add initial drawfield layout

This commit is contained in:
Barry Gitarts 2018-07-19 17:28:32 -04:00
parent 40f009cad6
commit e34044634e
7 changed files with 1365 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
import React from 'react';
import { CompactPicker } from 'react-color';
import 'flexboxgrid';
import './draw.css';
import {
} from '@material-ui/core';
import Slider from '@material-ui/lab/Slider';
import UndoIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Undo';
import RedoIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Redo';
import ClearIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Delete';
import SaveIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Save';
import RemoveIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Clear';
import DownloadIcon from '@material-ui/icons/CloudDownload';
import ZoomInIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ZoomIn';
import ZoomOutIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ZoomOutMap';
//TODO remove data assets
import dataJson from './data.json';
import dataJsonControlled from './data.json.controlled';
import dataUrl from './data.url';
import { SketchField, Tools } from 'react-sketch';
import DropZone from 'react-dropzone';
const styles = {
root: {
padding: '3px',
display: 'flex',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
margin: '10px 10px 5px 10px',
justifyContent: 'space-around'
gridList: {
width: '100%',
overflowY: 'auto',
marginBottom: '24px'
gridTile: {
backgroundColor: '#fcfcfc'
appBar: {
backgroundColor: '#333'
radioButton: {
marginTop: '3px',
marginBottom: '3px'
separator: {
height: '42px',
backgroundColor: 'white'
iconButton: {
fill: 'white',
width: '42px',
height: '42px'
dropArea: {
width: '100%',
height: '64px',
border: '2px dashed rgb(102, 102, 102)',
borderStyle: 'dashed',
borderRadius: '5px',
textAlign: 'center',
paddingTop: '20px'
activeStyle: {
borderStyle: 'solid',
backgroundColor: '#eee'
rejectStyle: {
borderStyle: 'solid',
backgroundColor: '#ffdddd'
* Helper function to manually fire an event
* @param el the element
* @param etype the event type
function eventFire(el, etype) {
if (el.fireEvent) {
el.fireEvent('on' + etype);
} else {
var evObj = document.createEvent('Events');
evObj.initEvent(etype, true, false);
class SketchFieldDemo extends React.Component {
state = {
lineColor: 'black',
lineWidth: 1,
fillColor: '#68CCCA',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
shadowWidth: 0,
shadowOffset: 0,
tool: Tools.Pencil,
fillWithColor: false,
fillWithBackgroundColor: false,
drawings: [],
canUndo: false,
canRedo: false,
controlledSize: false,
sketchWidth: 600,
sketchHeight: 600,
stretched: true,
stretchedX: false,
stretchedY: false,
originX: 'left',
originY: 'top'
_selectTool = (event, index, value) => {
tool: value
_save = () => {
let drawings = this.state.drawings;
this.setState({drawings: drawings});
_download = () => {
/*eslint-disable no-console*/, 'toDataURL.txt');, 'toDataJSON.txt');
/*eslint-enable no-console*/
let {imgDown} = this.refs;
let event = new Event('click', {});
imgDown.href = this._sketch.toDataURL(); = 'toPNG.png';
_renderTile = (drawing, index) => {
return (
title='Canvas Image'
titleBackground="linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0.7) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 70%,rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%)"
cols={1} rows={1} style={styles.gridTile}
actionIcon={<IconButton onClick={(c) => this._removeMe(index)}><RemoveIcon
<img src={drawing}/>
_removeMe = (index) => {
let drawings = this.state.drawings;
drawings.splice(index, 1);
this.setState({drawings: drawings});
_undo = () => {
canUndo: this._sketch.canUndo(),
canRedo: this._sketch.canRedo()
