diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 7c12720..b65de44 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -81,6 +81,10 @@
This is a list of practical tips and suggestions on how you can help to grow and strengthen our community. Also please read first our Mission and Core Values and ensure you follow our Code of Conduct, as these are closely aligned.
+Start by acknowledging each other, each new member and contributions. Whether that's welcoming people to the community or thanking them for their contributions.
+Think of ways you can encourage people to commit to contributing to the community on a long term basis. In doing so we can raise everyones willingness to keep this project alive. Whether that's taking an interest in someone, highlighting a task they might find interesting or even reminding them how we appreciate their accomplishments.
+Give constructive feedback on peoples performance, and if they like competition - encourage friendly competition with others.
+Find other ways to reward contributors, either through your own words, actions or material.
+Think on how we can make the list of needed contributions more easily visible. The better we do this the more accessible tasks become to people in our community who can provide solutions.
+Simple requests will work better for individual people, long complex ones will require a handful of people to do, encourage and help create bands of people to accomplish those.
+If you know someone who would be great for a task, let them know! Don't pressure them if they are too busy.
+If you are prominant in the community it is your duty to more frequently ask people if they are available for tasks.
+Find people specific and highly challenging goals that suits them. Make them accountable in a friendly, non-pushy manner.
+Do your best to make tasks as clear a spossible, work to create clear goals, give clear feedback, and challenges that exercise people’s skills to their limits.
+Any rewards should not be based on tasks but rather on consistent performance. Rewards should not be consistent but rather impromptu.
+See how we can improve our tools for finding and tracking work that needs to be done, the easier it is for everyone to see what needs to be done, the easier it is to contribute - and let everyone know your ideas!
+Create chatrooms around certain topics of people, just like we have #dev-status, #dapp-chat, #lll Slack channels.
+Always communicate the benefits of contribution, it will impact everyone in the community and increase the amount of people who will care and hopefully contirbute.
+Retain a similar culture to that of Ethereum, approach libertarian ideals with a level of pragmaticism, recognise there is a place in the world for private Blockchains but always keep the focus on the Ethereum Public Blockchain.
+Our community is a place to find friends, we're all human and we should treat each other as such.
+Make an effort to become familiar with anyone contributing in the project, get to know them over a period of time.
+If you've contributed, encourage other people to contribute too!
+Recognise development takes as long as it has to, even still, encourage clear goals to align with soft "deadlines" to help encourage contribution.
+Give more frequent feedback on tasks & contirbutions that have a goal.
+Never be silent about positive feedback, constructive feedback comes more naturally. IF things are going well, let people know! This will enhance peoples motivation.
+If a group gets too large, think of ways it can be split into smaller groups.
+Remember, we're all unique and good at different things in different ways.
+People will be more willing to contribute in an online community if they see that others are contributing.
+Try to maintain a professional appearance, whether that is profile pictures or site design, this makes us more attractive.
+Actively highlight and communicate your mistakes and accomplishments, be accepting of those who do. The faster mistakes are discovered the faster we can solve them, and the faster we can praise your accomplishments.
+Adding a task-contingent reward (for doing or finishing a task, regardless of performance) to an already interesting task causes people to be less interested in the task. The effect is larget for monetary rewards than for prizes, status rewards and charitable donations.
+Small tangible rewards are likely to reduce contributions for intrinsically interesting tasks; larger rewards are likely to
+When a community is small and growing quickly, displaying percentage growth creates a more favorable signal of growth than display absolute numbers.
+Going off-topic is okay! If you have something you share that you think aligns with the general interests of the community, share it! Just make sure you do so in #status Slack channel.
+If you like, show your face! Having a profile picture allows other people to recognise you, which comes in handy when developing friendships or finding each other in meatspace.
+If you see any work that involves Status, whether it's a blog post, a contribution, someone talking about Status in another chat - let everyone know!
+We should show different metrics to different people on how we're growing, both in absolute numbers and as percentages!
+Look at ways other successful communities are working, see if we can find similarities or ways we can be better and talk about it.
+If you see any publicity and endorsements on Status, let people know!