const utils = require("../utils/testUtils") const DefaultDelegation = require('Embark/contracts/DefaultDelegation'); const DelegationFactory = require('Embark/contracts/DelegationFactory'); const MiniMeToken = require('Embark/contracts/MiniMeToken'); const Delegation = require('Embark/contracts/Delegation'); const ProposalFactory = require('Embark/contracts/ProposalFactory'); const Proposal = require('Embark/contracts/Proposal'); const ProposalBase = require('Embark/contracts/ProposalBase'); config({ contracts: { "MiniMeTokenFactory": { }, "MiniMeToken": { "args": [ "$MiniMeTokenFactory", utils.zeroAddress, 0, "TestMiniMeToken", 18, "TST", true ] }, "DefaultDelegation": { "args": [ "$accounts[5]" ] }, "DelegationBase": { "args": [ utils.zeroAddress ] }, "DelegationInit": {}, "DelegationFactory": { "args": ["$DelegationBase", "$DelegationInit", utils.zeroAddress] }, "ProposalBase": {}, "ProposalInit": {}, "ProposalFactory": { "args": ["$ProposalBase", "$ProposalInit", utils.zeroAddress] } } }); function mintTokens(accounts, amount) { return Promise.all( => { return MiniMeToken.methods.generateTokens(account, amount).send({from: accounts[0]}); }) ); } function newDelegation(topDelegation) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { DelegationFactory.methods.createDelegation(topDelegation).send().on('receipt', (receipt) => { resolve(new web3.eth.Contract(Delegation._jsonInterface,[0])); }).on('error', (error) => { reject(error); }); }); } async function addGas(call, from, amount=21000) { return call.send({ gas: await call.estimateGas({gas: 8000000})+amount, from: from }); } async function tabulateDirect(proposal, account) { return addGas(proposal.methods.tabulateDirect(account), web3.eth.defaultAccount); } async function tabulateDelegated(proposal, account) { return addGas(proposal.methods.tabulateDelegated(account), web3.eth.defaultAccount); } async function tabulateSigned(proposal, sig) { return addGas( proposal.methods.tabulateSigned(, sig.position, sig.proof, sig.signature ), web3.eth.defaultAccount ); } contract("Proposal", function() { this.timeout(0); const initialBalance = 17 * 10 ^ 18; var defaultDelegate; var accounts; var RootDelegation; var ChildDelegation; before(function(done) { defaultDelegate = DefaultDelegation._address; web3.eth.getAccounts().then((res) => { web3.eth.defaultAccount = res[0] accounts = res; //let contactList = require("./contacts.json") //contacts = Object.keys(contactList).map((key) => { return { name: contactList[key].name.en, address: utils.pubKeyToAddress(key), pubKey: key }}) //res = accounts.concat( => {return obj.address } )); mintTokens(res, initialBalance).then((mintReceipts) => { newDelegation(defaultDelegate).then((createdRoot) => { RootDelegation = createdRoot; newDelegation(RootDelegation._address).then((createdChild) => { ChildDelegation = createdChild; Promise.all([ // root: 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 (-> 5) RootDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[1]).send({from: accounts[0]}), RootDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[2]).send({from: accounts[1]}), RootDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[3]).send({from: accounts[2]}), // root: 4 -> 4 RootDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[4]).send({from: accounts[4]}), // root: 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 6 (circular) RootDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[7]).send({from: accounts[6]}), RootDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[8]).send({from: accounts[7]}), RootDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[9]).send({from: accounts[8]}), RootDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[6]).send({from: accounts[9]}), // child: 5 -> 6 ChildDelegation.methods.delegate(accounts[7]).send({from: accounts[5]}) ]).then((delegateReceipts) => { done(); }) }) }) }); }); }); const QUORUM_QUALIFIED = 0; const QUORUM_MAJORITY = 1; const QUORUM_SIMPLE = 2; const VOTE_NULL = 0; const VOTE_REJECT = 1; const VOTE_APPROVE = 2; var testProposal; var blockStart it("create proposal by factory", async function () { let tabulationBlockDelay = 50; blockStart = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() + 10; let blockEndDelay = 10; receipt = await ProposalFactory.methods.createProposal( MiniMeToken._address, RootDelegation._address, "0xDA0", tabulationBlockDelay, blockStart, blockEndDelay, QUORUM_QUALIFIED ).send() testProposal = new web3.eth.Contract(ProposalBase._jsonInterface,[0]); }); it("rejects signed and direct votes while not voting period ", async function () { assert(await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() < blockStart, "Wrong block number") assert(await utils.assertEVMException(testProposal.methods.voteDirect(VOTE_APPROVE).send({from: accounts[0]}), "Voting not started"), "Didnt rejected") assert(await utils.assertEVMException(testProposal.methods.voteSigned(utils.zeroBytes32).send({from: accounts[0]}), "Voting not started"), "Didnt rejected") }); it("increases block number to vote block start", async function () { await utils.setBlockNumber(blockStart); assert(await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() >= blockStart, "Wrong block number") }); it("direct vote", async function () { let receipt = await testProposal.methods.voteDirect(VOTE_APPROVE).send({from: accounts[5]}); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[5]); }); const { MerkleTree } = require('../utils/merkleTree.js'); var sigs = []; it("signed vote at voting period", async function () { let vote = VOTE_APPROVE; let approveHash = await testProposal.methods.getVoteHash(vote).call(); let signatures = await Promise.all( => { //in web app should web3.eth.personal.sign(approveHash, address) return web3.eth.sign(approveHash, address); })) let merkleTree = new MerkleTree(signatures); let merkleRoot = merkleTree.getHexRoot(); let receipt = await testProposal.methods.voteSigned(merkleRoot).send({from: accounts[0]}) let position = 0; assert.equal([0], position) assert.equal([1], merkleRoot); for(var i = 0; i < signatures.length; i++) { sigs.push ({ position: position, vote: vote, signature: signatures[i], proof: merkleTree.getHexProof(signatures[i]), signer: accounts[i] }) } }); var voteBlockEnd; it("tests under block end", async function () { voteBlockEnd = await testProposal.methods.voteBlockEnd().call(); assert(await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() <= voteBlockEnd, "Current block number is too low for testing"); }) it("reject tabulateDirect when voting not ended", async function () { assert(await utils.assertEVMException(tabulateDirect(testProposal, accounts[5]), "Block end not reached"), "Didnt rejected") }); it("reject tabulateDelegated when voting not ended", async function () { assert(await utils.assertEVMException(tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[0]), "Block end not reached"), "Didnt rejected") }); it("reject tabulateSigned when voting not ended", async function () { assert(await utils.assertEVMException(tabulateSigned(testProposal, sigs[0]), "Block end not reached"), "Didnt rejected") }); it("increases block number to vote block end", async function () { await utils.setBlockNumber(voteBlockEnd+1); assert(await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() > voteBlockEnd, "Wrong block number") }); it("rejects direct votes when voting period ended", async function () { assert(await utils.assertEVMException(testProposal.methods.voteDirect(VOTE_APPROVE).send({from: accounts[1]}), "Voting ended"), "Didnt rejected") }); it("rejects signed votes when voting period ended", async function () { assert(await utils.assertEVMException(testProposal.methods.voteSigned(utils.zeroBytes32).send({from: accounts[0]}), "Voting ended"), "Didnt rejected") }); it("reject tabulates when no delegate voted", async function () {; assert(await utils.assertEVMException(tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[4]), "No delegate vote found"), "Didnt rejected 2") }); it("tabulates influence from self voter", async function () { let receipt = await tabulateDirect(testProposal, accounts[5]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[5]); assert.equal([2], accounts[5]); }); it("tabulates influence from default delegate", async function () { receipt = await tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[3]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[5]); assert.equal([2], accounts[3]); }); it("tabulates influence from voteSigned ", async function () { let sig = sigs[2]; let receipt = await tabulateSigned(testProposal, sig); assert.equal([0],, "emit Voted wrong Vote") assert.equal([1], sig.signer, "emit Voted wrong address"); assert.equal([0],, "emit Claimed wrong Vote") assert.equal([1], sig.signer, "emit Claimed wrong claimer"); assert.equal([2], sig.signer, "emit Claimed wrong source"); }); it("should not tabulate for delegate if voted ", async function () { assert(await utils.assertEVMException(tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[2]), "Not delegatable"), "Didnt rejected ") assert(await utils.assertEVMException(tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[5]), "Not delegatable"), "Didnt rejected 2") }); it("tabulates influence from direct delegate ", async function () { let receipt = await tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[1]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[2]); assert.equal([2], accounts[1]) }); it("tabulates influence from indirect delegate", async function () { let receipt = await tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[0]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[2]); assert.equal([2], accounts[0]) }); it("should not tabulate influence from circular delegation chain when none voted", async function () { assert(await utils.assertEVMException(tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[7]), "revert"), "Didnt rejected ") }); it("tabulates signature from circular delegation", async function () { await tabulateSigned(testProposal, sigs[7]); }) it("tabulates influence from circular direct delegate", async function () { var receipt = await tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[6]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[7]); assert.equal([2], accounts[6]) }) it("tabulates influence from circular indirect delegate", async function () { receipt = await tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[9]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[7]); assert.equal([2], accounts[9]) }) it("tabulates influence from circular delegate of claiming delegate", async function () { receipt = await tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[8]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[7]); assert.equal([2], accounts[8]) }) it("retabulates influence to self vote", async function () { sig = sigs[6]; receipt = await tabulateSigned(testProposal, sig); assert.equal([0],, "emit Voted wrong Vote") assert.equal([1], sig.signer, "emit Voted wrong address"); assert.equal([0],, "emit Claimed wrong Vote") assert.equal([1], sig.signer, "emit Claimed wrong claimer"); assert.equal([2], sig.signer, "emit Claimed wrong source"); }); it("retabulates influence to indirect delegate", async function () { receipt = await tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[8]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[6]); assert.equal([2], accounts[8]) }); it("retabulates influence to direct delegate", async function () { receipt = await tabulateDelegated(testProposal, accounts[9]); assert.equal([0], VOTE_APPROVE) assert.equal([1], accounts[6]); assert.equal([2], accounts[9]) }); it("create proposal by factory", async function () { let tabulationBlockDelay = 50; blockStart = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber(); let blockEndDelay = 10; receipt = await ProposalFactory.methods.createProposal( MiniMeToken._address, ChildDelegation._address, "0xDA0", tabulationBlockDelay, blockStart, blockEndDelay, QUORUM_QUALIFIED ).send() testProposal = new web3.eth.Contract(ProposalBase._jsonInterface,[0]); }); it("child delegation default parent chain break", async function () { }); it("child delegation indirect parent chain break", async function () { }); it("child delegation parent chain full break", async function () { }); })