marcelines 8a47bb4b02
Add burnup chart component (#401)
* feat: add chart to website WIP

* fix: minor improvements

* feat: add animation to areas on load

* feat: adds animation to rest of the chart elements

* feat: refact chart component

* feat: add loading state to chart component

* feat: add empty state and fixed some issues

* Set up website deployment (#391)

* env

* vercel.json

* turbo

* u

* root

* cwd

* use cwd option (#393)

* fix: remove border width from progress bar

* fix: changes from review

* fix: removes spacing with first tick in X Axis component

* update assertion


Co-authored-by: Felicio Mununga <>
Co-authored-by: Pavel Prichodko <>
2023-05-18 14:54:45 +02:00

52 lines
1.3 KiB

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