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This file is part of web3.js.
web3.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
web3.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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* @file contract.js
* To initialize a contract use:
* var Contract = require('web3-eth-contract');
* Contract.prototype._eth = needsAEthInstance;
* var contract = new Contract(abi, address, ...);
* @author Fabian Vogelsteller <fabian@frozeman.de>
* @date 2016
"use strict";
var _ = require('underscore');
var Method = require('web3-core-method');
var utils = require('web3-utils');
var Subscription = require('web3-core-subscriptions').subscription;
var formatters = require('web3-core-helpers').formatters;
var promiEvent = require('web3-core-promiEvent');
var coder = require('./solidity/coder');
* Should be called to create new contract instance
* @method Contract
* @constructor
* @param {Array} jsonInterface
* @param {String} address
* @param {Object} options
var Contract = function Contract(jsonInterface, address, options) {
var _this = this,
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if(!(this instanceof Contract)) {
throw new Error('Please use the "new" keyword to instantiate a web3.eth.contract() object!');
if(!jsonInterface || !(jsonInterface instanceof Array)) {
throw new Error('You must provide the json interface of the contract when instatiating a contract object.');
// create the options object
this.options = {};
var lastArg = args[args.length - 1];
if(_.isObject(lastArg) && !_.isArray(lastArg)) {
options = lastArg;
this.options = _.extend(this.options, this._getOrSetDefaultOptions(options));
if(_.isObject(address)) {
address = null;
// set address
Object.defineProperty(this.options, 'address', {
set: function(value){
if(value) {
_this._address = utils.toChecksumAddress(formatters.inputAddressFormatter(value));
get: function(){
return _this._address;
enumerable: true
// add method and event signatures, when the jsonInterface gets set
Object.defineProperty(this.options, 'jsonInterface', {
set: function(value){
_this.methods = {};
_this.events = {};
_this._jsonInterface = value.map(function(method) {
var func,
funcName = utils._jsonInterfaceMethodToString(method);
// function
if (method.type === 'function') {
method.signature = utils.sha3(funcName).slice(0, 10);
func = _this._createTxObject.bind({
method: method,
parent: _this
// add method only if not one already exists
_this.methods[method.name] = func;
// definitely add the method based on its signature
_this.methods[method.signature] = func;
// add method by name
_this.methods[funcName] = func;
// event
} else if (method.type === 'event') {
method.signature = utils.sha3(funcName);
var event = _this._on.bind(_this, method.signature);
// add method only if not already exists
if(!_this.events[method.name] || _this.events[method.name].name === 'bound ')
_this.events[method.name] = event;
// definitely add the method based on its signature
_this.events[method.signature] = event;
// add event by name
_this.events[funcName] = event;
return method;
// add allEvents
_this.events.allEvents = _this._on.bind(_this, 'allevents');
return _this._jsonInterface;
get: function(){
return _this._jsonInterface;
enumerable: true
// properties
this.methods = {};
this.events = {};
this._address = null;
this._jsonInterface = [];
// set getter/setter properties
this.options.address = address;
this.options.jsonInterface = jsonInterface;
Contract.prototype._eth = {}; // eth is attached here in web3-eth/src/index.js
* Get the callback and modiufy the array if necessary
* @method _getCallback
* @param {Array} args
* @return {Function} the callback
Contract.prototype._getCallback = function getCallback(args) {
if (_.isFunction(args[args.length - 1])) {
return args.pop(); // modify the args array!
* Checks that no listener with name "newListener" or "removeListener" is added.
* @method _checkListener
* @param {String} type
* @param {String} event
* @return {Object} the contract instance
Contract.prototype._checkListener = function(type, event){
if(event === type) {
throw new Error('The event "'+ type +'" is a reserved event name, you can\'t use it.');
* Use default values, if options are not available
* @method _getOrSetDefaultOptions
* @param {Object} options the options gived by the user
* @return {Object} the options with gaps filled by defaults
Contract.prototype._getOrSetDefaultOptions = function getOrSetDefaultOptions(options) {
var gasPrice = options.gasPrice ? String(options.gasPrice): null;
var from = options.from ? utils.toChecksumAddress(formatters.inputAddressFormatter(options.from)) : null;
options.data = options.data || this.options.data;
options.from = from || this.options.from;
options.gasPrice = gasPrice || this.options.gasPrice;
options.gas = options.gas || options.gasLimit || this.options.gas;
// TODO replace with only gasLimit?
