# WhisperVis Whisper message propagation visualization. ![demo](./demo.png) # Intro This tool visualizes message propagation in a p2p network using WebGL and helps building intuition about Whisper behaviour in different networks and/or settings. It takes two files as an input: - `network.json` - network topology description, usually generated with [graph_generator](https://github.com/divan/graphs-experiments/tree/master/cmd/graph_generator) tool. - `propagation.json` - propagation log, obtained via running [Whisper simulation tool](https://github.com/status-im/simulation). # Installation Assuming, you have Go installed and set up (why would you not?), just run: `go get github.com/status-im/whispervis` # Usage Place `network.json` and `propagation.json` into the folder with binary, and run it. `./whispervis` The output will show the URL where you should point your browser in order to see the visualization. # Contributing Project consists from two parts – Go backend and JS frontend, communicating via WebSockets. If you make a change in the frontend, you'll have to do a couple of things: 1. `cd web/ && npm install` 2. Run `go generate` to update the `bundle.js` which is used by the backend to serve a page. # License MIT