_redo = () => {
canUndo: this._sketch.canUndo(),
canRedo: this._sketch.canRedo()
_clear = () => {
controlledValue: null,
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
fillWithBackgroundColor: false,
canUndo: this._sketch.canUndo(),
canRedo: this._sketch.canRedo()
_onSketchChange = () => {
let prev = this.state.canUndo;
let now = this._sketch.canUndo();
if (prev !== now) {
this.setState({canUndo: now});
_onBackgroundImageDrop = (accepted/*, rejected*/) => {
if (accepted && accepted.length > 0) {
let sketch = this._sketch;
let reader = new FileReader();
let {stretched, stretchedX, stretchedY, originX, originY} = this.state;
reader.addEventListener('load', () => sketch.setBackgroundFromDataUrl(reader.result, {
stretched: stretched,
stretchedX: stretchedX,
stretchedY: stretchedY,
originX: originX,
originY: originY
}), false);
componentDidMount = () => {
/*eslint-disable no-console*/
(function (console) { = function (data, filename) {
if (!data) {
console.error(' No data');
if (!filename) filename = 'console.json';
if (typeof data === 'object') {
data = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4)
var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/json'}),
e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'),
a = document.createElement('a'); = filename;
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/json',, a.href].join(':');
e.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
/*eslint-enable no-console*/
render = () => {
const { controlledValue } = this.state;
return (
{/*Sketch Area with tools*/}
<div className='row'>
<div className='col-xs-7 col-sm-7 col-md-9 col-lg-9'>
{/* Sketch area */}
ref={(c) => this._sketch = c}
fillColor={this.state.fillWithColor ? this.state.fillColor : 'transparent'}
backgroundColor={this.state.fillWithBackgroundColor ? this.state.backgroundColor : 'transparent'}
width={this.state.controlledSize ? this.state.sketchWidth : null}
height={this.state.controlledSize ? this.state.sketchHeight : null}
<div className='col-xs-5 col-sm-5 col-md-3 col-lg-3'>
<Card style={{margin: '10px 10px 5px 0'}}>
<CardHeader title='Tools' />
<label htmlFor='tool'>Canvas Tool</label><br/>
<Select ref='tool' value={this.state.tool} onChange={this._selectTool}>
<MenuItem value={Tools.Select} primaryText="Select"/>
<MenuItem value={Tools.Pencil} primaryText="Pencil"/>
<MenuItem value={Tools.Line} primaryText="Line"/>
<MenuItem value={Tools.Rectangle} primaryText="Rectangle"/>
<MenuItem value={Tools.Circle} primaryText="Circle"/>
<MenuItem value={Tools.Pan} primaryText="Pan"/>
<label htmlFor='slider'>Line Weight</label>
<Slider ref='slider' step={0.1}
value={this.state.lineWidth / 100}
onChange={(e, v) => this.setState({lineWidth: v * 100})}/>
<label htmlFor='zoom'>Zoom</label>
onClick={(e) => this._sketch.zoom(1.25)}>
onClick={(e) => this._sketch.zoom(0.8)}>
<label htmlFor='xSize'>Change Canvas Width</label>
<Slider ref='xSize' step={1}
min={10} max={1000}
onChange={(e, v) => this.setState({sketchWidth: v})}/>
<label htmlFor='ySize'>Change Canvas Height</label>
<Slider ref='ySize' step={1}
min={10} max={1000}
onChange={(e, v) => this.setState({sketchHeight: v})}/>
<Card style={{margin: '5px 10px 5px 0'}}>
<CardHeader title='Colors'/>
<label htmlFor='lineColor'>Line</label>
id='lineColor' color={this.state.lineColor}
onChange={(color) => this.setState({lineColor: color.hex})}/>
onChange={(color) => this.setState({fillColor: color.hex})}/>
<Card style={{margin: '5px 10px 5px 0'}}>
<CardHeader title='Background'/>
onChange={(color) => this.setState({backgroundColor: color.hex})}/>
<label htmlFor='lineColor'>Set Image Background</label>
Try dropping an image here,<br/>
or click<br/>
to select image as background.