delete options.gasLimit;
return options;
* Should be used to encode indexed params and options to one final object
* @method _encodeEventABI
* @param {Object} event
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Object} everything combined together and encoded
Contract.prototype._encodeEventABI = function (event, options) {
options = options || {};
var filter = options.filter || {},
result = {};
['fromBlock', 'toBlock'].filter(function (f) {
return options[f] !== undefined;
}).forEach(function (f) {
result[f] = formatters.inputBlockNumberFormatter(options[f]);
// use given topics
if(_.isArray(options.topics)) {
result.topics = options.topics;
// create topics based on filter
} else {
result.topics = [];
// add event signature
if (event && !event.anonymous && event.name !== 'ALLEVENTS') {
// add event topics (indexed arguments)
if (event.name !== 'ALLEVENTS') {
var indexedTopics = event.inputs.filter(function (i) {
return i.indexed === true;
}).map(function (i) {
var value = filter[i.name];
if (!value) {
return null;
if (_.isArray(value)) {
return value.map(function (v) {
return '0x' + coder.encodeParam(i.type, v);
return '0x' + coder.encodeParam(i.type, value);
result.topics = result.topics.concat(indexedTopics);
delete result.topics;
if(this.options.address) {
result.address = this.options.address.toLowerCase();
return result;
* Should be used to decode indexed params and options
* @method _decodeEventABI
* @param {Object} data
* @return {Object} result object with decoded indexed && not indexed params
Contract.prototype._decodeEventABI = function (data) {
var event = this;
data.data = data.data || '';
data.topics = data.topics || [];
var result = formatters.outputLogFormatter(data);
// if allEvents get the right event
if(event.name === 'ALLEVENTS') {
event = event.jsonInterface.find(function (intf) {
return (intf.signature === data.topics[0]);
}) || {anonymous: true};
// create empty inputs if none are present (e.g. anonymous events on allEvents)
event.inputs = event.inputs || [];
var argTopics = event.anonymous ? data.topics : data.topics.slice(1);
var indexedTypes = event.inputs.filter(function (i) {
return i.indexed === true;
}).map(function (i) {
return i.type;
var notIndexedTypes = event.inputs.filter(function (i) {
return i.indexed === false;
}).map(function (i) {
return i.type;
var indexedData = argTopics.map(function (topics) { return topics.slice(2); }).join('');
// console.log('INDEXED', indexedTypes, indexedData);
var indexedParams = coder.decodeParams(indexedTypes, indexedData);
// console.log('NOT INDEXED', notIndexedTypes, data.data.slice(2));
var notIndexedParams = coder.decodeParams(notIndexedTypes, data.data.slice(2));
var count = 0;
result.returnValues = event.inputs.reduce(function (acc, current) {
var name = current.name || count++;
acc[name] = current.indexed ? indexedParams.shift() : notIndexedParams.shift();
return acc;
}, {});
result.event = event.name;
// move the data and topics to "raw"
result.raw = {
data: result.data,
topics: result.topics
delete result.data;
delete result.topics;
return result;
* Encodes an ABI for a method, including signature or the method.
* Or when constructor encodes only the constructor parameters.
* @method _encodeMethodABI
* @param {Mixed} args the arguments to encode
* @param {String} the encoded ABI
Contract.prototype._encodeMethodABI = function _encodeMethodABI() {
var methodSignature = this._method.signature,
args = this.arguments;
var signature = false,
paramsABI = this._parent.options.jsonInterface.filter(function (json) {
return ((methodSignature === 'constructor' && json.type === methodSignature) ||
((json.signature === methodSignature || json.signature === methodSignature.replace('0x','') || json.name === methodSignature) && json.type === 'function'));
}).map(function (json) {
if(json.inputs.length !== args.length) {
throw new Error('The number of arguments is not matching the methods required number. You need to pass '+ json.inputs.length +' arguments.');
if(json.type === 'function') {
signature = json.signature;
return json.inputs.map(function (input) {
return input.type;
}).map(function (types) {
return coder.encodeParams(types, args);
})[0] || '';
// return constructor
if(methodSignature === 'constructor') {
throw new Error('The contract has no contract data option set. This is necessary to append the constructor parameters.');
return this._deployData + paramsABI;
// return method
} else {
