==== web3 ==== The web3.js object is a umbrella package to house all ethereum related modules. .. code-block:: javascript var Web3 = require('web3'); // "Web3.providers.givenProvider" will be set if in an Ethereum supported browser. var web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://some.local-or-remote.node:8546')); > web3.eth > web3.shh > web3.bzz > web3.utils ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ version ============ .. code-block:: javascript web3.version Contains the version of the ``web3`` container object. ------- Returns ------- ``String``: The current version. ------- Example ------- .. code-block:: javascript web3.version; > "1.0.0" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. include:: package-core.rst ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ modules ===================== .. code-block:: javascript web3.modules Will return an object with the classes of all major sub modules, to be able to instantiate them manually. ------- Returns ------- ``Object``: A list of modules: - ``Eth`` - ``Function``: the Eth module for interacting with the ethereum network see :ref:`web3.eth ` for more. - ``Net`` - ``Function``: the Net module for interacting with network properties see :ref:`web3.eth.net ` for more. - ``Personal`` - ``Function``: the Personal module for interacting with the ethereum accounts see :ref:`web3.personal ` for more. - ``Shh`` - ``Function``: the Shh module for interacting with the whisper protocol see :ref:`web3.shh ` for more. - ``Bzz`` - ``Function``: the Bzz module for interacting with the swarm network see :ref:`web3.bzz ` for more. ------- Example ------- .. code-block:: javascript web3.modules > { Eth: Eth function(provider), Net: Net function(provider), Personal: Personal function(provider), Shh: Shh function(provider), Bzz: Bzz function(provider), }