#!/bin/bash # Check if 'yq' is installed if ! command -v yq &>/dev/null; then echo "Error: 'yq' command not found. Please install it and make sure it's in your PATH." exit 1 fi read -p "Enter the new number of replicas (PODs): " pods yq e ".spec.replicas = $pods" -i "template.yaml" modified_pods=$(yq e ".spec.replicas" "template.yaml") if [ "$modified_pods" -eq "$pods" ]; then echo "Replicas in Yaml updated to $pods" else echo "Failed to update replicas in Yaml" exit 1 fi # Number of containers to add read -p "Enter how many containers per POD: " num_containers total_peers=$((pods*num_containers)) # Create a copy to append cp "template.yaml" "deploy.yaml" # Loop to generate and append instances for ((i=0; i> "deploy.yaml" - name: container-$i image: wakuorg/nwaku:wakunode_dst env: - name: IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: ENR1 valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: pod-enr-config key: ENR1 - name: ENR2 valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: pod-enr-config key: ENR2 - name: ENR3 valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: pod-enr-config key: ENR3 command: - sh - -c - /usr/bin/wakunode --relay=true --rpc-admin=true --max-connections=250 --rpc-address= --rest=true --rest-admin=true --rest-private=true --rest-address= --discv5-discovery=true --discv5-enr-auto-update=True --log-level=INFO --rpc-address= --metrics-server=True --metrics-server-address= --discv5-bootstrap-node=\$ENR1 --discv5-bootstrap-node=\$ENR2 --discv5-bootstrap-node=\$ENR3 --nat=extip:\${IP} --pubsub-topic="/waku/2/kubetopic" --ports-shift=$i EOF done sudo kubectl -n zerotesting delete networkpolicy zerotesting-policy sudo kubectl create namespace zerotesting sudo kubectl apply -f bootstrap.yaml echo "Sleeping 10 seconds to let bootstrap to set up..." sleep 10 echo "Getting bootstrap ips..." pod_ips=() ip_1=$(sudo kubectl get pod bootstrap-1 -n zerotesting -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}') pod_ips+=("$ip_1") echo $ip_1 ip_2=$(sudo kubectl get pod bootstrap-2 -n zerotesting -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}') pod_ips+=("$ip_2") echo $ip_2 ip_3=$(sudo kubectl get pod bootstrap-3 -n zerotesting -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}') pod_ips+=("$ip_3") echo $ip_3 if [ -z "$pod_ips" ]; then echo "Error: Unable to retrieve pod IP." exit 1 fi config_map_yaml="apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: pod-enr-config namespace: zerotesting data:" index=1 for pod_ip in "${pod_ips[@]}"; do enr=$(wget -O - --post-data='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_waku_v2_debug_v1_info","params":[],"id":1}' --header='Content-Type:application/json' $pod_ip:8545 2> /dev/null | sed 's/.*"enrUri":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/') echo $enr if [ -z "$enr" ]; then echo "Error: Unable to retrieve bootstrap ENR." exit 1 fi config_map_yaml+="\n ENR$index: \"$enr\"" ((index++)) done echo -e "$config_map_yaml" > config-map.yaml sudo kubectl delete -f config-map.yaml -n zerotesting sudo kubectl apply -f config-map.yaml echo "Adding services to yaml" # Loop to generate and append instances for ((i=0; i> "deploy.yaml" --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nodes-$i namespace: zerotesting spec: selector: statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name: nodes-$i ports: EOF for ((port=8645; port<$((8645 + num_containers)); port++)); do cat <> "deploy.yaml" - name: port-$port protocol: TCP port: $port targetPort : $port EOF done cat <> "deploy.yaml" type: ClusterIP EOF done sudo kubectl apply -f network-policy.yaml echo "Deploying nodes..." sudo kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml echo "Waiting 30 seconds to deploy publisher..." sleep 30 rm publisher.yaml cat <> "publisher.yaml" apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: publisher namespace: zerotesting spec: containers: - name: publisher-container image: publisher:local volumeMounts: - name: data-volume mountPath: /publisher command: - sh - -c - python /publisher/traffic.py --multiple-nodes=http://nodes-[0..$pods]:8645 --msg-size-kbytes=10 --delay-seconds=1 -cpp $num_containers volumes: - name: data-volume hostPath: path: /home/alber/10k/waku/publisher_script EOF echo "Deploying publisher" sudo kubectl apply -f publisher.yaml echo "Done"