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Todo To Docs

Tool to inspect a package for todos and compiles all found todos into a single document.

This tool currently only works on go code but can be easily expanded to analyse other code bases.


go get


Currently the tool is hardcoded to process the status-go repo and assumes that the repo is present on the user's machine.

cd into the repo.

Run the following

go build

Sample Output


  • 📁 params
    • 📃 config.go
      • Todo:
        Related func or type : func (c *NodeConfig) updatePeerLimits()
        On line : 723
        Description : TODO(dshulyak) register mailserver limits when we will change how they are handled.
  • 📁 peers
    • 📃 peerpool.go
      • Todo:
        On line : 249
        Description : TODO(adam): split it into peers and discovery management loops. This should
        simplify the whole logic and allow to remove timeout field from PeerPool.
    • 📃 topicpool.go
      • Todo:
        Related func or type : func (t *TopicPool) AddPeerFromTable(server *p2p.Server) *discv5.Node
        On line : 401
        Description : TODO(adam): investigate if it's worth to keep the peer in the queue
        until the server confirms it is added and in the meanwhile only adjust its priority.


For a full sample output see here