const DelegationProxy = artifacts.require("DelegationProxy.sol") const MiniMeTokenFactory = artifacts.require("MiniMeTokenFactory.sol") const MiniMeToken = artifacts.require("MiniMeToken.sol") const TestUtils = require("./TestUtils.js") // TODO: This a very minimal set of tests purely for understanding the contract. I think they can be used though. contract("DelegationProxy", accounts => { //Initialize global/common contracts for all tests let delegationProxy = [] const delegateTo = [ [ accounts[1], accounts[2], 0x0 ], [ 0x0, accounts[2], 0x0 ] ] const delegationOf = [ [ accounts[2], accounts[2], accounts[2] ], [ accounts[0], accounts[2], accounts[2] ] ] const delegatedInfluence = [ [0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 1] ] const influence = [ [0, 0, 3], [1, 0, 2] ] beforeEach(async () => { delegationProxy[0] = await delegationProxy[1] = await[0].address) }) describe("delegate(address _to)", () => { it("creates Delegate Log event", async () => { const i = 0 const j = 0 delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}) const delegateArgs = await TestUtils.listenForEvent(delegationProxy[i].Delegate()) assert.equal(delegateArgs.who, accounts[j], "["+i+","+j+"] Delegate Log shows delegating from isn't sender") assert.equal(, delegateTo[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"]Delegate Log shows delegating to isn't passed address") }) it("updates delegations mapping with new delegate", async () => { const i = 0 const j = 0 await delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}) const delegations = await delegationProxy[i][j], 0) assert.equal(delegations[0].c, web3.eth.blockNumber, "["+i+","+j+"] Delegations block number is incorrect") assert.equal(delegations[1], delegateTo[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] Delegations to account is incorrect") }) it("stores delegation checkpoints correctly", async () => { const delegateTo2 = [ [ 0x0, accounts[0], accounts[0] ], [ accounts[2], 0x0, accounts[1] ] ] const delegationOf2 = [ [ accounts[0], accounts[0], accounts[0] ], [ accounts[1], accounts[1], accounts[1] ] ] const delegateTo3 = [ [ 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 ], [ 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 ] ] const delegationOf3 = [ [ accounts[0], accounts[1], accounts[2] ], [ accounts[0], accounts[1], accounts[2] ] ] for (var i = 0; i < delegateTo.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[i].length; j++) { await delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}); } } const blockn1 = web3.eth.blockNumber for (var i = 0; i < delegateTo2.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo2[i].length; j++) { await delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo2[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}); } } const blockn2 = web3.eth.blockNumber for (var i = 0; i < delegateTo3.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo3[i].length; j++) { await delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo3[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}); } } const blockn3 = web3.eth.blockNumber for (var i = 0; i < delegateTo.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[i].length; j++) { assert.equal( await delegationProxy[i].delegatedToAt(accounts[j], blockn1), delegateTo[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegatedToAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn1+") is incorrect") assert.equal( await delegationProxy[i].delegatedToAt(accounts[j], blockn2), delegateTo2[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegatedToAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn2+") is incorrect") assert.equal( await delegationProxy[i].delegatedToAt(accounts[j], blockn3), delegateTo3[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegatedToAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn3+") is incorrect") assert.equal( await delegationProxy[i].delegationOfAt(accounts[j], blockn1), delegationOf[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegationOfAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn1+") is incorrect") assert.equal( await delegationProxy[i].delegationOfAt(accounts[j], blockn2), delegationOf2[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegationOfAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn2+") is incorrect") assert.equal( await delegationProxy[i].delegationOfAt(accounts[j], blockn3), delegationOf3[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegationOfAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn3+") is incorrect") } } }) it("delegates back to parentProxy", async () => { for (var i = 0; i < delegateTo.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[i].length; j++) { await delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}); } } const blockn1 = web3.eth.blockNumber for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[1].length; j++) { await delegationProxy[1].delegate(delegationProxy[0].address, {from: accounts[j]}); } const blockn2 = web3.eth.blockNumber for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[1].length; j++) { assert.equal( await delegationProxy[1].delegatedToAt(accounts[j], blockn1), delegateTo[1][j], "["+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[1].address+".delegatedToAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn1+") is incorrect") assert.equal( await delegationProxy[1].delegatedToAt(accounts[j], blockn2), delegateTo[0][j], "["+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[1].address+".delegatedToAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn2+") is incorrect") assert.equal( await delegationProxy[1].delegationOfAt(accounts[j], blockn1), delegationOf[1][j], "["+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[1].address+".delegationOfAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn1+") is incorrect") assert.equal( await delegationProxy[1].delegationOfAt(accounts[j], blockn2), delegationOf[0][j], "["+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[1].address+".delegationOfAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+blockn2+") is incorrect") } }) }) describe("delegatedToAt(address _who, uint _block)", () => { it("returns correctly delegated to address", async () => { let delegatedTo for (var i = 0; i < delegateTo.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[i].length; j++) { await delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}); delegatedTo = await delegationProxy[i].delegatedToAt(accounts[j], web3.eth.blockNumber) assert.equal( delegatedTo, delegateTo[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegatedToAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+web3.eth.blockNumber+") is incorrect") } } }) }) describe("delegationOfAt(address _who, uint _block)", () => { it("returns correctly delegation endpoints of address", async () => { let result = [[],[]] for (var i = 0; i < delegateTo.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[i].length; j++) { await delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}); } for (j = 0; j < delegateTo[i].length; j++) { assert.equal( await delegationProxy[i].delegationOfAt(accounts[j], web3.eth.blockNumber), delegationOf[i][j], "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegationOfAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+web3.eth.blockNumber+") is incorrect" ) } } }) }) describe("delegatedInfluenceFromAt(address _who, address _token, uint _block)", () => { let miniMeTokenFactory let miniMeToken const tokensBalance = 1000 beforeEach(async () => { miniMeTokenFactory = await; miniMeToken = await, 0, 0, "TestToken", 18, "TTN", true) for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { miniMeToken.generateTokens(accounts[i], tokensBalance) } }) it("returns expected amount of influence delegated from", async () => { for (var i = 0; i < delegationProxy.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[i].length; j++) { await delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}); } for (var j = 0; j < delegatedInfluence[i].length; j++) { assert.equal( delegatedInfluence[i][j] * tokensBalance, (await delegationProxy[i].delegatedInfluenceFromAt(accounts[j], miniMeToken.address, web3.eth.blockNumber)).toNumber(), "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".delegatedInfluenceFrom("+accounts[j]+", +"+web3.eth.blockNumber+") is not as expected" ) } } }) }) describe("influenceOfAt(address _who, address _token, uint _block)", () => { let miniMeTokenFactory let miniMeToken const tokensBalance = 1000 beforeEach(async () => { miniMeTokenFactory = await; miniMeToken = await, 0, 0, "TestToken", 18, "TTN", true) for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { miniMeToken.generateTokens(accounts[i], tokensBalance) } }) it("returns expected influence", async () => { for (var i = 0; i < influence.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < delegateTo[i].length; j++) { delegationProxy[i].delegate(delegateTo[i][j], {from: accounts[j]}); } for (var j = 0; j < influence[i].length; j++) { assert.equal( influence[i][j] * tokensBalance, (await delegationProxy[i].influenceOfAt(accounts[j], miniMeToken.address, web3.eth.blockNumber)).toNumber(), "["+i+","+j+"] +"+delegationProxy[i].address+".influenceOfAt("+accounts[j]+", +"+web3.eth.blockNumber+") is not as expected") } } }) }) })