var returnValue = (signature) ? signature + paramsABI : paramsABI;
throw new Error('Couldn\'t find a matching contract method named "'+ this._method.name +'".');
return returnValue;
* Decode method return values
* @method _decodeMethodReturn
* @param {Array} outputs
* @param {String} returnValues
* @param {Array} decoded output return values
Contract.prototype._decodeMethodReturn = function (outputs, returnValues) {
if (!returnValues) {
var types = outputs.map(function (i) {
return i.type;
returnValues = returnValues.length >= 2 ? returnValues.slice(2) : returnValues;
var result = coder.decodeParams(types, returnValues);
result = result.length === 1 ? result[0] : result;
if(result === '0x')
result = null;
return result;
* Deploys a contract and fire events based on its state: transactionHash, receipt
* All event listeners will be removed, once the last possible event is fired ("error", or "receipt")
* @method deploy
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} callback
* @return {Object} EventEmitter possible events are "error", "transactionHash" and "receipt"
Contract.prototype.deploy = function(options, callback){
options = options || {};
options.arguments = options.arguments || [];
options = this._getOrSetDefaultOptions(options);
// return error, if no "data" is specified
if(!options.data) {
return utils._fireError(new Error('No "data" specified in neither the given options, nor the default options.'), null, null, callback);
var constructor = _.find(this.options.jsonInterface, function (method) {
return (method.type === 'constructor');
}) || {};
constructor.signature = 'constructor';
return this._createTxObject.apply({
method: constructor,
parent: this,
deployData: options.data
}, options.arguments);
* Gets the event signature and outputformatters
* @method _generateEventOptions
* @param {Object} event
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} callback
* @return {Object} the event options object
Contract.prototype._generateEventOptions = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// get the callback
var callback = this._getCallback(args);
// get the options
var options = (_.isObject(args[args.length - 1])) ? args.pop() : {};
var event = (_.isString(args[0])) ? args[0] : 'allevents';
event = (event.toLowerCase() === 'allevents') ? {
name: 'ALLEVENTS',
jsonInterface: this.options.jsonInterface
} : this.options.jsonInterface.find(function (json) {
return (json.type === 'event' && (json.name === event || json.signature === '0x'+ event.replace('0x','')));
if (!event) {
throw new Error('Event "' + event.name + '" doesn\'t exist in this contract.');
if (!utils.isAddress(this.options.address)) {
throw new Error('This contract object doesn\'t have address set yet, please set an address first.');
return {
params: this._encodeEventABI(event, options),
event: event,
callback: callback
* Adds event listeners and creates a subscription, and remove it once its fired.
* @method clone
* @return {Object} the event subscription
Contract.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Contract(this.options.jsonInterface, this.options.address, this.options);
* Adds event listeners and creates a subscription, and remove it once its fired.
* @method once
* @param {String} event
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} callback
* @return {Object} the event subscription
Contract.prototype.once = function(event, options, callback) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// get the callback
callback = this._getCallback(args);
if (!callback) {
throw new Error('Once requires a callback as the second parameter.');
// don't allow fromBlock
if (options)
delete options.fromBlock;
// don't return as once shouldn't provide "on"
this._on(event, options, function (err, res, sub) {
callback(err, res, sub);
return undefined;
* Adds event listeners and creates a subscription.
* @method _on
* @param {String} event
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} callback
* @return {Object} the event subscription
Contract.prototype._on = function(){
var subOptions = this._generateEventOptions.apply(this, arguments);
// prevent the event "newListener" and "removeListener" from being overwritten
this._checkListener('newListener', subOptions.event.name, subOptions.callback);
this._checkListener('removeListener', subOptions.event.name, subOptions.callback);
// TODO check if listener already exists? and reuse subscription if options are the same.
