pragma solidity ^0.4.21; import "../common/Controlled.sol"; import "../token/MiniMeTokenInterface.sol"; import "./ProposalManagerInterface.sol"; import "./TrustNetworkInterface.sol"; import "./DelegationProxyInterface.sol"; /** * @title ProposalManager * @author Ricardo Guilherme Schmidt (Status Research & Development GmbH) * Store the proposals, votes and tabulate results for Democracy */ contract ProposalManager is ProposalManagerInterface, Controlled { function ProposalManager( MiniMeTokenInterface _SNT, TrustNetworkInterface _trustNet, FeeCollector _feeCollector ) public { trustNet = _trustNet; token = _SNT; feeCollector = _feeCollector; } function addProposal( bytes32 _topic, bytes32 _txHash, uint _visibilityFee ) public returns (uint proposalId) { require(_visibilityFee > minVisibilityFee); require( token.transferFrom( msg.sender, address(this), _visibilityFee ) ); token.approve(feeCollector, _visibilityFee); feeCollector.collectFor(msg.sender, _visibilityFee); proposalId = proposals.length++; Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalId]; p.topic = _topic; p.txHash = _txHash; p.visibilityFee = _visibilityFee; p.blockStart = block.number + 1000; //will be replaced by configurations p.voteBlockEnd = p.blockStart + 10000; //dummy value p.vetoBlockEnd = p.voteBlockEnd + 5000; //dummy value emit ProposalSet(_topic, proposalId, _txHash, _visibilityFee); } function increaseProposalVisibility( uint _proposalId, uint256 _visibilityFee ) external { require(_visibilityFee > minVisibilityFee); require( token.transferFrom( msg.sender, address(this), _visibilityFee ) ); token.approve(feeCollector, _visibilityFee); feeCollector.collectFor(msg.sender, _visibilityFee); proposals[_proposalId].visibilityFee += _visibilityFee; Proposal memory p = proposals[_proposalId]; emit ProposalSet(p.topic, _proposalId, p.txHash, p.visibilityFee); } function getProposal(uint _proposalId) public view returns ( bytes32 topic, bytes32 txHash, bool approved ) { Proposal memory p = proposals[_proposalId]; return (p.topic, p.txHash, p.result == Vote.Approve); } function getProposalTxHash(uint _proposalId) public view returns(bytes32) { return proposals[_proposalId].txHash; } function voteProposal(uint _proposalId, Vote _vote) public { Proposal storage proposal = proposals[_proposalId]; require(block.number >= proposal.blockStart); if (_vote == Vote.Veto) { require(block.number <= proposal.vetoBlockEnd); } else { require(block.number <= proposal.voteBlockEnd); } proposal.voteMap[msg.sender] = _vote; } function tabulateVote(uint _proposalId, address _delegator) public { Proposal storage proposal = proposals[_proposalId]; require(block.number > proposal.voteBlockEnd); require(!proposal.tabulated[_delegator].vote); proposal.tabulated[_delegator].vote = true; Vote _vote = proposal.voteMap[_delegator]; if(_vote == Vote.Null) { address delegate = trustNet.getVoteDelegation(proposal.topic).delegationOfAt(_delegator, proposal.vetoBlockEnd); _vote = proposal.voteMap[delegate]; } if (_vote == Vote.Reject || _vote == Vote.Approve) { proposal.results[uint8(_vote)] += token.balanceOfAt(_delegator, proposal.voteBlockEnd); } } function tabulateVeto(uint _proposalId, address _delegator) public { Proposal storage proposal = proposals[_proposalId]; require(block.number > proposal.vetoBlockEnd); require(!proposal.tabulated[_delegator].veto); proposal.tabulated[_delegator].veto = true; Vote _vote = proposal.voteMap[_delegator]; if (_vote == Vote.Null) { address delegate = trustNet.getVetoDelegation(proposal.topic).delegationOfAt(_delegator, proposal.vetoBlockEnd); _vote = proposal.voteMap[delegate]; } if (_vote == Vote.Veto) { proposal.results[uint8(Vote.Veto)] += token.balanceOfAt(_delegator, proposal.vetoBlockEnd); } } function finalResult(uint _proposalId) public { Proposal storage proposal = proposals[_proposalId]; require(proposal.vetoBlockEnd + tabulationBlockDelay > block.number); require(proposal.result == Vote.Null); uint256 totalTokens = token.totalSupplyAt(proposal.vetoBlockEnd); uint256 approvals = proposal.results[uint8(Vote.Approve)]; uint256 vetos = proposal.results[uint8(Vote.Veto)]; uint256 approvalQuorum = (totalTokens / 2); uint256 vetoQuorum = (totalTokens / 3); if (vetos >= vetoQuorum) { proposal.result = Vote.Veto; } else if(approvals >= approvalQuorum) { proposal.result = Vote.Approve; } else { proposal.result = Vote.Reject; } emit ProposalResult(_proposalId, proposal.result); } }