
497 lines
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package matching
import (
var (
DICTIONARY_MATCHERS []func(password string) []match.Match
MATCHERS []func(password string) []match.Match
ADJACENCY_GRAPHS []adjacency.AdjacencyGraph
L33T_TABLE adjacency.AdjacencyGraph
SEQUENCES map[string]string
const (
DATE_RX_YEAR_SUFFIX string = `((\d{1,2})(\s|-|\/|\\|_|\.)(\d{1,2})(\s|-|\/|\\|_|\.)(19\d{2}|200\d|201\d|\d{2}))`
DATE_RX_YEAR_PREFIX string = `((19\d{2}|200\d|201\d|\d{2})(\s|-|/|\\|_|\.)(\d{1,2})(\s|-|/|\\|_|\.)(\d{1,2}))`
DATE_WITHOUT_SEP_MATCH string = `\d{4,8}`
func init() {
func Omnimatch(password string, userInputs []string) (matches []match.Match) {
//Can I run into the issue where nil is not equal to nil?
if userInputs != nil {
userInputMatcher := buildDictMatcher("user_inputs", buildRankedDict(userInputs))
matches = userInputMatcher(password)
for _, matcher := range MATCHERS {
mtemp := matcher(password)
matches = append(matches, mtemp...)
return matches
func loadFrequencyList() {
for n, list := range frequency.FrequencyLists {
DICTIONARY_MATCHERS = append(DICTIONARY_MATCHERS, buildDictMatcher(n, buildRankedDict(list.List)))
KEYBOARD_AVG_DEGREE = adjacency.AdjacencyGph["querty"].CalculateAvgDegree()
KEYBOARD_STARTING_POSITIONS = len(adjacency.AdjacencyGph["querty"].Graph)
KEYPAD_AVG_DEGREE = adjacency.AdjacencyGph["keypad"].CalculateAvgDegree()
KEYPAD_STARTING_POSITIONS = len(adjacency.AdjacencyGph["keypad"].Graph)
L33T_TABLE = adjacency.AdjacencyGph["l33t"]
ADJACENCY_GRAPHS = append(ADJACENCY_GRAPHS, adjacency.AdjacencyGph["qwerty"])
ADJACENCY_GRAPHS = append(ADJACENCY_GRAPHS, adjacency.AdjacencyGph["dvorak"])
ADJACENCY_GRAPHS = append(ADJACENCY_GRAPHS, adjacency.AdjacencyGph["keypad"])
ADJACENCY_GRAPHS = append(ADJACENCY_GRAPHS, adjacency.AdjacencyGph["macKeypad"])
//l33tFilePath, _ := filepath.Abs("adjacency/L33t.json")
//L33T_TABLE = adjacency.GetAdjancencyGraphFromFile(l33tFilePath, "l33t")
SEQUENCES = make(map[string]string)
SEQUENCES["lower"] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
SEQUENCES["digits"] = "0123456789"
MATCHERS = append(MATCHERS, SpatialMatch)
MATCHERS = append(MATCHERS, RepeatMatch)
MATCHERS = append(MATCHERS, SequenceMatch)
MATCHERS = append(MATCHERS, l33tMatch)
func buildDictMatcher(dictName string, rankedDict map[string]int) func(password string) []match.Match {
return func(password string) []match.Match {
matches := dictionaryMatch(password, dictName, rankedDict)
for _, v := range matches {
v.DictionaryName = dictName
return matches
func dictionaryMatch(password string, dictionaryName string, rankedDict map[string]int) []match.Match {
length := len(password)
var results []match.Match
pwLower := strings.ToLower(password)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
for j := i; j < length; j++ {
word := pwLower[i : j+1]
if val, ok := rankedDict[word]; ok {
matchDic := match.Match{Pattern: "dictionary",
DictionaryName: dictionaryName,
I: i,
J: j,
Token: password[i : j+1],
matchDic.Entropy = entropy.DictionaryEntropy(matchDic, float64(val))
results = append(results, matchDic)
return results
func buildRankedDict(unrankedList []string) map[string]int {
result := make(map[string]int)
for i, v := range unrankedList {
result[strings.ToLower(v)] = i + 1
return result
func checkDate(day, month, year int64) (bool, int64, int64, int64) {
if (12 <= month && month <= 31) && day <= 12 {
day, month = month, day
if day > 31 || month > 12 {
return false, 0, 0, 0
if !(1900 <= year && year <= 2019) {
return false, 0, 0, 0
return true, day, month, year
func DateSepMatch(password string) []match.DateMatch {
var matches []match.DateMatch
matcher := regexp.MustCompile(DATE_RX_YEAR_SUFFIX)
for _, v := range matcher.FindAllString(password, len(password)) {
splitV := matcher.FindAllStringSubmatch(v, len(v))
