currentTest.ClassName; var methodName = currentTest.MethodName; var testClasses = testAssemblies.SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()).Where(c => c.FullName == className).ToArray(); var testMethods = testClasses.SelectMany(c => c.GetMethods()).Where(m => m.Name == methodName).ToArray(); return testMethods.Any(m => m.GetCustomAttribute() != null); } private void IncludeLogsAndMetricsOnTestFailure(TestLifecycle lifecycle) { var result = TestContext.CurrentContext.Result; if (result.Outcome.Status == NUnit.Framework.Interfaces.TestStatus.Failed) { fixtureLog.MarkAsFailed(); if (IsDownloadingLogsAndMetricsEnabled()) { lifecycle.Log.Log("Downloading all CodexNode logs and metrics because of test failure..."); DownloadAllLogs(lifecycle); DownloadAllMetrics(lifecycle); } else { lifecycle.Log.Log("Skipping download of all CodexNode logs and metrics due to [DontDownloadLogsAndMetricsOnFailure] attribute."); } } } private void DownloadAllLogs(TestLifecycle lifecycle) { OnEachCodexNode(lifecycle, node => { lifecycle.DownloadLog(node); }); } private void DownloadAllMetrics(TestLifecycle lifecycle) { var metricsDownloader = new MetricsDownloader(lifecycle.Log); OnEachCodexNode(lifecycle, node => { var m = node.Metrics as MetricsAccess; if (m != null) { metricsDownloader.DownloadAllMetricsForNode(node.GetName(), m); } }); } private void OnEachCodexNode(TestLifecycle lifecycle, Action action) { var allNodes = lifecycle.CodexStarter.RunningGroups.SelectMany(g => g.Nodes); foreach (var node in allNodes) { action(node); } } private string GetCurrentTestName() { return $"[{TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name}]"; } private string GetTestResult() { return TestContext.CurrentContext.Result.Outcome.Status.ToString(); } private bool IsDownloadingLogsAndMetricsEnabled() { var testProperties = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Properties; return !testProperties.ContainsKey(DontDownloadLogsAndMetricsOnFailureAttribute.DontDownloadKey); } } public static class GlobalTestFailure { public static bool HasFailed { get; set; } = false; } }