
235 lines
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package matching
import (
// L33TMatcherName id
const L33TMatcherName = "l33t"
//FilterL33tMatcher can be pass to zxcvbn-go.PasswordStrength to skip that matcher
func FilterL33tMatcher(m match.Matcher) bool {
return m.ID == L33TMatcherName
func l33tMatch(password string) []match.Match {
permutations := getPermutations(password)
var matches []match.Match
for _, permutation := range permutations {
for _, mather := range dictionaryMatchers {
matches = append(matches, mather.MatchingFunc(permutation)...)
for _, match := range matches {
match.Entropy += entropy.ExtraLeetEntropy(match, password)
match.DictionaryName = match.DictionaryName + "_3117"
return matches
// This function creates a list of permutations based on a fixed table stored on data. The table
// will be reduced in order to proceed in the function using only relevant values (see
// relevantL33tSubtable).
func getPermutations(password string) []string {
substitutions := relevantL33tSubtable(password)
permutations := getAllPermutationsOfLeetSubstitutions(password, substitutions)
return permutations
// This function loads the table from data but only keep in memory the values that are present
// inside the provided password.
func relevantL33tSubtable(password string) map[string][]string {
relevantSubs := make(map[string][]string)
for key, values := range l33tTable.Graph {
for _, value := range values {
if strings.Contains(password, value) {
relevantSubs[key] = append(relevantSubs[key], value)
return relevantSubs
// This function creates the list of permutations of a given password using the provided table as
// reference for its operation.
func getAllPermutationsOfLeetSubstitutions(password string, table map[string][]string) []string {
result := []string{}
// create a list of tables without conflicting keys/values (this happens for "|", "7" and "1")
noConflictsTables := createListOfMapsWithoutConflicts(table)
for _, noConflictsTable := range noConflictsTables {
substitutionsMaps := createSubstitutionsMapsFromTable(noConflictsTable)
for _, substitutionsMap := range substitutionsMaps {
newValue := createWordForSubstitutionMap(password, substitutionsMap)
if !stringSliceContainsValue(result, newValue) {
result = append(result, newValue)
return result
// Create the possible list of maps removing the conflicts from it. As an example, the value "|"
// may represent "i" and "l". For each representation of the conflicting value, a new map is
// created. This may grow exponencialy according to the number of conflicts. The number of maps
// returned by this function may be reduced if the relevantL33tSubtable function was called to
// identify only relevant items.
func createListOfMapsWithoutConflicts(table map[string][]string) []map[string][]string {
// the resulting list starts with the provided table
result := []map[string][]string{}
result = append(result, table)
// iterate over the list of conflicts in order to expand the maps for each one
conflicts := retrieveConflictsListFromTable(table)
for _, value := range conflicts {
newMapList := []map[string][]string{}
// for each conflict a new list of maps will be created for every already known map
for _, currentMap := range result {
newMaps := createDifferentMapsForLeetChar(currentMap, value)
newMapList = append(newMapList, newMaps...)
result = newMapList
return result
// This function retrieves the list of values that appear for one or more keys. This is usefull to
// know which l33t chars can represent more than one letter.
func retrieveConflictsListFromTable(table map[string][]string) []string {
result := []string{}
foundValues := []string{}
for _, values := range table {
for _, value := range values {
if stringSliceContainsValue(foundValues, value) {
// only add on results if it was not identified as conflict before
if !stringSliceContainsValue(result, value) {
result = append(result, value)
} else {
foundValues = append(foundValues, value)
return result
// This function aims to create different maps for a given char if this char represents a conflict.
// If the specified char is not a conflit one, the same map will be returned. In scenarios which
// the provided char can not be found on map, an empty list will be returned. This function was
// designed to be used on conflicts situations.
func createDifferentMapsForLeetChar(table map[string][]string, leetChar string) []map[string][]string {
result := []map[string][]string{}
keysWithSameValue := retrieveListOfKeysWithSpecificValueFromTable(table, leetChar)
for _, key := range keysWithSameValue {
newMap := copyMapRemovingSameValueFromOtherKeys(table, key, leetChar)
result = append(result, newMap)
return result
// This function retrieves the list of keys that can be represented using the given value.
func retrieveListOfKeysWithSpecificValueFromTable(table map[string][]string, valueToFind string) []string {
result := []string{}
for key, values := range table {
for _, value := range values {
if value == valueToFind && !stringSliceContainsValue(result, key) {
result = append(result, key)
return result
// This function returns a lsit of substitution map from a given table. Each map in the result will
// provide only one representation for each value. As an example, if the provided map contains the
// values "@" and "4" in the possibilities to represent "a", two maps will be created where one
// will contain "a" mapping to "@" and the other one will provide "a" mapping to "4".
func createSubstitutionsMapsFromTable(table map[string][]string) []map[string]string {
result := []map[string]string{{"": ""}}
for key, values := range table {
newResult := []map[string]string{}
for _, mapInCurrentResult := range result {
for _, value := range values {
newMapForValue := copyMap(mapInCurrentResult)
newMapForValue[key] = value
newResult = append(newResult, newMapForValue)
result = newResult
// verification to make sure that the slice was filled
if len(result) == 1 && len(result[0]) == 1 && result[0][""] == "" {
return []map[string]string{}
return result
// This function replaces the values provided on substitution map over the provided word.
func createWordForSubstitutionMap(word string, substitutionMap map[string]string) string {
result := word
for key, value := range substitutionMap {
result = strings.Replace(result, value, key, -1)
return result
func stringSliceContainsValue(slice []string, value string) bool {
for _, valueInSlice := range slice {
if valueInSlice == value {
return true
return false
func copyMap(table map[string]string) map[string]string {
result := make(map[string]string)
for key, value := range table {
result[key] = value
return result
// This function creates a new map based on the one provided but excluding possible representations
// of the same value on other keys.
func copyMapRemovingSameValueFromOtherKeys(table map[string][]string, keyToFix string, valueToFix string) map[string][]string {
result := make(map[string][]string)
for key, values := range table {
for _, value := range values {
if !(value == valueToFix && key != keyToFix) {
result[key] = append(result[key], value)
return result