i := strings.Index(password, v)
j := i + len(v)
day, _ := strconv.ParseInt(splitV[0][4], 10, 16)
month, _ := strconv.ParseInt(splitV[0][2], 10, 16)
year, _ := strconv.ParseInt(splitV[0][6], 10, 16)
match := match.DateMatch{Day: day, Month: month, Year: year, Separator: splitV[0][5], I: i, J: j}
matches = append(matches, match)
matcher = regexp.MustCompile(DATE_RX_YEAR_PREFIX)
for _, v := range matcher.FindAllString(password, len(password)) {
splitV := matcher.FindAllStringSubmatch(v, len(v))
i := strings.Index(password, v)
j := i + len(v)
day, _ := strconv.ParseInt(splitV[0][4], 10, 16)
month, _ := strconv.ParseInt(splitV[0][6], 10, 16)
year, _ := strconv.ParseInt(splitV[0][2], 10, 16)
match := match.DateMatch{Day: day, Month: month, Year: year, Separator: splitV[0][5], I: i, J: j}
matches = append(matches, match)
var out []match.DateMatch
for _, match := range matches {
if valid, day, month, year := checkDate(match.Day, match.Month, match.Year); valid {
match.Pattern = "date"
match.Day = day
match.Month = month
match.Year = year
out = append(out, match)
return out
type DateMatchCandidate struct {
DayMonth string
Year string
I, J int
//TODO I think Im doing this wrong.
func dateWithoutSepMatch(password string) (matches []match.DateMatch) {
matcher := regexp.MustCompile(DATE_WITHOUT_SEP_MATCH)
for _, v := range matcher.FindAllString(password, len(password)) {
i := strings.Index(password, v)
j := i + len(v)
length := len(v)
lastIndex := length - 1
var candidatesRoundOne []DateMatchCandidate
if length <= 6 {
//2-digit year prefix
candidatesRoundOne = append(candidatesRoundOne, buildDateMatchCandidate(v[2:], v[0:2], i, j))
//2-digityear suffix
candidatesRoundOne = append(candidatesRoundOne, buildDateMatchCandidate(v[0:lastIndex-2], v[lastIndex-2:], i, j))
if length >= 6 {
//4-digit year prefix
candidatesRoundOne = append(candidatesRoundOne, buildDateMatchCandidate(v[4:], v[0:4], i, j))
//4-digit year sufix
candidatesRoundOne = append(candidatesRoundOne, buildDateMatchCandidate(v[0:lastIndex-4], v[lastIndex-4:], i, j))
var candidatesRoundTwo []match.DateMatch
for _, c := range candidatesRoundOne {
if len(c.DayMonth) == 2 {
candidatesRoundTwo = append(candidatesRoundTwo, buildDateMatchCandidateTwo(c.DayMonth[0], c.DayMonth[1], c.Year, c.I, c.J))
return matches
func buildDateMatchCandidate(dayMonth, year string, i, j int) DateMatchCandidate {
return DateMatchCandidate{DayMonth: dayMonth, Year: year, I: i, J: j}
func buildDateMatchCandidateTwo(day, month byte, year string, i, j int) match.DateMatch {
sDay := string(day)
sMonth := string(month)
intDay, _ := strconv.ParseInt(sDay, 10, 16)
intMonth, _ := strconv.ParseInt(sMonth, 10, 16)
intYear, _ := strconv.ParseInt(year, 10, 16)
return match.DateMatch{Day: intDay, Month: intMonth, Year: intYear, I: i, J: j}
func SpatialMatch(password string) (matches []match.Match) {
for _, graph := range ADJACENCY_GRAPHS {
if graph.Graph != nil {
matches = append(matches, spatialMatchHelper(password, graph)...)
return matches
func spatialMatchHelper(password string, graph adjacency.AdjacencyGraph) (matches []match.Match) {
for i := 0; i < len(password)-1; {
j := i + 1
lastDirection := -99 //an int that it should never be!
turns := 0
shiftedCount := 0
for {
prevChar := password[j-1]
found := false
foundDirection := -1
curDirection := -1
//My graphs seem to be wrong. . . and where the hell is qwerty
adjacents := graph.Graph[string(prevChar)]
//Consider growing pattern by one character if j hasn't gone over the edge
if j < len(password) {
curChar := password[j]
for _, adj := range adjacents {
curDirection += 1
if strings.Index(adj, string(curChar)) != -1 {
found = true
foundDirection = curDirection
if strings.Index(adj, string(curChar)) == 1 {
//index 1 in the adjacency means the key is shifted, 0 means unshifted: A vs a, % vs 5, etc.