// create new subscription
var subscription = new Subscription({
subscription: {
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [formatters.inputLogFormatter],
outputFormatter: this._decodeEventABI.bind(subOptions.event),
// DUBLICATE, also in web3-eth
subscriptionHandler: function (output) {
if(output.removed) {
this.emit('changed', output);
} else {
this.emit('data', output);
if (_.isFunction(this.callback)) {
this.callback(null, output, this);
type: 'eth',
requestManager: this._eth._requestManager
subscription.subscribe('logs', subOptions.params, subOptions.callback || function () {});
return subscription;
* Get past events from contracts
* @method getPastEvents
* @param {String} event
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} callback
* @return {Object} the promievent
Contract.prototype.getPastEvents = function(){
var subOptions = this._generateEventOptions.apply(this, arguments);
var getPastLogs = new Method({
name: 'getPastLogs',
call: 'eth_getLogs',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [formatters.inputLogFormatter],
outputFormatter: this._decodeEventABI.bind(subOptions.event)
var call = getPastLogs.buildCall();
getPastLogs = null;
return call(subOptions.params, subOptions.callback);
* returns the an object with call, send, estimate funcitons
* @method _createTxObject
* @returns {Object} an object with functions to call the methods
Contract.prototype._createTxObject = function _createTxObject(){
var txObject = {};
if(this.method.type === 'function') {
txObject.call = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(txObject, 'call');
txObject.call.request = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(txObject, 'call', true); // to make batch requests
txObject.send = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(txObject, 'send');
txObject.send.request = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(txObject, 'send', true); // to make batch requests
txObject.encodeABI = this.parent._encodeMethodABI.bind(txObject);
txObject.estimateGas = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(txObject, 'estimate');
txObject.arguments = arguments;
txObject._method = this.method;
txObject._parent = this.parent;
txObject._deployData = this.deployData;
return txObject;
* Generates the options for the execute call
* @method _processExecuteArguments
* @param {Array} args
* @param {Promise} defer
Contract.prototype._processExecuteArguments = function _processExecuteArguments(args, defer) {
var processedArgs = {};
processedArgs.type = args.shift();
// get the callback
processedArgs.callback = this._parent._getCallback(args);
// get block number to use for call
if(processedArgs.type === 'call' && args[args.length - 1] !== true && (_.isString(args[args.length - 1]) || isFinite(args[args.length - 1])))
processedArgs.defaultBlock = args.pop();
// get the options
processedArgs.options = (_.isObject(args[args.length - 1])) ? args.pop() : {};
// get the generateRequest argument for batch requests
processedArgs.generateRequest = (args[args.length - 1] === true)? args.pop() : false;
processedArgs.options = this._parent._getOrSetDefaultOptions(processedArgs.options);
processedArgs.options.data = this.encodeABI();
// add contract address
if(!this._deployData && !utils.isAddress(this._parent.options.address))
throw new Error('This contract object doesn\'t have address set yet, please set an address first.');
processedArgs.options.to = this._parent.options.address;
// return error, if no "data" is specified
return utils._fireError(new Error('Couldn\'t find a matching contract method, or the number of parameters is wrong.'), defer.eventEmitter, defer.reject, processedArgs.callback);
return processedArgs;
* Executes a call, transact or estimateGas on a contract function
* @method _executeMethod
* @param {String} type the type this execute function should execute
* @param {Boolean} makeRequest if true, it simply returns the request parameters, rather than executing it
Contract.prototype._executeMethod = function _executeMethod(){
var _this = this,
args = this._parent._processExecuteArguments.call(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), defer),
defer = promiEvent((args.type !== 'send'));
// simple return request for batch requests
if(args.generateRequest) {
var payload = {
params: [formatters.inputCallFormatter(args.options), formatters.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter(args.defaultBlock)],
callback: args.callback
if(args.type === 'call') {
payload.method = 'eth_call';
payload.format = this._parent._decodeMethodReturn.bind(null, this._method.outputs);
} else {
payload.method = 'eth_sendTransaction';
return payload;
} else {
switch (args.type) {
case 'estimate':
return this._parent._eth.estimateGas(args.options, args.callback);
case 'call':
// TODO check errors: missing "from" should give error on deploy and send, call ?
this._parent._eth.call(args.options, args.defaultBlock, function (err, result) {
// decode result
if(result) {
result = _this._parent._decodeMethodReturn(_this._method.outputs, result);
// throw error
if(err) {
return utils._fireError(err, null, defer.reject, args.callback);
if(_.isFunction(args.callback)) {
args.callback(null, result);
return defer.eventEmitter;
case 'send':
// return error, if no "from" is specified
if(!utils.isAddress(args.options.from)) {
return utils._fireError(new Error('No "from" address specified in neither the given options, nor the default options.'), defer.eventEmitter, defer.reject, args.callback);
if (_.isBoolean(this._method.payable) && !this._method.payable && args.options.value && args.options.value > 0) {
return utils._fireError(new Error('Can not send value to non-payable contract method or constructor'), defer.eventEmitter, defer.reject, args.callback);
// make sure receipt logs are decoded
var extraFormatters = {
receiptFormatter: function (receipt) {
if (_.isArray(receipt.logs)) {
// decode logs
var events = _.map(receipt.logs, function(log) {
return _this._parent._decodeEventABI.call({
name: 'ALLEVENTS',
jsonInterface: _this._parent.options.jsonInterface
}, log);
// make log names keys
receipt.events = {};
var count = 0;
events.forEach(function (ev) {
if (ev.event) {
receipt.events[ev.event] = ev;
} else {
receipt.events[count] = ev;
delete receipt.logs;
return receipt;
contractDeployFormatter: function (receipt) {
var newContract = _this._parent.clone();
newContract.options.address = receipt.contractAddress;
return newContract;
return this._parent._eth.sendTransaction.apply(extraFormatters, [args.options, args.callback]);
module.exports = Contract;