# Universal links handler App to handle universal links served at http://get.status.im ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites You need to have `docker` & `docker-compose` installed ### Development Start `docker-compose` with: ``` docker-compose -p whatever up ``` It will listen on port `8080` and mount the correct volumes so any change is then reflected. `node_modules` are mounted as a volume so in case you change `package-lock.json` will need to be re-installed in the docker container. ### Production locally Start `docker-compose` with: ``` docker-compose -p whatever -f docker-compose.yml up ``` Don't forget to rebuild the image if you made any changes ``` docker-compose -p whatever -f docker-compose.yml build ``` It will build the image and start the container listening on port `8080` ## Running the tests To run the tests, first start the container, either in `production` or `development` mode. Then you can run `bash tests/run.sh -u localhost:8080` or to run against against the live server `bash tests/run.sh -u http://get.status.im` Uses the awesome `https://github.com/robwhitby/shakedown` The pipeline is at: `https://jenkins.status.im/job/misc/job/universal-links-handler/` ## Deployment The code is automatically deployed when pushed to master