//for example, 'q' is adjacent to the entry '2@'. @ is shifted w/ index 1, 2 is unshifted.
shiftedCount += 1
if lastDirection != foundDirection {
//adding a turn is correct even in the initial case when last_direction is null:
//every spatial pattern starts with a turn.
turns += 1
lastDirection = foundDirection
//if the current pattern continued, extend j and try to grow again
if found {
j += 1
} else {
//otherwise push the pattern discovered so far, if any...
//don't consider length 1 or 2 chains.
if j-i > 2 {
matchSpc := match.Match{Pattern: "spatial", I: i, J: j - 1, Token: password[i:j], DictionaryName: graph.Name}
matchSpc.Entropy = entropy.SpatialEntropy(matchSpc, turns, shiftedCount)
matches = append(matches, matchSpc)
//. . . and then start a new search from the rest of the password
i = j
return matches
func l33tMatch(password string) []match.Match {
subsitutions := relevantL33tSubtable(password)
permutations := getAllPermutationsOfLeetSubstitutions(password, subsitutions)
var matches []match.Match
for _, permutation := range permutations {
for _, mather := range DICTIONARY_MATCHERS {
matches = append(matches,mather(permutation)...)
for _, match := range matches {
match.Entropy += entropy.ExtraLeetEntropy(match, password)
match.DictionaryName = match.DictionaryName + "_3117"
return matches
func getAllPermutationsOfLeetSubstitutions(password string, substitutionsMap map[string][]string) []string {
var permutations []string
for index, char := range password {
for value, splice := range substitutionsMap {
for _, sub := range splice {
if string(char) == sub {
var permutation string
permutation = password[:index]+value+password[index+1:]
permutations = append(permutations, permutation)
if index < len(permutation) {
tempPermutations := getAllPermutationsOfLeetSubstitutions(permutation[index + 1:], substitutionsMap)
for _, temp := range tempPermutations {
permutations = append(permutations, permutation[:index + 1] + temp)
return permutations
func relevantL33tSubtable(password string) map[string][]string {
relevantSubs := make(map[string][]string)
for key, values := range L33T_TABLE.Graph {
for _, value := range values {
if strings.Contains(password, value) {
relevantSubs[key] = append(relevantSubs[key], value)
return relevantSubs
func RepeatMatch(password string) []match.Match {
var matches []match.Match
//Loop through password. if current == prev currentStreak++ else if currentStreak > 2 {buildMatch; currentStreak = 1} prev = current
var current, prev string
currentStreak := 1
var i int
var char rune
for i, char = range password {
current = string(char)
if i == 0 {
prev = current
if strings.ToLower(current) == strings.ToLower(prev) {
} else if currentStreak > 2 {
iPos := i - currentStreak
jPos := i - 1
matchRepeat := match.Match{
Pattern: "repeat",
I: iPos,
J: jPos,
Token: password[iPos : jPos+1],
DictionaryName: prev}
matchRepeat.Entropy = entropy.RepeatEntropy(matchRepeat)
matches = append(matches, matchRepeat)
currentStreak = 1
} else {
currentStreak = 1
prev = current
if currentStreak > 2 {
iPos := i - currentStreak + 1
jPos := i
matchRepeat := match.Match{
Pattern: "repeat",
I: iPos,
J: jPos,
Token: password[iPos : jPos+1],
DictionaryName: prev}
matchRepeat.Entropy = entropy.RepeatEntropy(matchRepeat)
matches = append(matches, matchRepeat)
return matches
func SequenceMatch(password string) []match.Match {
var matches []match.Match
for i := 0; i < len(password); {
j := i + 1
var seq string
var seqName string
seqDirection := 0
for seqCandidateName, seqCandidate := range SEQUENCES {
iN := strings.Index(seqCandidate, string(password[i]))
var jN int
if j < len(password) {
jN = strings.Index(seqCandidate, string(password[j]))
} else {
jN = -1
if iN > -1 && jN > -1 {
direction := jN - iN
if direction == 1 || direction == -1 {
seq = seqCandidate
seqName = seqCandidateName
seqDirection = direction
if seq != "" {
for {
var prevN, curN int
if j < len(password) {
prevChar, curChar := password[j-1], password[j]
prevN, curN = strings.Index(seq, string(prevChar)), strings.Index(seq, string(curChar))
if j == len(password) || curN-prevN != seqDirection {
if j-i > 2 {
matchSequence := match.Match{
Pattern: "sequence",
I: i,
J: j - 1,
Token: password[i:j],
DictionaryName: seqName,
matchSequence.Entropy = entropy.SequenceEntropy(matchSequence, len(seq), (seqDirection == 1))
matches = append(matches, matchSequence)
} else {
j += 1
i = j
return matches