A project maintainer must first add their project to Commiteth, and include their address (this address & Commiteth's address will be the two signatories on the multisig wallet).
Once done, Commiteth will list the project and crawl it's Github Issues with the label `bounty`. When found Commiteth will deploy a Multisig wallet to the network with itself and project maintainer as signatories.
Commiteth will then generate an image containing the address, a QR code of the address and the balance of the wallet and comment on the issue. (as well as this information in plaintext). Commiteth will update this comment with a new image everytime the balance has changed and when the bounty is complete.
Commiteth observes the repository for pull requests that contain a reference to the `bounty` issue by the use of the Github special "`fixes #6`" feature. Read more about [Closing Issues via Pull Requests here](https://github.com/blog/1506-closing-issues-via-pull-requests).
When this pull requests are accepted and merged, Commiteth will sign a transaction in the associated wallet and display it to the maintainer as a pending transaction to sign.