
262 lines
3.8 KiB

# @status-im/components
## 1.0.10
### Patch Changes
- 2fad122: use pnpm and update node
- e30555c: fix <DropdownMenu.SubTrigger /> icon; unknown network typo
- 3c968a2: add missing directive to `<SegmentedControl />`
- Updated dependencies [2fad122]
- @status-im/colors@1.0.1
- @status-im/icons@1.0.1
## 1.0.9
### Patch Changes
- 2c56ff2: adds segmented control to index file
## 1.0.8
### Patch Changes
- b159258: fix `<DropdownMenu.Item />` onSelect prop
- 4953fe7: adds segmented control component
## 1.0.7
### Patch Changes
- e9979fd: updates icon color for missing compound variants
- bf14368: add `type="account"` to `<ContextTag />`
## 1.0.6
### Patch Changes
- 7f21132: fix `<Shortcut />`icon prop and symbol centering
## 1.0.5
### Patch Changes
- 3ad28ea: chore: Remove flex-1 class from button component (#602)
## 1.0.4
### Patch Changes
- a3f9252: fix `<Button />` icon color for blur variant
## 1.0.3
### Patch Changes
- 8f1980e: Update fontSize in tailwind.config.ts
## 1.0.2
### Patch Changes
- 15c9640: Switch icon button from aria button to regular button
## 1.0.1
### Patch Changes
- 447cce7: fix `<DropdowMenu.SubTrigger />` expanded state
- 1ce026c: add `<DropdownMenu.Label />`
- 4e53b3e: Fix tag and tabs
- 273db4e: add dark grey dropdown button
- 4452f05: fix `<Button />` text alignment
- 433558a: Add `<Switch />` and `<DropdownMenu.SwitchItem />`
## 1.0.0
### Major Changes
- edfdfd6: switch to tailwind
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [edfdfd6]
- Updated dependencies [c8f551f]
- @status-im/colors@1.0.0
- @status-im/icons@1.0.0
## 0.6.5
### Patch Changes
- 8540f86: draft: add disabled state to Tabs
## 0.6.4
### Patch Changes
- 1a17092: fix the color of the icon in IconButton
## 0.6.3
### Patch Changes
- 7093144: add size variants to Step
## 0.6.2
### Patch Changes
- 9a495fd: export `Tooltip`
## 0.6.1
### Patch Changes
- 70cb660: update avatar initials
- f9b9220: update toast options
- f6b7ca3: fix toast icon color
## 0.6.0
### Minor Changes
- b539321: fix copper color typo
## 0.5.2
### Patch Changes
- 7afc447: - Add tabs variants
- Remove `backdrop-filter`
## 0.5.1
### Patch Changes
- 9d66ba0: Add `<Button />` blur subvariants
## 0.5.0
### Minor Changes
- 367145c: update `tamagui`
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [367145c]
- @status-im/icons@0.5.0
## 0.4.4
### Patch Changes
- d796765: sync colors
- 29b9734: add default curors to ContextTag
## 0.4.3
### Patch Changes
- 45be34b: set TabsTrigger cursor
## 0.4.2
### Patch Changes
- 2ac9665: fix Step spacing
## 0.4.1
### Patch Changes
- a159ac9: fix Tab icons color
## 0.4.0
### Minor Changes
- 19384e1: - upgrade storybook
- fix text letter spacing
- add text sizes
### Patch Changes
- a43b5a6: fix: keep icon color if defined as part of button
- b560d62: fix ContextTag style
## 0.3.2
### Patch Changes
- 024c19f: fix ContextTag text size
## 0.3.1
### Patch Changes
- 7c96dec: update Context Tag
## 0.3.0
### Minor Changes
- 762a698: add Step and Tabs with Step
## 0.2.5
### Patch Changes
- ea32fe1: release icons
- Updated dependencies [ea32fe1]
- @status-im/icons@0.2.1
## 0.2.4
### Patch Changes
- 15b146f: use tamagui functional variants for Tag color
- 67a6846: [components] add dark theme variant
## 0.2.3
### Patch Changes
- ef5bf58: [components] export tabs
## 0.2.2
### Patch Changes
- c203e6f: export types
## 0.2.1
### Patch Changes
- 39462bf: export tokens
## 0.2.0
### Minor Changes
- 08791fc: include build step
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [08791fc]
- @status-im/colors@0.2.0
- @status-im/icons@0.2.0
## 0.1.0
### Minor Changes
- 181faba: prepare packages for release
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [181faba]
- @status-im/colors@0.1.0
- @status-im/icons@0.1.0