<Card style={{margin: '5px 10px 5px 0'}}>
<CardHeader title='Images'/>
floatingLabelText='Image URL'
hintText='Copy/Paste an image URL'
ref={(c) => this._imageUrlTxt = c}
label='Load Image from URL'
onClick={(e) => this._sketch.addImg(this._imageUrlTxt.getValue())}/>
label='Load Image from Data URL'
onClick={(e) => this._sketch.addImg(dataUrl)}/>
<Card style={{margin: '5px 10px 5px 0'}}>
<CardHeader title='Controlled value'/>
label='Load controlled Value'
onClick={(e) => this.setState({
controlledValue: dataJsonControlled
{/*Saved Paintings*/}
<div className='row'>
<div className="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12">
<div className="box" style={styles.root}>
padding={1} style={styles.gridList}>
export default SketchFieldDemo;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
export default {
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"backgroundColor": "",
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"path": [["M", 126.99, 270], ["Q", 127, 270, 131, 270], ["Q", 135, 270, 185.5, 270], ["Q", 236, 270, 281.5, 270], ["Q", 327, 270, 351.5, 268.5], ["Q", 376, 267, 445.5, 261], ["Q", 515, 255, 555, 250], ["Q", 595, 245, 609, 242], ["Q", 623, 239, 623, 239.5], ["Q", 623, 240, 618.5, 245], ["Q", 614, 250, 608, 254.5], ["Q", 602, 259, 592.5, 264], ["Q", 583, 269, 575, 273.5], ["Q", 567, 278, 564.5, 279], ["Q", 562, 280, 562, 280.5], ["Q", 562, 281, 570.5, 281], ["Q", 579, 281, 588.5, 282], ["Q", 598, 283, 601, 283.5], ["Q", 604, 284, 604, 286.5], ["Q", 604, 289, 601.5, 293], ["Q", 599, 297, 594, 301], ["Q", 589, 305, 588, 306.5], ["Q", 587, 308, 590.5, 308], ["Q", 594, 308, 600.5, 310], ["Q", 607, 312, 607.5, 313], ["Q", 608, 314, 608, 317.5], ["Q", 608, 321, 608, 321.5], ["Q", 608, 322, 608, 322.5], ["Q", 608, 323, 608, 323.5], ["Q", 608, 324, 609.5, 324.5], ["Q", 611, 325, 616, 327.5], ["Q", 621, 330, 622.5, 331], ["Q", 624, 332, 624, 332.5], ["Q", 624, 333, 624.5, 334], ["Q", 625, 335, 628.5, 337.5], ["Q", 632, 340, 643, 345.5], ["Q", 654, 351, 665.5, 355.5], ["Q", 677, 360, 679, 364], ["Q", 681, 368, 681.5, 370], ["Q", 682, 372, 682.5, 373.5], ["Q", 683, 375, 691.5, 376], ["Q", 700, 377, 715.5, 381], ["Q", 731, 385, 736, 389.5], ["Q", 741, 394, 741.5, 395], ["Q", 742, 396, 742, 396.5], ["Q", 742, 397, 742.5, 398], ["Q", 743, 399, 745, 399], ["Q", 747, 399, 750.5, 402], ["Q", 754, 405, 764, 408.5], ["Q", 774, 412, 776, 413], ["L", 778.01, 414.01]]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
export default {
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View File

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View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { VotingContext } from './context';
import Web3Render from './components/standard/Web3Render';
import fetchIdeas from './utils/fetchIdeas';
import { getPolls, omitPolls } from './utils/polls';
import DrawField from './components/draw/DrawField';
window['SNT'] = SNT;
import './dapp.css';
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ class App extends React.Component {
}, netId) => {
if (netId !== MAINNET) this.setState({ web3Provider: false})
//if (netId !== MAINNET) this.setState({ web3Provider: false})
fetchIdeas().then(ideaSites => { this.setState({ ideaSites })});
@ -93,13 +94,14 @@ class App extends React.Component {
const votingContext = { getPolls: _getPolls, toggleAdmin, updatePoll, appendToPoll, setPollOrder, ...this.state };
return (
<Web3Render ready={web3Provider}>
<VotingContext.Provider value={votingContext}>
<DrawField />
{false && <VotingContext.Provider value={votingContext}>
{admin ?
<AdminView setAccount={this.setAccount} /> :
<Voting />}

View File

@ -25,13 +25,17 @@
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